Wednesday 30 March 2022

Games with Gold....

April's Games with Gold are another mixed bag ranging from interesting to meh for me. It's teh usual middle of the road kind of selection. It's all subjective and with so many gamers subscribed and a wide audience to claim the games I'm sure it's a case of Microsoft can't keep all of the people happy all of the time. The good thing about the potluck is that you might get something you like which you'd have not gone out of your way for if not for it being free this month.

Another Sight, looks to be a game I'll try. A character switching exploration adventure with interesting gameplay. It might be the side scrolling and art style but it reminds me a lot of Alpha Planet.

Hue. I've not been into the more Limbo esque style of games such as Hue. It's got a lot of great gameplay mechanics and I get it but I think it 'could' get frustrating for me as the puzzles and reaction times in it are increase as you go... Try it and see I guess!

Outpost Kaloki X, Different but another game not for me from what I've seen of it. It may be slapstick funny but as much as some things age well there's something about it that hasn't in my view. I could be wrong but I think the effort playing won't be worth the time. I've seen some comments saying the game is deeper than it looks... Time will tell.

MXvsATX Alive, Not a franchise or sport I've ever been into so not a game that I feel any need for; But an install and a few minutes of gameplay will test the proof in the pudding.

Tuesday 29 March 2022

The Planet Crafter....

It's been interesting to see Planet Crafter grow in audience. It's development and outreach in the last few weeks has been akin to that of Minecraft back in the day but on a more accelerated level. It's because of that previous experience that I think I'm so into the game(my journey here, here and here). The game has and builds on the same compelling gameplay elements. Gather, craft, survive, with the added bonus of actually shaping the entire planet your on.

The game going from Prologue demo with a playable development build to it's current paid Alpha has been an interesting one. The experience of playing as much about the gameplay as for the development changes. Those changes, seeing things how they were and the excited enthusiasm for a post patch content update is a thrill to say the least. The excitement for new discoveries be it landscape, story and /or a half hidden crate in a new cave..... It's just that, thrilling, exciting, nostalgic, new.... Yea I'm waffling but I'm into it and liking it.

The game is still in Alpha, there is more to be done and I've faith that it will be.

Thankfully the update from development to Alpha was seamless for me. My save worked and all was well in 'my' world. The only thing that had changed was a small bump in the landscape which left two small drills slightly hovering. No biggie, deconstruct and reconstruct.

Other than that the only strange things in the world is in two locations where it sounds like I've walked over an area and the noise of doors opening happens.... With no visible structure or access to anything around; and a single ore hovering in space in a location that was not in the game previously.

The development build had no 'greening' of the planet enabled. So to see it start in the Alpha was great.

Soon enough the moss spread.

Seeing the world your working to bring to life, come to life is certainly a motivation.

The asteroids falling were kept non destructive to player buildings. Not that they ever were but there is a gut feeling of fear when they appear and hit the ground. They now drop various random ore types; Handy enough for the early game crafter. They're also more themed with a pronounced hue to the red are Iridium and Blue for Osmium etc.... Really good to see. Depending on what resources you want you could be given a bit of a windfall just when you need it.  

Speaking of windfalls, the number of lootable wrecks is nice.... Take crashed satellites; I thought they were just for flavour til I clicked on one ans saw it's cargo.... I've been more diligent with clicking on things now. Big and small.

Speaking of satellites; The upgraded GPS satellite launch gives a view that is one stage behind the current world. It now gives a view of what was the development branch world. The current Alpha expands out a lot more.

The expansion of the landscapes are great so see. Not just distant nothingness in development but a landscape stretching out. A landscape to climb, fall and hurt yourself on. Yea the game has also implemented fall damage. Noting too harsh but enough to be more careful.

It's been a whirlwind of new technology as well. So very busy with upgrading both personal gear and machinery.

The DNA manipulation and bringing trees to life is an interesting one.

There's a bit of a balancing act with increasing the terraforming index. I've no clue what I'm really doing but balancing the number of environment altering machinery seems to work for me. Add one of the largest heating machines then I'll add one of the largest tree spreaders and seed spreaders and biomass etc etc. 

The story developing in the game is also an interesting one. The story of the planet; 'Your' story and more. Each wreck has information. Or you come across log entries. 

There's enough vagueness to allow a lot of reading between the lines and be happy enough that there's some new info that spreads some light on 'things'. Then there's some not so subtle information.

Aim between the two large outcroppings on the left and you'll find a big piece of a puzzle.

As for something else.... These do look like doors to me.

Not that I'm spoiling anything but one or two textures on rocks look a lot like a bullet hole with a blood splatter. Maybe I've been on the planet too long and I'm seeing things!


Monday 28 March 2022

Two Point Hospital....

The new DLC has grown on me. I've not dived in head first since last time but taken my time and yea it's grown on me. 

The same essential hospital elements are there. The game is the game at heart. No surprise. Making cash is king. So gaming the research is still a quick must do. I guess I was expecting some more subtle changes to it's underlying mechanics. Once the initial cash hardship is done; And the main gameplay of the DLC kicks in. Not to mention the money being generated, it's fun.

Nothing like some patented money generation!

The game got itself confused as I went back to my old main Research hospital and I got a pop up for the last old community project(which completed about two real world years ago)!? Weird but whatever.

Progress is progress. The first hospital of the DLC is complete with three stars.

While the second hospital opens up early enough into the first hospitals life; I like to get three stars before moving on to do the next.

Which should be some good game-play in the coming week. Time to take the helicopter view.

Friday 25 March 2022

Eve Online....

I'm not a complete hater! I just dislike CCP's track record on player interactions, game promotions/monetization and a majority of their business decisions that directly impact/change Eve Online's universe and/or game-play. I do really, really like the game and I'm a solo carebear! A member of the great unwashed masses.
The list of my bitter and twisted feelings is long and has a crown jewel(mysterycode); But I'm a sucker for what they get right in Eve Online. It's why I bought the last 2 x 3 month sub with MCT; It's why I'm considering buying it twice again, it's on promotion again. It was predictable they would do something as the last 3 month with MCT has just about 'run out'. 50% off! A sale that actually appeals to me as an actual sale!

It's a deal, it's a bargain and I can't help but hate myself for wanting to get it again! Feeding the hand that bites me, so to speak.

Anyway the main reason for waffling on this post is to say that CCP can do things right. Yea I said it....
No, not the monetizations. No, not the 'deals'. Not the 'bargains'; Both are larger subjective gray areas; But the real reason for this post ......... One moment while I explain......I was in the Epic store to claim the latest free game when I saw an Eve Online popup. A free Eve content pack you say! I even like the colours!

So I created a new Eve Online alt. For no other reason than to claim the bundle. It's been a while since I created a new Eve character. Which I did and then split the goodies between both my 'mains' once the tutorial was done. I'm a collector, a hoarder and if the Bind on Pickup changes to the login/event rewards hadn't been done I'd be happier. However here's the 'really good bit'.... The new, new, new, latest new variation of the New Player Experience......... It's good! 

Maybe I'm behind the times but I've no need to create new alts on an ongoing basis.

It's an actual honest to goodness, good version. It's practical! Intuitive..............Makes sense, it's interesting AND enjoyable!!!!! 

There's just the right level of  NPC 'characterization'; In a white and blue collar kind of way, without being over the top one way or the other! Professionals like Caldari Navy(I created yet another Caldari, Calamari for life) officers are professional and work for a living miners are suitably 'roughneck'. 

Eve/CCP don't make it easy to do things simply, Even if a new alt this way is 'working the system'; I look forward to creating another character via my wife's Epic login and 'redistributing' goodies but also seeing the creation/tutorial again. Granted I've yet to turn her to the dark side of Eve Online gameplay but Eve Online is a long-term thing......  

So the new/latest intro tutorial is good, I'd even go so far as to say..... gr....great....(One moment while I pick myself up off the floor).

The game as usual has always been upping the ante in the graphics department. Eve Online today is so very very purdy. It does a hard sell with graphics in the tutorial process. That's not to say the game is ugly on an average day; but the tutorial locations and the AIR station are 'very nice'. Very photogenic, don't mind if I do!

The only things I have issue with are 2 items that you have as part of the tutorial missions that are removed from you. Understandably so but still; I'm a collector/hoarder..... It's a personal perspective.
First up is a black box mission item that did respawn a copy of itself so I could have had it to keep but was all taken on redocking for the mission handin. :(
The other is the AIR 'tutorial' Astero; I so very much wish I'd been able to keep it. Even if it is 'special' and tutorial use based; As short as it's life in the tutorial was I wish I'd been able to keep it. A broad complex issue that being given an Ibis doesn't get resolved by.
Guess I have attachment issues #Gollum.

Speaking of every day Eve Online. The more things change the more they stay the same. My usual activities are my usual activities. Mains and alts, skills, missions and mining, P.I. and trading. Whatever suits the mood and timings.