Monday 30 September 2019

Battlefield 1....

Ghost Recon Breakpoint....

I'm a massive fan of Ghost Recon Wildlands. I've played it with multiple playthrough's / characters / styles. I've piled in a massive amount of hours with Wildlands. I had hopes that Breakpoint would be more of the same with improvements from the Wildlands learning curve. 

I've played the closed Alpha's of Breakpoint and was horrified unhappy by what I saw. Even if the second Alpha was better than the first for tech issues and overly harsh in game mechanic penalties; But I have no interest in even trying the open Beta. They did correct some issues that were glaring choices (imho) between tech tests. Remove A.I. teammates lead to them adding them back in(even if it will be 'later'). Slipping on a gentle grass slope and breaking a leg was reduced to being disorientated etc.... But what I hear of the Beta is not good and now there's even less time to 'change' things before it's released.

Vehicle handling, especially choppers was horrendous. I hate the Wildlands 'new' chopper handling that's been transferred over to Breakpoint and much preferred the old (non-console)style.

Don't get me started on the Bivvy/camping side of the game let alone crafting. They are a Far Cry from a decent system.

They learnt nothing going from one game to the development of the next. Heads in the clouds. Which is worse because they're good with community interactions.

One of three friends I shared my invites with had the chance to check the Alpha test. He was no massive fan of Wildlands but his criticism was even more harsh. 

So many of the in game mechanics and enemies are frustratingly annoying, from Behemoths to the swarmers.

Breakpoint is a Destiny/Division clone with a paper thin Wildlands cover. Great if your into the Division or Destiny but I'm not so Breakpoint for me suffers even more in my view. 

Forced community area's are immersion breaking for me. Especially when you are in a game like this where your outnumbered and struggling to survive with no real backup; Then you enter an area and there's 50 heavily armed spec-ops bumbling about like toddlers with paint. This game has so many negative issues for me, theme, game mechanics, story.... There are good points but they all weighed down with negatives it makes Breakpoint a frustrating follow up to Wildlands. 

Graphics are beautiful. Pity about the rest....

Sunday 29 September 2019


Today saw the last of the dailies needed for me to claim the Elachi Qulash Frigate event ship.

My initial reaction was of being underwhelmed. I was also surprised to see it's default weapons were based around a cannons and turret build(I never copped that before). I did mull weather to go for a cannon build but I'm a beam boy at heart. Besides to do a proper cannon build with officers and abilities I'd need to rework my current ad-hoc cannon officers and that's too much work(for now).
So for the eight free XII level weapon box's I selected 4 of them as the dual beam banks.

I'd not thought about what build I'd use. I remember saying to myself that I must think up a fit; But that didn't happen.  My inventory is packed with bits to use so I was sure I'd cobble together something. The free weapons were a damage theme to build on. But in the end what I did put together doesn't work as well as I'd like but it does 'work'. It just 'feels' off, even after tinkering with it.

Testing it out, I survive in it, that's a bonus. The DPS on the other hand feels lacklustre and slow. So much so that it's looking like it could be a dry-dock contender or more likely a discharge choice. I had more practical use out of my recent Ferengi 'fun' build.

It does look good. It's nice to fly a ship that looks 'different'. The Lukari vanity shield was my choice for the colour scheme. I'll fly it for a bit and mess about some more with the fit but I'm very 'meh' about it. The summer event ship was a real high, maybe that has spoiled me. I really need to work on the fit a lot more.

The surprise for the end of the event is a worthy motivator to continue it. An escalation on bonus dilithium.... Way better than mining(in my view)! Patrols will be the order of those days.

This month ends this weekend with a Dilithium bonus for mining. Which I'll be ignoring.

Next month see's a bonus to doing item upgrades, if the new frigate survives till then I'll consider upgrading the fit then.

What I'm really looking forward to is the Kobayashi Maru. It's a good TFO that I really like. The rewards also usual offer up an account claimable module reward.... Always good.

Hearts and Minds at the end of next month is "O.K." but there's only so many times you can claim the duty officer.... Maybe one to do on my alts... Again.

Thursday 26 September 2019


Very true....

Games with Gold....

The next batch of Games with Gold

Bolt available from Oct 1 to 15 is a multiplatform cash in. A bad game of a good (imho) movie. I'll be adding it to the list of games I'll claim and never touch.

Tembo the Badass Elephant from Oct 1 to 31 is a game I had to check twice for it's name. Thinking "what kind of cráp is this!?" But it turns out it might be a fun quirky underdog(underelephant?!?) of a game. One I'll give an optimistic go at and see.

Friday the 13th: The Game, available between Oct 16 to Nov 15, is a game that had a lot of hype but I think crashed and burned due to in and out of game issues. Might be worth a quick look for a moment but only out of minor curiosity.

Ninja Gaiden 3, claimable from Oct 16 to 31, is the game of the bunch that holds most interest for me. I think it'll hold that interest until I can't take any more button mashing(so not long).

Free is free.

Battlefield 1....

After experiencing Planetside Arena I thankfully returned to Battlefield 1. I'm now more forgiving of it's Operations, Pigeons and (current weekly rotation) Supply drop modes.

I'm even more appreciative of what I have in BF1 after seeing footage this week of the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare Alpha(not a game for me). 

I may complain a lot about BF1 but it's a better multiplayer game on it's off day's than some top games of today. It's not perfect and may have some ganking clans and cheaters but it's got action and fun that's balanced for the most part. It must be my perspective if I'm seeing all the Alpha/Beta/Test version of tomorrows new shooters as rubbish.

As a last dig at Planetside Arena, last Saturday at about 7PM there were 90-ish players listed in my UI. As before when that match finally started the planet was like a ghost town. Steam listed just over 900 players in game overall; I snorted and in my head thought 'just enough for one match'. I've cast an eye on that in-game number over the last few day's and there's about 600 on average. Sooo it can't even do a 300 v 300 in one match?! Like it's supposed to?! In it's inaugural Alpha week?
As I vented in my last P.A. post I'd rather see more Apex Legends than PA as it is. Not that I'd be playing that either. Different strokes for different folks. 

Anyway the more I played Planetside Arena the more I miss playing Dust 514, pity CCP can't get their head straight on the next iteration of 'their' take on an FPS. 

Back to BF 1, fun.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Freespace 2....

Well worth it!

Crying Suns....

Crying Suns game mechanics give as much an emotional feel as the audio and visuals. Those mechanics allow for a wide range of choice and chance. Chance is always a roll of the dice but the choices are very much the players. Upgrades allow you to choose your own game style stamp on interactions(pew pew). Choosing officers in a bad situation, even if they're not suited to a role still gives you a fighting chance. Choice or chance, chance or choice(*). In the end a player reaches critical mass. Some cascades of failure can't be mitigated by any choice or chance; But it's fun to try. Damn, I love this game!

Dead Cells....

Since having had a go at the Xbox version of the game I've been drawn back to my PC save. While I've been enjoying it for a few hours I'm kinda done with it(for now). The soul collection and item unlocking can become a grind that makes the fun fade(at least for me). A good reason to step away from the game again without spoiling it for the future; And because I appear to be worse at taking down the Hand of the King. Now more than ever. No need to bash my head against a brick wall for no reason.

Monday 23 September 2019

Saturday 21 September 2019

Crying Suns....

I've been having so much fun playing Crying Suns I'm only getting around to this post now. The game imho is a joy. I love the graphics, sound, music and gameplay styles. This game has been such a surprise to me. I've no idea how I didn't hear about it. A very pleasant surprise.

I got to record the latter part of my time in the demo, completing the first sector. Full of mishaps, mistakes and risky choices, great fun.

I took a break after that first sector and bought the game. No regrets. During that break I mentioned the game to a good friend, he checked the demo for a few minutes and bought the game quicker then I made a cup of tea and chatted on the phone. If the game clicks with you it clicks. Nice to see a game with a Demo(Steam  /  GoG)!

Two of my favourite things in the game are perfect in combination. A defeated starsship breaking up and the music track 'Idaho Clone 486'. I savour that time in the gameplay.

The music overall is just like the game, epic. This is a game I'm going to be spending a lot of time in.

Friday 20 September 2019

Crying Suns....

Crying suns caught my attention for it's trailer, art style and tag line of being a more intense FTL. What really sealed the deal for me(not that I've bought it yet) is that it has a playable demo. Which I've been enjoying. 

SplatterCatGaming did a good intro playthrough for the game.

Fallout 4....

A day or so ago I saw I still had Fallout 4 installed (even if I'd removed the hi-res texture pack; Maybe I was going to uninstall it and stopped for some reason). It's been a while since I last visited a character in Fallout 4. So I started it up and checked where I'd left my 4th playthrough's character. A mess about playthrough with no real aim or need to 'finish' content. I'd only just loaded the save back in Sanctuary for a moment when a settler ran up with a mission. Ghouls again, surprise surprise. Meh I decided to do it.

A game I can still play and get a lot from. If I went to a 'main' character no doubt I'd spend a lot of time tweaking a base layout. Or redesign a more defensive settlement option that would then 'need' to be replicated to all settlements.....

PlanetSide Arena....


I've been waiting for a while to see PlanetSide Arena. What I expected is not what I got.
This is my impression of the Alpha after a few matches. The game looks very PlanetSide, the feel is PlanetSide but the game modes are pure Fortnite and the grind(nanites) or pay to win system(battle coins)means that any 'Free to play' grinding player would soon be outclassed. That's what really turned me off from this game. Grind, game modes and the existence of pay to win all downsides.

Yes it's early access but the form and function of the game isn't for me. I can't see it changing much  between this and "release". If it does change very radically then I'd be surprised. 

For any PlanetSide 2 fans you might get something from Arena but do it for meaningless fun while you wait for something in the main game. Like I said it does look and feel like PS2 and "feels" the part.

The only glitch I found in the gameplay was when vehicles overturned and stayed on their roof. Still driving along as if on their wheels(taking damage and then exploding), kind of fun to see. 

For a much hyped, maybe too self hyped game with the promise of hundreds of players per side; This, it's first night of release barely had a handful of players. It was hard enough to get a 3v3 match in a 12 player squad mode. I spent 5 minutes waiting for my first match and over five minutes in that match trying to find an enemy to shoot. When I did engage I was killed in less than 5 seconds in an unflattering manner deserving retribution; But had to wait to be revived, bled out instead(because nobody is playing!) and was in spectator mode for a minute before I said sod this lark.

If there had been players to revive me at a station great but the maps are huge and nobody is playing. So greater strategic thinking goes out he window. If there were the numbers this game would have an epic feel but it feels like a ghost town(planet?!).

I wanted self spawning multiple times during a match, grinding spawns for an objective; Not running around gathering upgrades, resources etc only to get killed and then be pushed into spectator mode. It's not worth the effort. Not even to mess about with for fun. 

You can see that there's been a lot of work to make this game. But I'm disappointed that the game modes turned out to be nothing more that a Battle Royale clone in a PlanetSide looking theme.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Battlefield 1....

Pigeons. I knew Pigeons as a mode existed but I've never played it. I've never felt the need to face a mode I thought I'd hate. I had a weird experience with the pigeon in the single player game way back when I got the game first. It's a strange part of the game flying that pigeon. Thankfully you don't need to 'fly' a pigeon in multiplayer, but I still hate the mode. It's a team deathmatch tag mode akin to capture the flag. Just with the flag being a pigeon where you need to sit still for it to be released. And then probably be shot down. The novelty of the mode wore off after the second match and the third was the end of me seeing matches that night/this week. I've really not been back to the mode since. Operations, the last three weeks are forgiven. I hope the next few weeks are not pigeon based.

Monday 16 September 2019


As part of faffing about with STO over the years I've done Duty officer missions, mainly for the dilithium rewards. That is until the Admiralty missions came into being and became the main source for my reward dil. But the duty officer missions have their own rewards depending on the chain, where and with what race they are with. I've never really paid much attention to these Doff assignment chains, but it would seem that with time and 'just' doing them I've completed a lot. I did do one big push to complete as many of them as possible a few months ago. That was done out of a 'meh I may as well' complete content for the sake of completing content. This last weekend saw me doing the same. The wait for the latest event's 21 hour cool-down and a need to do something drove this on. So I now find myself having done all but one chain. Not bad.... 

I've no idea if it really helps my main at all but it can't hurt. I've never really needed any of the unique rewards. Others grind them and place the rewards on the exchange but given the prices of some of those things it doesn't seem worth doing.

The event on the other hand is a pain, it really feels like a grind. The new patrols are good and quick enough to do; But that TFO and the new mission leave me wanting to bang my head off the desk....

Only another 14 days of these dailies....... Two solid weeks for that ship reward.....

I like the new event interface, it makes doing multiple in game actions for an overall reward possible. BUT I kind of liked the one action daily of previous events. Then again events like the summer or winter include a specific 'fun' location and multiple time limited 'fun things to do' never mind the event shop and currency etc. This current event is pushing a specific trio of actions based on a theme that I'm not into. You can't blame Star Trek Online for taking new Trek franchise content and running with it. New content in Trek allows for Trek Online to broaden the game. And no matter how much I may dislike the new Trek series I always said I'd close my eye's and swallow such broader game content for the rewards. It's proving to be a much harder pill to swallow than I thought it would be.

Hitman....Hitman 2....Legacy....

Another elusive target eliminated.... Again. Doing the same target on different versions of the (second)game PC and Xbox, is a good and bad thing. Nice to get unlocked content. Even if the new suit makes him look very suspicious.

An original game elusive target available on the second games legacy version of the first game; But not available today in the original game it came from.....

Friday 13 September 2019

Battlefield 1....

More operations mode means gameplay but not that much. This mode is making me realise the road to level 100 can be very drawn out. With 7 free 200 scrap 'boxes' I 'only' got 2 squad boosts. Good to get and better than the 'drop rate' but still I've a long way to go yet. As with most of the matches there's fun with the usual frustrations, it's multiplayer after all.

Wednesday 11 September 2019


STO's latest expansion is here. And for me it's the equivalent of an uninteresting, over self indulgent Outer Limits sci-fi story. I like the Outer Limits (Sandkings and The Light Brigade in particular), I just don't like STD content. It's not Trek for me, it's an inconsistent, reinterpretation and I could complain for ages about it. This expansion is over the top, trying to hard to be liked bullcr*p.

I went through the new mission on autopilot while I watched youtube, clicking past text, cutscenes and objectives. What I did see only confirmed my views from the paragraph above.

The mission gives a reward of an Elachi duty officer. Worth getting at the very least and my only motivation for doing it. I expect getting the ship at the end of the 'grind' will also be worth it. The daily content in between to earn the points to get that ship may not be worth it at all. It might actually feel like a real chore/grind in the game. I'll do what content I have to to get past it.

Having said that I do like the double console mechanic that was briefly in the new mission. Running to each to control the flow. It's new and it's a mechanic that works for story-line 'tension'.

The graphics of the new content are really nice, the new character select screen looks like a proper away team.

I really did take the new content from the point of view of what do I need to shoot or activate to get through it as quickly as possible. It's expanded/what-if STD storyline made me eye-roll harder than a teenager at a dad joke.

I can't complain about the amount of work that's gone into creating the new content.

The new patrols, when they work are a good change from the norm. The mechanic I dislike the most is the new NPC speed pulse weapon ability 'thing'. When you get hit by it, it sends you off at maximum impulse in the direction you happened to be facing. After a few seconds you regain control. Interesting mechanic the first few times it happens but the more you get hit by it the more tiresome it becomes. I'd have preferred a super version of the "EMP" dead in space mechanic but I maybe I'm being too harsh on it.

What I can complain about is the glitchy nature of the new mission/patrols. Like having the 2 deranged Elachi not being targetable on the surface of the new main TFO. Or getting to one of the new Patrol systems but the mission not recognising that I'd reached the destination. OR being in a patrol and reaching an objective point and that not being recognised, OR reaching that objective not being recognised but killing everything there so that when I leave the area and go back to the objective zone for it to recognise I'm there but it doesn't recognise that I'd already killed the NPC's and just stays there waiting for me to kill NPC's that no longer exist. OOOOOOOOOOOR transwarping away, restarting a glitched out mission, transwarping back to the system and still not being recognised as being there in the system it wants me to be in.

Yea it's annoying at times. Annoyance that only gets worse when you have random players mixing up tactics and stages as they join in as well.

No doubt I'll be complaining more about all this as the dailies continue.


Before the expansion hit I was still messing about with ships and fits.

I took the cannon build Fek'Ihri out for a spin again. This time into the crystalline TFO, I did it a few times and was consistently surprised at how well it got on. While the external DPS charts may say the build sucks I kept getting the pop-up TFO end message to say I'd placed third. That's good if it's accurate as the TFO is ten player.

I took some time to redo the T6 Battlecruiser. Fitting both the Prolonged engagement and Bajoran space sets. I'm no fitting master, I just go with what's easier to get and as I'd already most of the parts I went with what I had. Only needing a few mission runs to complete. Some spare upgraded parts from my main ship made this phaser build a bit better. Waste not want not.

Not a bad ship and fit for random normal TFO's. It got up to around the 8 and 9 k in the external DPS charts. If that matters or not it handles better and is more 'fun' to fly. Great survivability.

Another ship I've been messing about with was in dry dock till I decided I needed to fly something different. Of the non Federation, non event ship type. That just about leaves Zen or exchange store ships. I've already got the 31st century raider(zen store) so that leaves one ship bought off the exchange the Ferengi D'Kora.

Time to fit some weapons and modules. I went with the Bajor set again. Easily claimable with parts already in my possession. I'd a lot of Polaron based gear about so went with that as the main damage theme. For the rear weapons I also added on a the Black Ops mine launcher to help fill the fit out.

I'm surprised how good the mine launcher is. I'd ignored mines since the game started but the 'recent' changes really make a difference. It makes a difference on this fit.

A very survivable ship with good shields. Another ship that fit together well in the end. Tested in TFO's the external DPS meter showed it to be about the 10k DPS mark. Respectable.

I even like the look of the finished fit's Bajoran shield.