Sunday 25 February 2024

And the next week....

Almost March.... Where'd Feb go!

Accursed Farms has an ongoing ubisoft anti-dead game video which is an interesting undertaking. 

TheYamiks has another video worth a watch: The Failure of Skull and Bones

PCGamer's article on Nvidia's new app/experience replacement:; Whatever the end result for users it'll take time to be 'good'.

The last week has seen me potter about with a lot of older games. Two more than others. Both games I've waffled about here a lot over the years. Battletech and Battlestar Galactica. Maybe a bit gamplay this week with BSG than Battletech.

Eve Online has still seen a lot of my usual solo mmo, eve gamer content pottering gameplay.
Long-term the more I think about a 'home' in space the more impractical the options become. From mobile Orca to what would today be a ye'olde 'POS' at a moon. NPC stations are just 'me'. Broadly speaking; If that ever changed it'd kill the game for so many players. I wonder if CCP will 'float' the idea again of no NPC stations in game; Or is it a case of lessons learnt(?), who knows, least of all CCP.
What does that in station(npc) announcement say "tired of loosing structures" something something....?
Having a look at what a Raitaru might be like (bucket of salt with this fitting); But still talking about the guts of 5 Billion to setup, never mind maintain/run it. Cores are a real killer never mind motivation for players to kill your structure.

Despite all the updates/patches the launcher(for me) is a pile of steaming sheet. It's the inconsistency that's killing me.

Launch the launcher it may not allow accounts to be played. Errors, the launcher failing to do whatever the launcher wants...
When it does work it may only allow some accounts to launch. Other errors are all once off intermittent and never seen again.
My PC is not the problem!!!!

On my second PC I had removed an account from the launcher but the next day there it was back without me you know, putting a username or password in etc.
Alt tab between two PAID omega accounts for more than a few minutes and the background account becomes unresponsive/ blacks out, freezes etc etc. Ctrl-Alt-Delete, kill a process or two, back into the account(s), alt tab back to the first and it now needs to be process killed. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Who needs quality assurance eh!

The Vanguard play-test is active but I feel no need to 'see' it. There's nothing 'new'. To be honest the line "Rewards ties to achievements and in game activities" in the notes turned me off wanting to play. 
Maybe if they made the game playable and have an in-built drive to interact with said game they wouldn't need to 'bribe' players to test it for them. Irks me, so why should I interact it. I keep going back to think on Dust 514; It was so much more pick up playable. Strange how that works for some games. If this early build of Vanguard is the base foundation of what is to be built on I no faith in it being 'something' I'll 'want' to play. 

On another note my RL friend on the far side of the planet can play Eve again due to getting a new laptop.... Via his job that was I'm sure a very needed upgrade, nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Good to see him back; He just needs to overcome the feeling from Eve rage hassle to get back into you know playing the game.

It's not all bad.... Rushlock did an nice upbeat video on the last patch notes.

Planet Crafter has received it's Procedural Wrecks/Portals update and it ticks all the boxes.

Of the smaller changes I really like the main title screen now, which has a starfield in the background.

The main map of the planet has seen a new shortcut open up after a certain terraformation point. A shortcut to the waterfall/beach.
Since it's release I've setup and explored a fair number of these new portal wrecks. Which is interesting, even if the need to gather has noting beyond the drive to 'gather'. I've received as much of the 'new' as has been brought out(Blueprints etc).



Not so much to buy via the export/credit 'shop'. Which is a pity.

The new wrecks internals range in difficulty depending on the portal chosen; These mazes twist and turn. I've gotten lost and died the first time and since have looted all. Using flares to mark my way; Changing the flare colour to red and green for obvious reasons. Clearing the open area of each portal first then smaller to larger wrecks(depending on how many are there). There will be a 'main' wreck with a strong room which needs keycards found in the wrecks to open. Safes are inside and loot awaits.
The new areas for portals range in all kinds of landscapes, desert, water, lave, it's all there. More done more to do and a definite never ending time filler.


Darkest Dungeon progress goes on. Again slow and steady, triaging heroes with filler content and taking a trip or two into the Crimson Court.

Random is random of course; Some filler content can be a surprise, like the collector straight off the bat. The more things change the more they stay the same. Again, again a big push may see more progress than 'taking care'.

Euro Truck Sim 2 has seen some more 'love' post Valentines day 'event'. I've actually closed down my last garage and moved the trucks there to my 3 main places. Running the-overall  company a bit more streamlined but not that I'm being perfectionist. Good enough while still having fun and profits is what I'm after and am seeing.

Star Trek Online, again the MMO with the most time played, PC and Xbox. Daily event participation, Endevours, recruits, faffing about when interest is raised etc. 

Doing the new KDF recruits is fun in it's own right. I enjoy being a low level character that punches above it's weight. Making me laugh in an unable to breath kind of way at times when there are very clueless players in very expensive ships exploding; As my 'free' tiny ship and new character is surviving and doing more to progress the TFO than they are. I'm being too obnoxious I know; But the pick up group bar is so low it's hard to not 'comment'.

A lot of players are taking advantage of the recruit event. Nice to see lots of newer players at the bank.
That said I do have a lot to claim on a new character like the new KDF's once they hit level 18(and more on later levels). Even on my Xbox side, all the unlocks help. Invest your time alone in the game matters and pays off.

While still doing the balloon thing at banks(I do like the recent party popper, borg balloons!); It's still the place to see many of the diverse player characters. Right before the place gets flooded with Borg Balloons.....

Monday 19 February 2024

Gaming on....

Finishing a game is a very subjective thing. Completionist or complete enough are a gaping void in the difference; Never mind considering a game 'done enough'.

TheYamiks did another video on Starfield worth a watch for entertainment if nothing else:  Starfield 10/10 reviews are WEIRD!
After catching up with some youtube I found this worth a share for some thought:  "learned helplessness" & the tech literacy crisis | Internet Analysis from tiffanyferg
While I have no faith in Eve: Vanguard it seems that Planetside 2 is in a downward spiral given it's player numbers. I've not been in the game in a long time but the player numbers seem to hover 900 to 1500 ish. Makes me wonder what the base level of being an 'active' game, never mind a profitable FPS game is. That said a friend tried to talk me into Helldivers II. It looks good. The game mechanics are on the face of it more 'pro' than casual but it plays well in a 'casual' way. I'd have no problem with a team he'd put together of his family and friends; But as much as the game may be 'good' in gameplay and looks there are too many (early launch issues aside) questions. I think it's a game to get quick easy fun with a group early on but would loose it's interest fast. I'll probably be wrong.
The micro-transactions aren't in a players face and battlepass's have a paid and free version where both seem to be 'good'(on par with each other). 
Release has seen a few issues, not enough servers etc. With long wait times for missions/battles. Random lag and disconnects seem common at the moment but with enough randomness to be questionable. 
All told the reports are good. Progress is fast for the first 20 - 25 hours of gameplay but once over 30 it's a lot slower. Def a game for a friend group as pick up group randoms range wildly. Random is random. But some of the comments/reports I've seen have been talk of griefing as friendly fire is real in this game; And players have been known to shoot other players extracting.
Weapons seem good in visceral impactful ways. Like the nukes and artillery..... Big boom feel good is a plus. But for me it's too soon in it's release to jump on the hype. There are too many things about it that I don't like (griefing) or are at random chance (random groups) for me to dive on in. It's not a single player game even for training in that regard. Time will tell.

No Man's Sky had an interesting update to it's gameplay. Very much a future proofing mechanic to bring players together and play the game(essentially from scratch). 
Noting about the new mode makes me want to play the game. I'd very much be a solo player as I had been so co-op/multiplayer is not interesting to me. For once I'd prefer to be the lone traveler exploring etc. The game has changed so much from last year never mind release. This new mode is very much taken from the new game they had been making so no wonder there is a crossover in game mechanics.
Besides, Jason Plays has his usual excited vids that are worth watching. The Omega Update is Finally HERE! No Man's Sky Omega Gameplay
With the talk of Death Stranding 2; I took a look back at my own playthrough. Not on gamepass but on Steam(so the directors cut). It was good to be back to it and potter about with more likes and upgrade maintenance. More sightseeing than anything else.

The Breachway Demo has seen a good few more tweaks. I've been pottering about with it as well. Progress is progress and good to see those being made.

With the upcoming patch for Planet Crafter I've been farmed currency(left the export rockets to auto export). The drones and overall export rockets systems are working in good order these days. Thankfully. So far I've a pile of 400k credits. I'm sure there will be items to buy in order to create/maintain the new portals. Should be good to see in game so am looking forward to all that.
Euro Truck Sim 2 got the love with the Valentines event. Not a lot of effort needed to complete it.
Still I got to see a bit more of the latest map and areas I'd not been through before; As well as do the usual company management. I've not been back to ATS at all but everything in due course.

Darkest Dungeon has seen me take a crew and clear out the first section at the start of the second Crimson Court map(North and South up to the blue gate). 
Oddly as I seem to keep saying of late, the game now seems to know it's on 'Radiant' mode. I've been continuing to take my time and use the lesser more expendable 'heroes' through dungeon while the better ones are healed/geared/relaxed etc.... 
With lesser heroes and lesser trinkets being 'expended' I've had to reclaim the trinkets from the 'bird'. Another week another run. No wonder there's so much stress in the lower ranks. "Neeeeext"!
With it all I'm still thinking of finishing the Crimson Court and then the last boss of the Farm to call it 'done'. Seems odd to even think about that. I've been playing the game on and off for years, New game+ Sygian, Darkmoon and now Radiant. Done, done and so very nearly done..... I'll have to really start a good attempt on Xbox after all that.... Or a break.
The world of world of warcraft has still had a bit of a look in. Not much in any real way. I've not been a team player in PvE or PvP. Still a few follower dungeons done to do Tanking.

Eve Online gameplay for me is the same of late and the last week is no different. Having random randomness from the launcher not launching the game for a lot of it's own 'reasons'. Like each account not launching because 'error'.

Otherwise it's all been R&D/Industry/marketing/Mining/P.I./PvE. The launcher was so bad one day that I spent my game session on an Alpha alt I could get into and just pottering about. Not good when I knew my R&D needed to be tended to, but at the same time good to be on a 'less involved' character.
OZ_Eve had interesting vids(ingame and out re CCP as a company), still a pinch to a bucket of salt on standby for some items/issues:
Captain Benzie While mainly playing Eve Online now is still doing commentary on Eve Echoes; Grab a bucket of popcorn: Is The Dumpster Fire Still Burning?? || EVE Echoes
Star Trek Online is ongoing. Both Xbox and PC are ending /starting and in the middle of events happening. So it's all non-stop. But I am looking dorward to the Anniversary on Xbox.
Borg balloons everywhere; Everywhere!!
So I'm playing the game to play the game, fun etc. I did create a new KDF recruit. She will be a reason to both gain the extra perk points form her transponder while also actually doing Endeavors. I'm finding it odd/funny that some STO creators are saying there's no reason to create a second KDF recruit; Odd and funny in that the elite DPS % chasers are warning players away from certain ways to gain extra perk points for not that much effort. Each to their own. If your doing endevors and want a few extra there are worse ways(Dil) to try and get them. Yea each to their own.

CasualSAB does concise STO news; A goto STO news/info 'creator'. 
MC Stu had this vid on the latest pack. All personal preference on the pack and it's content; But good to hear thoughts.