Tuesday 30 January 2024

Going, going, gone....

End of the first month, where did that time go!
Cyberpunk may have received a lot of updates, changes, patches to patches and an expansion since it's release, but it never had hype for me, let alone see me "into it". Once it came out and opinions were in I'm glad I wasn't. If a player is into it then good. It's just not for me. All that waffle said I did come across a promo video of a mod to give the game an 8k makeover. A very watchable video:

Speaking of games I wasn't hyped for and not into, Starfield. I found TheYamiks
 latest video on the game an interesting watch.

Euro Truck Sim 2 has released news of another upcoming DLC(Nordic Horizons), another one for the wish-list.
I've not been playing much of the game. Incredibly the 'Winter' Christmas event is still ongoing and has into next month before finishing. As much of the that has been completed, I thought more would show the full 5 star completed blue snowflakes. I know I didn't hang on doing deliveries much after getting what I needed done; I guess no amount of time would now see it bee 100 completed.

A lot more time has been given to Darkest Dungeon. The urge to get back into it has grown. Getting plenty of standard dungeon runs and in turn getting a lot of the Crimson Court invites; As well as a lot more infected heroes. The blood flows indeed. In the first(real) Crimson Court map I'm almost to the end; One more crew into it should get to the Baron fight.   

Eve Online is seeing a large uptake in my game-time. Between planetary iteration, BPO research, mining, manufacturing, marketeering with healthy doses of level 4 mission running. It's all happening, almost like I'm back to playing Eve wholeheartedly. Which is a surprise. Of course the usual asset management, ship shuffling and theory crafting goes on regardless. I'm not in any way shape or form min/maxing what I do. Besides research there's no overarching plan beyond 'I feel like it'. Each to their own indeed. 
Take mining, both my main paid accounts will be in mining barges, when they're nearing capacity I use an alpha alt to get near them in a Miasmos and jet-can ore to him. Not that I'm aiming for ore for any specific reason. Usually get the rarest ores/most minerals after refinement and then move down the list as asteroids run out(or interest fades).

Maybe with the end of a certain trade tower it seem like the markets are being more 'monitored' and managed; Or should that be more long-term manipulated. Just my over-healthy Eve Veteran paranoia overload. Just putting that out there.... Yea I'm wafflin.

Despite the items offered I had no motivation to try out the recent Vanguard test. Early states as it may be there's no gameplay draw for me in it. I did watch markeedragon's stream but in seeing the game it
kind of makes me glad I'd not spent time in it. 
What it has done is made me want to check out Planetside 2 again; And get back into Battlefield 1(least there I can play it as I have on PC or Xbox).

On a whim I took an Alpha alt on a trip Wormholing, an idea of parking him in Thera didn't pan out. A trip all of 20 seconds. A case of that one time I go and there's a camp on the other side. Still no great loss, T1 and a clean clone. I should have checked Zkillboards to see what was happening. Easy to see when there's a camp, a clump of kills by the same group about the same time. Then again jump in at any time and there's still a chance to be the first kill of a new camp; Them's the risks. Besides what's are expendable alts for if not to 'try'.

Ever since Vanguard has come and the 'new' launcher was updated I've been having random issues with the game client..
Game crashes randomly, random is random but very annoying. 
Or the equally annoying Eve freezing and needs a hard reboot.
Getting my alt tabbed account hung/disconnected for no reason needing to process kill it in windows.
As well as getting 'stuck' in the jump loading screen. One time saw me in a warp tunnel, get launched out of that tunnel into the black void as I saw the tunnel disappear sideways; Then reverse itself bringing me back to the tunnel with a ship that wasn't what I was flying and a message saying something about unable to ship as it already had a pod. So obviously another players ship.... Then it went to black, stalled in the warp animation and then to black again.... paused, then I was at the gate I wanted to jump. 
A RL friend, that one I've mentioned before on the other side of the world hasn't been able to log into the game in nearly a week. Despite all the usual support todo's from me; Not a peep out of the official support(yes I've asked him to do more and e-mail/tweet etc etc), CCP gonna CCP(he's already paid after all). 
So fun times all over the place.
Star Trek Online has seen a lot of gameplay done as well. The Anniversary event is ongoing and will finish on the 21st of Feb. So it's only really started. Looking forward to claiming the reward ship not to mention a good bit of Dil in the process as well.

This is the first event where I felt like I needed to get the party 'popper' on more than one character. Given the Borg theme I really like the silver foil-esq balloons. If you see them flooding an area and I'm about, well guilty as charged.
The latest update seems, at least from what I've seen, to have 'fixed' the warp-out animation breaks/delays. It's all flowing as it should. No more ship in space and only the warp animation etc.
I'm really liking and happy with the latest expansion/release. Not that I'm super interested in the Borg, Wolf359 or any particular changes; Just the overall feel, improvements etc. It all feels like the game has developed, rather than getting wallpapered over.
The only gripe I have is in the new loading screen art. I'm a big fan of the Kuumaarke character and the story lines she's been in. STO has done a great job of creating a truly Star Trek character and story-lines. My 'gripe' is with the gritty realistic art style. Which looks good for Dax and Kim but Kuumaarke just looks wrong. Such a change from the way she's been shown before. Like the art of the previous expansion.

New loading screen

Old loading screen
As for technical problems there was only one case of the walking in space with a character rather than in a ship. Which I've seen reported but never seen myself, till now. Hilarious.

With the Anniversary event comes the usual Q shenanigans; And with my wanting a popper on all(yea all) my characters I got to do a lot of the particle mini-game
While playing it I noticed something I'd not seen before; The 'glitch' that makes the mini-game 'skip' is not a real game 'issue' it's actually Q!! He admits it! 
Of course, of course, who'd have thought otherwise?!
Overall I've been pottering with characters(as if I needed an excuse); Doing the party 'popper' on each gave an opportunity for some housekeeping on them. Lots done more to do.

 On PC the last of the anniversary gifts was a free T6 ship token.
Which I had already kind of picked out. It's a god ship but the console is hilarious in it's OP, kill everything in range, kind of way. Great ship to add to the collection; But one where I'll need to do some homework on it and the console to integrate both into what I've already got setup on characters.
There was a freebie pack via Alienware Areana; Free is always good! 
After much mulling I eventually did open the T6 pack from the free anniversary boxes on my main KDF recruit. The new happy owner of the D7
A great ship to fly, really loving it.
Overall I thought there would have been more episodes to the story arc, but it's been folded up for whatever is next.

Seeing the Mirror Borg  UI overlay, it was familiar to me. I knew I'd seen it before.
For the likes of gaining the 'Resistance is Futile' accolade, where the get assimilated effect was very different; But I do remember it from a previous Star Trek Game. The 1996 title Star Trek: Borg. A blast from the past. An epic FMV game. I still think I have the cd's somewhere! Q of Borg or should that be Borg of Q, either way, whats not to like.

I found this old playthrough on the you tubez, John de Lancie steals the show:

Monday 22 January 2024

Lack of proof reading.

It's what I do on this blog, very spur of the moment, very scrap book, very not proofread!

Noclip Crew Had an interesting video(like a lot they do): John Romero's New DOOM Episode: SIGIL II - Quick Look  

PCGamer had a headline; Ubisoft director says gamers will get more comfortable 'not owning' games, and he's not wrong. I am very, very, very much not in that camp of thinking. I'm just about accepting of Steam. The thought that a game that costs 60 and upwards as a digital purchase is 'just' a rental thing is not right. Sell a subscription like gamepass I know I don't 'own' the games and that it's content is at the whim of the company running the subscription but a purchase I make with not ownership!!! **** ***
gameranx mentioned Ubisoft's take as well. 
Over the last year or so I've had an eye on a game called "Influxis". It's hard to say that it's not a reskin of Subnautica. It's hard to call it a game as is(in my view). I've 'been into' Subnautica, enjoyed it a lot, Influxis assets/animations are tweaked reworkings/reskins of Subnaitica. That does not necessarily a bad thing. Not that I want a straight clone but there's that 'something' that interests me in what it could become. So I'm keeping an eye on it. It's released it's Beta 0.1(I think I called it Beta 1.0 in a previous post); Either way it's early, 'early access' development. With luck something unique will make it more than the sum of it's parts. A Subnatica twin rather with it's own personality. Time will tell.

While of the Influxis subject, another game I mentioned way back was Planet Crafter. I've more than mentioned that in the past. Another survival game and the polar opposite of Influxis at the moment, it's playable. I've not been back to Planet Crafter in a little while even after getting an invite to 'do' the Multiplayer tests. Setup of which just seemed too much hassle. Not that I wanted Multiplayer, but do want co-op. It also seems like older maps like those my wife and I have would not be co-op'able. More time on that also tell.

Another game in development and with a demo of interest Heat Death: Survival Train has received a big update; It seem to be really coming together.

Yet another interesting game with a demo Starship Simulator; A game I've demo I've been having fun just faffing about with. Experiencing the working controls and systems of the ship are making me reconsider other games in the same vein which I've passed over previously. Like the Heat Death's Train demo this one is a polished playable demo. Not 100% there but with a working in game piano it's got a lot!



Mad Max is as Mad Max does. The game ending is so very, very Mad Max. No happy endings for anyone but Max keeps going. A great game to playthough; I did it as a do all, clear all map sections, Wasteland missions etc before needing to progress the main story. This helped with the ending in story as much as in making the gameplay better. Which I did having been well upgraded for some time(both Max and the Car) and I've really enjoyed it(as if you'd not tell by my waffle of the last 4 or so weeks). None of it felt like a grind at all; Maybe that's just games like Assassins Creed altering that kind of perception. The game map and content is smaller by comparison. Plus it's been a long time since I've been 'so' into a 'car' based game. The game is done, glad I did it, a really enjoyable game in both story and gameplay; Even if the end didn't have any form of 'nice' for the characters. Like I said there's no happy endings, the fate of 'the dog' is unknown(or did I miss something), so I guess that's something! If only the same could be said for Chum. The ending is the ending of the game(vid below). Alas poor Chumbucket.....
With the end of Mad Max it's no wonder there's been an uptick in Darkest Dungeon gamplay. Not much but some. Random level 6 hero runs in the general dungeaons has seen 2 invites to the Crimson Court claimed. I'm hoping for a few more to stock up and then hit the Court hard.

The bulk of the roster is still 'only' getting worse with the crimson curse, just one more thing to manage. Thankfully not all on the roster 'need' to be saved managed.

World of Warcraft has seen more gameplay as well. My wife's leveling druid and the Shaman I was leveling with her have both reached 60. 
I'm thinking of swapping over to my 'main' shaman who is just in the start of the latest expansion so will continue the leveling. 

That all said it was a few quest handin's and a few dungeon runs to level up 50 to 60 in Pandaland. It seemed shorter than any leveling. Pandaria does bring back nostalgia and memories. Time will tell if I level up my Shaman or go with another character. Shaman is a good class but not a healer I like doing, elemental is more 'me'..... But a druid healer may see me change tack. The new follower dungeons are a real trainee role game changer. I've taken my Tank Paladin in a few runs and been quite happy. Not happy enough to do a pug on him, not yet. Lots of options to trial out.

En Garde! is another game I've gotten a lot out of. It's short, easy enough fun on all levels. I can't see myself fully utilizing much more after the end of the story; Like the arena wave modes. Cheap game(when on sale), short story fun; And I've had fun with it.

Eve Online has seen me do a lot more in game, yet not anything to really talk about. Mining, manufacturing, asset management. Living in the universe.
It's gameplay but not the kind in the pew-pew trailers. A 45, 90 jump round trip ship pickup and dropoff isn't in any trailers for Eve Online. I look forward to the next trailer thats a player setting up a courier contract, waiting for the next real-world weekend to see it completed, yeay(sarcasm)! LMAO.

I Want to Level in Elwynn | WowCraft

Given my gamplay lifestyle, when I see things like the Eve Directors letter, all I see is "the more things change, the more they stay the same. Time will tell, but time has told me not to be in any way excited. Really trying hard to not waffle about a mystery code.

Fanfare over doing what the game has done in the past. Expansions, like they are 'new'. https://www.ccpgames.com/news/2024/ccp-games-unveils-2024-roadmap-for-eve-online-two-content-expansions-and
As for Vanguard, I've previously posted my opinions, tldr 'meh'.
What I will complain about is a product on sale to be their 'fps' beta tester.  **** ***
OZ_Eve's Oz latest Oz Report was as always interesting in that regard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isRlPz9ej1w
Star Trek Online has seen a lot of gameplay, events have their ongoing comings and goings. Characters and ships have and are being tweaked and refitted etc. Gameplay is gameplay on both PC and Xbox. 
The last Xbox update seems to allow UI removal to allow better screenshots! As if I needed more motivation to sceencap stuff.

The anniversary freebie items(PC now, Xbox on March) are much welcomed with one today and tomorrow ending them; Which should see a free ship and no doubt another token of some sort. Captain upgrade? We shall wait and see.
No event on PC has meant the only event I'm doing is that on Xbox to claim the Maelstrom Torp. Very much looking forward to that but not in the work that it will then need in integrating it onto most of my characters ship builds. Once that gets going there will be more fun in it's doing as it's a very, very good torp. 
The Anniv PC rewards so far are as I said very welcome. Always nice to see such useful items.


Opening those three boxes I got the R&D loot, Lobi crystals and a T6 ship box!!
Having been lucky enough to get that T6 box ship choice I've not chosen any yet. I'm trying to be practical but my urge is to get the D7 for one of my main KDF, non recruit, characters. He could do with it. But then there's the options to sell and get a pile of EC,  it's so very very tempting. Even if not really needed.

Looking forward to the event/expansion and anniversary. The King and Collective Event!
The Return to Wolf 359 should have some interesting mechanics. Or at least it should have if it's "just one cube".
The anniv reward ship is an Alliance cross between the defiant and the Jem'Hadar. It looks really good in form and function. Alliance Rex Pilot Escort 
While other enhancements are coming, I've no real stake in the Elite content chamges, good as they are; Then again maybe this is how I get into them. Random Elite Task Force Operation

Lots to look forward to and do.