Wednesday 23 March 2016

My Gaming updates....

Real life has been catching up on me again. Dental pain again is a bane but can't be helped, once it happens it happens all you can do is get things fixed or in my case medicated. That's not to say the last few weeks haven't had gaming. But I am going to be lazy and meld all that I want posted into one.

Cities Skylines is celebrating it's first birthday. The last few updates have updated the game to include some of the additions brought in the latest expansions. I like the way they do that. Its both an incentive to go and get the expansion and even if you can't/don't you wont' feel left out.  I have noticed that since the last patch there seems to have been tweaks to the way city traffic works. Maybe it's just me but I'm finding it a lot less of a nuisance at least in a new city I just created.


My Terraria goes on but not as much as I'd like. I had a good gaming session with a RL friend the other night and got some cool goodies, ufo car key's, flaming armour/wings, flaming and eyeball shields, mini ufo combat pet and some cool weapons. It's a fun little game to hop in and out of. It doesn't take itself seriously and that all adds to the fun. I really like that your character is independent of the game world. So you can carry any items you want from one world to another or pillage a world and then bring all the goodies back to your own custom protected world.


I've been enjoying the addition of the first of the Fallout 4 DLC "Automatron".

It's a fun story that also ties into the best side quest from the main game, the Silver Shroud. The DLC main "bad guy" is the Mechanist so it all ties in well.

I have done that play through of the new content with my "main", my first character but I can't see a lot of robots done by me being placed about my settlements. They are good but for now at least Sanctuary Hill is looking too much like a circus. So I'll hold off doing any.
My second playthrough is only just getting into the BOS storyline but can take the robot quest... I'm just not sure how to take it as I intend his storyline to be as a BOS lackey.


I've taken a look the latest update to Star Citizen but it is still more of the same. Each patch needs to deliver something that people haven't seen before to keep interest going. There is only so much you can take in hearing so much from them. Only to see on login that my character still falls out of his cockpit. Or that the freaking Greycat still slides across the floor when you run into it. Experiencing that in game is a far cry from the likes of trailers like this one:

PCGamer did a Star Citizen section from GDC I think, it's new-ish video with old-ish info. The game has so much potential but a real lack on whats being delivered to actually "play" today really hurts. So many changes to such a large gaming ecosystem breaks a lot of things I can understand that. I think it will be two years before players get to see anything that resembles a complete game or even a Squadron 42 "module".


I'm still getting to do some dailies in Star Trek Online. I've been ploughing away at the usual Officer and Fleet missions. Since last posting I've also claimed back a lot of EC (up to 5.3 Mill) and Dilithium (now up to 192k).

I've missed out on claiming the hero fleet ship from The Breach event which is a pity.


I've been playing a bit of Darkest as well, but I have to admit that I've changed the game settings away from all difficulty options "on" as the game makers "intended". With those options off I've started to see what the Beta players were seeing and the changes that make it "normal" now are an insane (pun intended) jump in difficulty. I've got two campaigns on the go now, one on the "as intended" difficulty and the other with those options off. It's all part of the spice of the gameplay.


There is still a lot of talk about the Citadel's and broker fee's in npc stations. Gevlon had an interesting post sharing his thoughts and getting many interesting comments. Not that I expect CCP to back down from the changes but they are changing the changes that they have posted but I'm sure the work in progress will screw over players in some other way.

The stats that CCP look at make me think that CCP is looking too hard at the statistics.

Speaking of isk there is an interesting read about making money both solo or with multiple accounts, but I'm sure that will all change after the next patch/expansion.

Of all the changes that have hit the active game I do like the new billboards that are in space:

The one really bad change that did hit the server and was promptly removed was the Gong.

I'm not a big fan of most of the changes coming Eve's way, but time will tell how it all pans out.

On other CCP news I read that Gunjack will be moving onward to available on the Oculus Rift but I think I'll still be waiting a year or more before I think about getting anything like the oculus.

I've not been playing much Eve other than keeping the daily grind alive, small but steady cash flow.
The only major thing I've done is to complete the Gallente Epic arc on my Gallente character. He is now fully integrated into that faction now. 

The ship I used with him for the arc was a Hyperion. And it took a massive beating. At one point I warped out of a mission at 25% hull. I never repaired the hull and I carried it through the entire arc as a badge of honour. One side effect of having such low hull strength is that the visual effect is very cool. No longer does your battered ship have a small plume of fire, it has the look of real internal damage.

Flickering lights / power failing
Engines failing
Add those effects on top of the addition of the built up dirt/grit carbon scoring and the ship is looking the worse for wear. I love it.

Damage done

Bringing an alt was essential
The mission rewards are like the arc itself, epic. WEll maybe not epic but a lot more than normal level 4's. 

That drone link end reward sell between 160 to 220 million depending on location and how fast you want the sale.

The arc is a hard nut to crack solo. I found my character starting to fail to complete the missions about half way through. One or two missions in the middle needed a lot of warp-outs to complete. But as the arc went on I found that my character was very much in need of backup. It just became more practical to get extra help. Despite how well trained my character is in Gallente ships and weapon systems. I ended up teaming him up with a missile boat, a raven that could tank and blast npc's from 150km away.
I cringe at how a solo player (sub 50 Million SP without level 5 skills in the likes of armour and weapons) would deal with this mission chain.
Even for me with 2 well trained characters was totally blunted and smacked about with in the second last combat mission. The "Showtime" mission NPC's have massive, really massive amounts of dps.
I've read online that players ignore the trigger ships and got all the reinforcement ships to spawn at once. That really would have been a nightmare to endure.
For me I found that doing things for that mission in this order was manageable:
Kill Frigs
Kill all but 1 cruisers
Kill all but one batttleships
Kill last cruiser
Kill new spawn npc's
Kill last bs
Kill the newly spawned ships

Sounds easy but in reality you are trying to manage ranges and reps.
All that while considering that in the time it takes to warp in and align you are already in half armour. I had a bookmark 100km from the missions initial warpin location in line with the top station in system. I would then bounce my ships, keeping aligned to the top station and warping out when needed. Then warping back to the point that was furthest from the bulk of the npc's as they close range fast sing micro warp drives. And when they get close they apply that dps with a vengeance.

Some of it was my won fault for pushing a ship through the arc with the same omni tank and using the same navy antimatter ammo. Moans and sighs of derision I can hear. But its the way I play and the way I wanted it. Spending the time to change tanking specs and getting and changing ammo types etc I doubt that it would have really changed the results on survivability or dps output.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Darkest Dungeon new update in Beta....

The next update to darkest dungeon should be interesting as the new class it introduces brings very little combat to the mix. What it does bring with it is a buff to looting. A very tactical choice.
This will be interesting for players with a mid to late game or at least with a set of characters that can complete dungeons and remain (fairly) sane. I doubt I'll be using the new class for a good while yet when it is released. PC gamer have an article on the update.

While my own game play has been sporadic. I do tend to go at the game one dungeon at a time or as far as a group can go. Or rather as far as I'm willing to push a group in a dungeon. There is an article on Rock Paper Shotgun that seems to have burned the author out, and is a good read.

The gamespot review is also worth a read if you haven't seen it yet.

As is the TotalBiscuit video review:

Sea of Thieves... Submit to play

Saturday 5 March 2016

More Eve news....

Speak of the devil. I thought I'd get away without specifically blogging about Eve Online and CCP go and unleash the internet. Why do they always do that late on a Friday.... So they can let the internet wear itself out or boil over maybe. Either way it sounds like a lot of work to sift through on a Monday morning.

There is a good article here about the in's and out's of "what are Citadels". Worth a read to get some info.

CCP released a massive statistic filled dev blog which by the title seems to be a monthly thing....
Monthly Economic Report - February 2016

The new launcher will be mandatory from June 30th this year, and they are no longer supporting older operating systems, the details are here.

The Eve lore goes on: SOE Confirms Research into Drifters and Discusses Preliminary Findings.

And the big news..... [Citadels] Changing NPC taxes

For me the tax changes and jump clone price hikes are of concern. I really don't want to see Hi-sec changes that much, both those changes would affect my gameplay. "Little" changes build on little changes like those and I can see myself leaving the game. Rather than waffle on too much I will link some forum replies here that sum up my feelings as well:



Time will tell what gets a Dev reply or clarification or adjusted due to the feedback.

Friday 4 March 2016

200K Unallocated....

Logging into Eve earlier today I was greeted with the allocation of 200K worth of skill points. Thank you CCP. This means that for the characters I am currently (2 Mains, 3 Plexed Alts) training a nice little helping hand.
Although I may keep the SP until some new skill is introduced and needs the extra day's training.


Post combination....

Having been away from home last week and catching up with things this week it's all lead to a backlog of things. Least of which is a large amount of bookmarks, shortcuts and notes on gaming news as well as my own thoughts on those news items. So to ease my own blogging experience I'm going to discard and cut older news (strange how a few days can alter stories) in favour of newer more current items and see where that leads me to. With luck it won't take long to do and won't be a massively long post. If all else fails I'll compile a load of drafts and waffle on for a while.

Consoles, Eve Online, Star Trek Online, Star Citizen & Minecraft, yea I'm gonna waffle...

I'm finding the gaming news of joint play across consoles and pc to be interesting.
PC and Xbox
Xbox console upgrades.... really just a sub category of console... Instead of XBox Two you'll have Xbox One v2.4
I am still in favour of playing my steam games on my Xbox, lets hope they get a proper good keyboard and mouse system. Using a normal keyboard and mouse on the PS3 was a god send for playing DUST 514.
I'm really happy about the greater cross over between Xbox 360 games and the Xbox One.

PS4 is also getting in on the cross platform act but I can't see why Xbox would allow it to happen unless there is a lot of money crossing hands. Interesting development though. Microsoft can't stop a rival console from making some software for a windows pc can they....? If there is a way then MS can dictate what people install on windows and that opens up a while new kettle of fish.

I did find an article about a new graphics api that might be more of an impact on mobile gaming but still if it makes the pc realm work harder then all the better.

Total biscuit released an interview he did with the BBC which is about online harassment, well worth a listen.

I also saw a good PCGamer article about how gaming tastes change over time. I think it is somewhat true but an interesting read.

The implementation of skill extractors for characters of Eve Online has proceeded with "great success". In the long term I'm sure CCP is watching the progress of the new feature.

Some players that are just having fun with the new system. I wish I had that kind of isk to be able to "play" even with one skill extractor.

The last Eve Online CSM summit has ended and the minutes are out. I think the next CSM will be the CSM of the new Eve moment. I'm not sure I'm a fan of that new Eden.
I was glad to see more info on the summit from Sugar Kyle on her blog.
Also of note is a blog from Evehermit:

I was sad to see that CCP has binned the Evelopedia. I think a game company really needs to have a central source for looking up information on theoir game. I hope it is replaced with something official and note just CCP saying lookup player run wiki's. Evehermit also commented on this.

CCP did post and I did repost the CCP Seagull video saying sorry for the interruptions and that there would be a 200k free SP allocated to all active skill queue's. I hope this is sooner rather than later as I've got some alts running skills via plex and to get those extra points would be very nice.

Other news with Eve Online is the CSM 11 voting. I've viewed what I can online and I'm really not interested in this years CSM. I found the lack of interesting self explanations from a lot of characters to promote themselves to be very lack luster. I an see a lot of people being put forward to the CSM with block votes from large alliances and in that they don't have to chase votes. I find that really disappointing. For my voting and for the affects on the game that that will have.
Some bloggers are gathering more information and presenting their choices and why they made them:  has a good write up on participants.
I'll have to be in the proper mood to check through the candidates/interviews and select my choices but if there are two or three candidates I'll be astonished. No matter who I pick, they won't be 100% the choice I want.


Star Trek Online has also been ongoing. With the anniversary event over I've accumulated a lot of dilithium, around the 160k mark. I've also gotten about 4.5 Million energy credits. All in all my character is in good shape. I'm still watching video's from Brent Justice's current Free-to-play playthrough series.
Since the end of the last event I've been keen to find another event that I could sink my phasers into. And what do I see on the launcher.... a new event.... With a nice ship reward....

This new event may make cadet Sad.... Happy.

Star Citizen's last 10 for the chairman Q&A was of interest. It goes into a bit more detail on what is coming into the game and the changes made. It also has a few comments on other games and influences. It seems that they at least are doing their homework. CCP seems to be very shoehorned/tunnel visioned in certain area's regarding development. Then again I bet CCP is envious of the amount of cash being thrown at Star Citizen.

Minecraft 1.9 is still having problems for my worlds. While I mentioned the 1.9 "issues" I was having, I watched a recent video from BdoubleO100. His video shows a lot of what I've been seeing (at about 6:38 minutes in) and it really does seem to be related to the older worlds that were created a long time ago. Time to wheel out cadet Sad again....