Wednesday 4 January 2023

A New Year and early Spring Clean....

In posting to my blog over the years I've never really gained from it. Maybe I'm being too harsh in looking back. Not that I was in it for any financial gain; But as a diary blog I never 'gained' from it myself, even in a journaling/diary kind of  way. Of course it's nice to vent on the internet, shouting out to the void.... Thousands of post over years, not all void shouting(now 'archived') but still I'm not sure I really know what I wanted from blogging, even when I started other than as a form of outlet.

All aside it became a habit more than anything. A habit that expanded to grow in it's own way; Adding Twitter and YouTube.....

There's enjoyment in doing things for their own sake. My game footage edited plain or used in interesting ways for YouTube was not something I'd really done before.

New Year, new me? I'm not sure but blogging is looking unlikely. Editing footage even more so. I'm no game min/max specialist with great insights. Nor it would seem a gamer with any real views to be used as interesting conversation starters. Some people have charm and outreach; That's just not a me thing. I have no gift of the gab.

I decided to not keep 99% of my blog active online. For now at least. Posts from last December are an exception(again for now). Ditto for Youtube leaving only 'some' vids up. Maybe it'll all be something I'll get back into. For now I know a change is needed. I've left up what I've left up.

I've had some interesting blog stats, readers who are real and for that I'm grateful. Game on!