Friday 16 May 2014


This game was brought to my attention yesterday and it does look to be filled with promise!

Open Beta Trailer...

And you can get an Open Beta key here to test it out :)

Thursday 15 May 2014


In cleaning up some old bookmark info I came across a list of links from this youtube channel. I'm sure I've mentioned them before. Still it's been a while since I've seen them and they are entertaining to watch and in cases very funny.

My favourite four are below:





Real Life MC......

Tuesday 13 May 2014

All the fanfest (2014) video's you could ever want.....

Small Eve'ers get a big response.....

The open letter post:

The post about the reply he got:

Things are looking up, lets see what CCP does to back this up.....

A great game and a review thats fair......

limit theory.............

While browsing I came across a YouTube clip of anticipated games due out for 2014, it listed a game I’d not heard of before. Limit Theory. 

So I looked it up and was very surprised to see (to my amateur eye) a Single player Eve online-esk game…. Freaking sweet. 
The game looks great and the monthly updated video's seeing the additions and enhancements evolve are a joy to watch.
If this is out as early as it states then I am really even more interested! 
I may not call a halt to my Eve live's but it sure will make an impact!

Official site:

The games Wiki:

The games YouTube channel:


RL has been handing my butt to me in spades over the last weekend. Including an extended lack of sleep and an emergency department visit for my wife. Things settled down by Saturday night with both of us catching up on lots of sleep. So since last posting gaming wise I've not been up to too much. Sunday was semi normal and I got to enjoy some gaming time.

I used both my mains to do a few more missions. My second main is about halfway to getting the LP needed to buy the BPC of the SOE cruiser. Isk is being made from bounty and loot sales. The sec status is being upped little by little...

With my main doing a clear out just before last weekend, I decided to give the Minmatar alt a spare venture and some extra BPO’s that she could use. On her way back home she got killed via suicide gank.

I've done silly things in the past that have warranted my being deshipped or express podded back to a station. I've tried sticking my head into lowsec situations that have ended badly. And of course I've done some silly things in general that were "doh" moments at their best. This was my first experience of a hi-sec suicide gank done on purpose.

The kill mail lists my alt as being a 2.4 ish million loss with the thrasher ganker being slightly more of a loss in isk... I just found it strange that the Venture would be ganked. All you hear about on the web is that anything under 100 Mill probably won't be ganked. Probably eh.

Granted the alt was on autopilot and granted the cargo did have 3 blueprints, one for small emp ammo, another for small phased plasma ammo and a minmatar shuttle so unresearched they equal 230k isk.
Hardly worth it... so that did surprised me.

Both ammo bpo's were material and time researched to 100, looking on the contracts market the one ammo bpo that dropped was going for 12 Million.
So assuming they went to sell it and did undercut the current contracts, minus the cost of the ship and fit that was used to gank, that leaves a profit of about 9 ish million.
I doubt the shuttle bpo would sell for much at all on contract.
I guess it was the gankers chance to take.... Not too bad of a gamble gank this time, assuming he or an accomplice were the ones to loot the wreck. 
Perfect eve life I guess CCP would say.
Wrong neighbourhood at the wrong time. I should have known better.

I placed a 20 Mill cost to the activation of the kill right. And make it available to anyone. That if taken would be nice isk to get in return.
I've already got my main working on getting new bpo's to the same levels, they should be done in a few day's.
I might have to see if I can start that into a business.... see what bpo's are being sold for massive profit, up the ME and PE(TE) a bit and sell them on....

My main sold off more ships and the named advanced lab from the last run on the epic Caldari arc that was in storage.. Altogether they sold to make his current clearout profit about the 1.8 Billion mark. I still have no idea on what to do with the isk, but it's nice to have it that high in the wallet again.

There was one piece from this blog that got my attention, a sleek new redesign of the Dominix.

I like this new design.

Some interesting news about the next expansion/release being delayed a month.

More interesting reading about the consequences of the changes due to come are blogged about here

CCP Seagull explains things a bit more than the fanfest presentation / vision.

A lot has always been banded about the solo players of Eve, and it's great to see its finally being talked about more seriously rather than being mocked by the pvpers.

It will be interesting if anything is done to progress the solo player's perspective.

I've only really ever done security missions as a "missioner". This blog speaks to the farming of mining missions. Which I have to say sounds really appealing in a strange risk averse way. This maybe one I'll have to look into doing with an alt(s).

Besides Eve a few random BF4 matches were had and that's all.

I'm away from home this week so I doubt anything other than a touch of eve and wow will be had depending on the internet connection......

Next week I'm 100% away from all technology so updates will go from slow, light this week to non existant.

Fly Safe o7 

Friday 9 May 2014

A new week.....end.....

A bank holiday weekend with some extra day's off makes a gamer very happy. Not that I did a whole lot of meaningful gaming but fun was had. And a 2 day working week, who wouldn't like that! Yesterday was busy so only getting to finish this post today.... and it's teh weekend la weekend!

I spent a lot of time dual boxing level 4 missions, isk, LP and sec status.
One lucky drop was nice to see and sell.

That got me into doing a spring clean of the hangers....
This stuff has survived a lot of other clear-outs but I'm really not going to use them in the ships I have so I decided to get the isk and have/use that instead.

With modules sorted out I went on to ships, those sold off slower than the modules but for way more income.

With all the fanfest info on the web I've only been visiting two sites/blogger's that were in attendance. Jester and

One of Jesters entries lead me to this interesting video I'd not seen before, worth a look even if the owners/channel is a poker one (gambling like that is not my thing and I dont' promote it):



I am really liking the new way shown for ship painting.... proper custom ship paint implementation.
The new ship changes all seem to be very good, the new model for the Typhoon and Moa are long overdue.
And the new Mordu's Legion ships are very interesting, I'll be looking to get the frig and cruiser for the collection ;-p
I hope the jukebox gets back as part of the sound options. The Star Trek-esque warp in and warp out sounds and visuals are looking good.
I'm glad that there will be a while ( year plus? ) before the Eve universe is thrown into the building of stargates, by that time the idea should have grown and matured and the eve game will have been updated and iterated a lot. I'm sure there will be a lot more of the "special events" coming as part of it. I doubt I'll be any where near those, they are usually a CCP disaster that only benefit the killmail whoring pvpers.

Of all the idea's being spouted what concerns me the most is the single logon for all games. 
How will they do it? If my character(s) for Eve can be used in Dust/legion and Valkyrie why should I pay for Eve if other players are getting things free. Will Eve be back to it's microtransactions past. 
I also dont' fancy training up a whole bunch of new infantry skills on my pilot(s). One login and select your game, then your character would be way better in my current slanted view. 
Either way they will need to increase the character numbers per "logon".

As for Dust 514, I was disappointment by this interview which I read before CCP made any comments about the Dust/Legion keynote reactions. For a game company to be 110% all for a game then all of a sudden say those things in an interview, no wonder people were double gobsmacked.  
With the Dust 514 / Legion cat out of the bag there are lots of comment's about what will happen to Dust, this link & this video are of interest on that score.


Wow was also had and a few things were of interest.

Running Ulduar with our Paladins for the fragments continued ... sadly for both only two for each of us in the last runs/boosts.
Boss's like balloon's!!!

We also did a Black temple run for fun, some nice transmog's were collected.

While also on a bit of a buzz to go do old dungeons and achi's/transmog's with other char's my hunter was came across this rare. I always wanted one as a pet but never got to go get one before, now I have one :)


Otherwise general gaming was had, lil bit of minecraft, a few matches of BF4.
Not sure if I mentioned this before but a while ago I got back to finish off the last mission of UFO Enemy Within, I cleared it in a surprising time with the mission save I had. The ending has minor tweaks from the original games ending but I have to say that it seemed more satisfying overall. A great reworking of the original. 

Friday 2 May 2014

Dust to Project Legion.....

An interesting read about Dust and the new version Project Legion:


With the explosive popularity of Minecraft onto Playstation and Xbox it seems to have gained so much more interest and support generally.
I guess if you really want a hit game being on pc alone really is not enough. I knew you had to be a console game to make the real money but it has been a surprise how much of a jump pc to console gives.

It's been a while since I played Minecraft. I've never really played it multiplayer on any server besides my own.
So I recently got nostalgic and downloaded the software again.
At the moment it's my wife and I on a home run server when we can team up or solo our own worlds when given the time....
I'm glad that I have been able to view and play my old worlds. I would still choose the pc version over the xbox or android demo versions I've tried (I've not tried the ps3 version).

I'm also glad that the community for it (on the pc) is bigger and better than it had been before. Lots of shared resources from all the minecraft versions, like sites doing blueprints for buildings :)
Nevermind the mechandise side....

An official vid of the new custom landscapes (coming in version 1.8) that can be made shows a lot more options than when I started minecraft first!

Two of my old favourite Minecraft songs are these:

Thursday 1 May 2014

Eve Monument....

I've read two good writeup's about the Eve monument being unveiled.

A video is also up :

There was some controversy with defacement, read about it here

To find you characters name this page will let you see it :)

List of lists.....

I've been keeping track of what I want to do in Eve, trying to update as I go. I've not been crossing things off in any fast kind of way of late.

After reviewing and culling the list, removing things I am just not going to do, I've classed them as Long Term (Year+), Short Term (Month('s)+), Immediate (week('s)+). 
Not the best way to categorise, as with all things the lines blur and it all goes from black and white into a grey colour. Never mind the surprise elements like the drone skill split that gets immediate immediate priority.

My little lists seem to pail in comparison to the likes of this.

Currently my lists are like this:

Long Term:

MAIN 1: 
Skill up core skills ( add more skills to level V's / train other skills not trained into yet (compair with alts and out do them!)), feel no need to go into capitals as yet... 
MAIN 2: 
Skill up core skills ( add more skills to level V's / train other skills so as to be more = to MAIN 1's skills ( add Indy skills, t2 torps  + more T2 weapons) - no need to go into capitals as yet...
Skill up re #####’s WH corp skills info mail… get into the WH feeder corp. ( am holding off on the feeder corp for now…. may get into the old Null life again for ratting and PI)

Short Term
-Do epic arcs? ( Amarr and Caldari arc's with MAIN 1 & MAIN 2), bounty and loot sale for income, use end reward for POS or sell for POS fuel/corp wallet.
-Minmatar alt to do Minmatar epic arc..... ( will need a wing man/women for this ).
-Incursions (MAIN 1 has the Nightmare to do these, check fit n go!) (time is not on my side in getting this done)
-Use 60 day trial from 10th for "something".....

-Daily maint. on Chars – Skills x3 ( finish drone skills for split and then return to normal skills q's )
-Daily maint. on Chars – PI x4 / POS x2          
-Compare Skills lists of chars – then rework long term skill plans.

-SOE cruiser bpc for both MAIN's & MAIN ALT, Grind lp for this with second main.
-Main 2 needs better sec status (doing the level 4's with soe will do this). 

What it all boils down to is skill's, skill's, skill's, daily PI and small indy jobs, dual boxing (or triple on occasion) PVE content with a view to getting a character into incursions and maybe get another alt into null to do ratting and PI.

I hope the summer expansion has a few tricks up it's sleeves beyond industry.