Late post again; It's a trend that may never change..... Till it does(grammar pending).
Randomness!! *\o/* Weekends are weekends and vary in content as much as some games. In and out of free time/motivations favor.
I watch far too much Youtube. Not all gaming and of gaming content I'm being picky by constantly sharing for this blog certain creators. Like
TheYamiks. Which I suppose comes down to my mood/leanings or what I just find funny at the time(s); Which is all true in that Youtubers case. So for now he has had two vids worth sharing:
The Failure of Battlefield 2042 &
The Failure of Counter-Strike 2
Again with the Spring sales I checked out Mad Max on Steam but stopped with the realization that it only came with a small fraction of the DLC. GoG had it on sale cheaper with all the DLC. So I bought it.
It's a game I've been thinking a bit about since finishing it
on Xbox. It was cheap, a few euro and already in just an initial play has been a different experience. Not just in going from console to PC. But akin to me playing Death Stranding or STO between both Xbox and PC. The same but different. It's a good thing if subtle. Plus it's a game to get involved in without it being Assassins Creed Origins map large. Very doable again.
Stardew Valley's latest content in the
1.6 patch is massive. I've dipped back into the game but not for long. It'll need the right temperament to get back fully into the game and work on all
the content. It's a patch with a lot of content for the bulk of the end game(no other game to play) kind of enthusiasts.
PowerWash Simulator has seen some clearing of bonus content. Of those remaining I'm on the mini golf map.... I'm tempted to get the 40k DLC but I really do want to get the other DLC(Back to the future) on a sale... So maybe the summer?
Helldivers 2, yea I got it as that friend was putting together a crew(3pc and 1 PlayStation 5). This last week has been a tale of two sides to the same coin; Great as a team co-op shooter but the MMO nature of random players shows the worst of 'Elite' online random iterations.
It's more complex than that but in essence I found the co-op play with a group I know fantastic. But the 'pick up group' nature of the game experienced in a vary short time; Especially for a fresh face in game like me, was not a 'fun' experience.
That and the dude 'leading' this gameplay crew bolted off to do content without the crew he gathered so that ruffled my feathers as well.
In an attempt to gain more from the game beyond the need for 'good' players to group up with at random I went so far as to check out the
game from a solo experience. Not really the point of the game, so I refund it(pending but hopeful).

Is what it is; But I can't help but think about the uphill climb that Eve Vanguard has to scale.
World of Warcraft has seen a little gametime; LFR on mains etc. My wife is still so much more into the game, even late expansion. But the Plunderstorm event was interesting if not my thing. One round for me was more than enough. Rewards or not it's just not fun gameplay for me. I'm not into battle royale games in general.
Darkest Dungeon has seen some minor gameplay; Nothing major, just some dungeons and
The Shrieker, Progress for the last section of Crimson Court will be started once I'm more happy with the rosters 'well-being'.
Eve Online has also seem 'more of the same' for me. Very minor happenings; P.I. being the main reasons. I've not yet gotten to start the Missions and gather the LP I wanted. No rush I guess.
Star Trek Online being the main MMO I've been playing has seen content done on both PC and Xbox.
Event dailies and endeavours etc etc. Same 'ol same 'ol.
Again it was good to see that the anniversary event rewards will be available to claim again if you missed them the first time. I'm not sure if they are all available again for everyone or just if you missed one but we'll see. Either way it's good to get them back to get the claim in. Spread the word!
While both
MC Stu &
CasualSAB are my main sources of game news; There's been a lot of content coming from
MC Stu(more casually accessible imho).
But I also like his more basic facts videoes like this new series he's just started:
I find vids like that a good step back to take stock of whats best without being clouded by 'the meta' or bad habbits I've complicated gameplay with.
On Xbox with the launch of the new content there were freebies to claim on the Microsoft store(as is usual); So I got to claim it. Not that the weapons will be useful to me but free is free and there is the token...