Friday 31 March 2017

STO.... The day....

While I mentioned the celebration of First Contact Day. Any write up I do would be less informative than the practical walkthrough's from Brent Justice. Well worth a watch for anyone interested in the event.

WoW, Not so much now....

The initial joy for my 'new and improved' post patch warlock has droped like a lead weight. The dull thud was apparent from the off during some guild run mythic's.
My guild mates are always well geared and post patch they seem to have thrived.
Doing 14% dps (with buff's) in a 5 man mythic, that's well below the par.
I don't advocate the grind. Especially with this expansion/patch. But this patch seems to have shifted the odds. It was a shock to me. The first real test of my lock post 7.2 patch.

The last few expansions I've been a casual player but did well enough to stay useful and helpful in damage output. This expansion is doing nothing to make me want to apply a lot of time to the grind. This patch now changes WoW's current iteration into a more dedicated gaming affair with no real room for gearing up as a casual trying to be competitive in higher levels.
There seem few ways to get decent gear without the grind. Not even with helpful guild run mythics/mythic+ and raids. The game now has me feeling like I should walk away from trying to better the lock, that there is no catching up.

What a change a day makes.

Back to faffing around with levelling characters and gz'ing guildmates as they get achi's from grinding 24/7.

Patch 7.2 Content Guide: Overview of All The New Content You Can Do 

Legion Patch 7.2: How To Unlock Flying & Grind Armies of Legionfall Rep 

Patch 7.2 Content Guide: Overview of All The New Content You Can Do


Worth it....

Thursday 30 March 2017

Deathwing back on the menu....

Back on my steam wishlist menu that is.

I've had my eye on Deathwing for some time, I was eager, more than eager when it was due but on release I didn't get the game. With reviews like this it's not hard to see the good and the bad. So it's no wonder I've been waiting. Multiple patches have come. Of those patches so far the latest, patch 4 seems to have done the most to bring this game back on my radar. They are really fixing the BIG problems.

I appreciate a company who supports, improves and updates in major patches the game they have produced. But the more I see updated the more I can't help but feel like the PC version on released is the Beta test bed for the forthcoming console versions. I feel very conflicted with the last patch. When a game gets it's engine and levels reworked and rebuilt in a patch it's got to be feeding into development of the console versions imho. The Xbox One (and PS4) release is due later this year (August-ish?). I see the game being a lot more well rounded and polished for all versions by that time.  That's good and bad and why I'm conflicted. The good is you get a better PC game, the bad is that if you already bought it your a guinea pig for those changes in their plans to go forward. This leaves me back at square one, no game, interested in getting it but not wanting to be a tester for their console releases. Maybe I'm reading too much into it all. Tinfoil hat removed.

I think I'll be waiting another while before I pick this game up. Perhaps I'll get it when the console versions are out and the pc version is 'complete' for a cheaper price. More time will tell.


I haven't been in Minecraft properly for a while. It may not be the 'in' thing to do but I really enjoy just faffing about within the base game. A bit of crafting, bit of building. some exploration, mining and combat only when I need to. That's not to say that I don't keep informed about the changes and updates.
My original saved world may be a relic of the past map generation but it houses a lot for me. Nothing fancy or on a grand scale.

Minecraft has moved on in so many way's since those earliest day's.
In becoming more complex and by adding so many new mobs, blocks, recipe's, techniques, it in most ways has changed for the better and in other ways I feel has lost something.

Those early day's had more mystery and wonder. That wonder was simply because there wasn't that much in the game and it wasn't too complex to figure crafting out.
The 'what happens if' was easier to do. What if I try to combine this block with that one in this order has been lost. Where you could in earlier versions be a jack of all trades, you now need to be a specialist (builder, redstone). Today you need a wiki lookup just to see what order to combine items before you set about enchanting etc. Because you can't keep it all in your head.
Then again I'm not taking the game seriously, it's not the one and only game I play so I dont' need it all in my head.
Is the magic gone or is it still the game you make of it. A bit of both I think.

WoW.... 7.2

With Patch 7.2 out its brought an interesting change of stats regarding pve npc's scaling via ilvl.

I like the way Blizz does the unforeseen consequences blue post to their 7.2 changes.

From what I've seen yesterday when the patch was just out, my Warlock seems to hit harder and have more survivability.
My levelling hunter can without growl on as a beastmaster take the aggro off tanks. Or so the Tank in his last dungeon "said". I offered my view in all honesty but pug dungeons do offer up some tanks that are just shit at the job.

Yet again Khadgar is the hub of activity. The kind of mage that people really aught to avoid as they can see the dark cloud that comes with him.
While I can hear and see the story of the patch all I really see is a new quest hub and a lot of different ways to grind from one ilvl to the next. Not exactly inspirational.

These quest flyer's Khad was handing out are very generic. I never did a tap to build up my class hall.

Leadership? Grown mighty? At this stage I'd rather fight for Sargeras, his side already has the best ilvl gear!

I do like the look of these:

So even with so many changes and updated content I think I'll stick to levelling up alts.
The pet battle dungeon thing looks interesting....

Star Trek Online.... Season 13 on it's way.

Star Trek Online is getting a new bundle, well a few, but the one that sticks out to me is the 'The Allied Escort Bundle' the looks alone are great.

The Federation 'Caitian Shikaris Escort' looks amazing.

Full details here:

The next season is fast approaching. Due on the 25th of April.
Unsurprisingly it continues the Lukari/Tzenkethi story lines.
The announcement is here:

The downside for me of the new expansion is the grind of a new reputation. I'm sure I'll ignore that, but with the rewards being class specific soooooo I'll keep an open mind.

The middle ground is the ongoing game balance work that is a major boost to all players.
More middle ground in the form of the long promised, newly revamped and improved PvP queue's. PvP for me in this game is "meh".

The upside for me will be the new PvE queue's. Competitive PvE scenarios! Pitting two teams of 5 players against each other in a race to complete the content. I look forward to the details on that!

Competitive PvE scenarios! You hear that Eve Online!! Competitive PvE Scenarios!!!
It could even be just a Hi-Sec thing!

With that expansion coming the next thing you know the summer event will be upon us!

Wednesday 29 March 2017


I'm not versed in the games development background or feelings from the playerbase regarding the dev company, version support and servers. What I do know is that I got Evolve Ultimate Edition for free as part of the free xbox 'Games with Gold'. Game with Gold have had a lot of interestingly forgettable games, that were the pride and joy of their respective developers on initial release.

I recall at some stage of the game release I heard about Evolve and thought it sounded interesting but never thought it interesting enough to find out more. Seeing as it is free I did more than just click to add it to my owned games I downloaded and tried it out.

It has some interesting game mechanics that are for the most part entertaining. Like playing as the monster and feeding enough to evolve. It's not a game I'd spend a huge amount of time with, 15 to 20 minutes was enough for me, but I've done that at least three times now. It's a game that doesn't take itself seriously. It's different and interesting enough to be a good gap filler the same way I consider World of Tanks.

It was free, it was worth a look but for me, I don't see myself playing Evolve more than a few more times...

Honest Trailers says it all :)

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Well worth a watch....

Ghost Recon Wildlands....

Since my last update I've been making great progress.

Progress with a lot of mixed play styles, some quiet and stealthy while others not so much, all enjoyable in my view. I'll try and share better quality video's...

I've reached max level (30) and find myself overloaded with skill points. I haven't applied them due to a lack of resources. I don't feel I have to apply more as I'm happy with my current characters skill layout. Being a completionist I will break out and put some time in the collection of resources.

With my current  region being more snowy I wanted my character to look like he fitted in. The winter outfit had to be tried.

While it does fit in I'm not a fan of the the panda eye face camo. It makes him look more like the family guy KISS characters.

Seeing the next one on I was more inclined to use the red face bandanna outfit.

But in the end I reverted to my original outfit but changed the cap for a beanie and removed the light ghillie.

Some more screenies and yet more fun to be had.

Monday 27 March 2017

Fun scavenger hunt....

Star Trek Online is having a First Contact Day Celebration! Just for fun. I've never seen this event before and from the forum posts it seems it was last held in the games second year and then dropped.
It's noteworthy that all factions are allowed to gather and participate in the event for characters of level 10 and above.

Free is free....

Not a game I'd have gone out of my way to get but as it's free on Steam for the next day or so I did claim it....

For an older game it still seems to have a following on PC.

Patch the patches patch....

That title isn't meant in a derogatory way regarding patching of any game.  No' Man's sky has just received it's second patch to the Pathfinder Update(Patch?). It's a hefty update at 1.4GB that would indicate more than they are stating. Full patch nopes here:

Sunday 26 March 2017


Hitman... Sapienza The Icon Mission Mastery completed.

After my previous post I spent a bit of time to work through the opportunities and have thankfully competed the remaining challenge. 

I found that there was one opportunity that was marked as complete but I now know I never completed the very first step properly of 'An Explosive Ending'. While I had come across this opportunity well into a playthrough and as such it had not been "formally" discovered.
The very start of this opportunity was one I had missed completely.

You need to start off with the film crew disguise, easy to get at the start.

Make your way to the barriers and the entrance at the main set area.
There you will see a studio trailer.

Make your way over to it, low and behold you can open the side door.
Once your near enough to it you'll see the light bulb icon for an opportunity inside.

On the table are a set of instructions, the manual for the pyrotechnics.

Interact with it and you'll be given the tracking pointers for the opportunity, where to go and with what etc... Easy stuff once you know the level.

Once I ran it again and competed it I was granted the overall achievement.
In some ways it's weird that it would allow you to jump into the opportunity at any stage and complete the opportunity achievement without seeing this, yet not complete the overall achievement. Finicky but done.

Friday 24 March 2017

Thursday 23 March 2017

Euro Truck Simulator 2 Hot Fuzz....

A new 1GB patch just hit the game(version 1.27). I love it when a game is constantly updated.
Country Specific Police Cars! Unleash the AI!!

Arma 3...

In comparing the more simulation elements of Ghost Recon Wildlands to Arma 3 I have been keeping an eye on Arma 3 info. While my experience with the Arma series is limited and comes mainly through second hand from friends. I can't help but oggle with uuuuh's and aaaah's at the new trailer. I wonder how my older experience's of the first half of the Operation Flashpoint era would compare if I took up the offer to join in on Arma 3.

Multi in Andromeda....

I don't even remember ever looking at the multiplayer option of Mass Effect 3.  Andromeda's in comparison is superior, or so I have read. From what I've seen the multiplayer is both a.i. squad based PVE and co-op PVE. Both are up against waves of enemies. Horde mode rather than straight up traditional PVP multiplayer. I like it already.

MEA's multiplayer horde mode has made the game look a lot more appealing to me, more so than the solo campaign coverage I've see so far.
There is no immersion break in regard to the animations during the fast action combat of this multiplayer mode.
Seeing the multiplayer combat in action has made mee view the combat dash and jetpack in a new light.
Randomised daily maps seem to be the way they want to keep interest going. Along with player made custom maps with lots of randomisation options and modifiers to make a match more interesting.

I love the franchise and I want the game to be great but even with this new information and more good points, I think I'll still be waiting a while to get this game.

They do seem to be addressing some of the issues brought up since launch.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Quick and nasty brute force Comm truck tag...

GRW Patch 2

The patch size for me was 4.64GB, a shade under the 5GB stated in the patch notes.

My Ghost Recon Wildlands Update....

The overall map is looking a lot more "conquered". I'm about halfway through the campaign and enjoying it all. It's been done on a normal level of difficulty due to my wanting to have a more fun experience. I might do a harder level if I feel like it once the first playthrough is done.

Adding skills to your character makes a noticeable effect on your abilities. It's a good progression tree that lets you tailor your skills to your playstyle.

It's been no effort to do the rebel missions to upgrade their support abilities. I seem to happen upon them easily. I'm surprised some are maxed out with what seems like no effort.

I'm also happy with my current loadout, the only part I went out of my way to get was the MSR sniper rifle.

More fun to be had yet.