Tuesday 27 January 2015

A new year, same'ol same'ol for Eve Online.

Like my last Eve post I've had this in draft for some time. I've been adding to it bit by bit so I'll start here and make go of it, with luck it wont' be to patchy.

I've mainly been doing PI/daily housekeeping actions like fiddling with market orders or moving assets about. Both in having not enough time to really do anything and finding myself aimlessly playing a longer gaming session without realising it.

In micromanaging my assets I think I like the idea of where my assets are rather than having them in a cost efficient or streamlined manner.
An example is my mains level 4 mission running. There are 3 factions that I prefer to run level 4's for. So it made sense to have ship x ship y and z there. So of course I had to have the same set of ships with the same fits in the three stations housing the agents. This over years has piled up. In the end I think the isk doesn't matter, only the micromanagement.
The game is to interact with people but jay-bus there are a lot of fuppin eejits I'd prefer to have nothing to do with out there.
I got to do a lot of testing of fits and ships I already had in place to be 100% sure they all act as expected since skills were upgraded etc. But Eve is ever changing and the ship/module re-balancing is ongoing. It's all long term.Probably something I can waffle on about for a long time with no end in sight.
The Chrimbo gifts were nice. They added to the collectibles for my characters.
I managed to grab a full set of the chrimbo gifts for an alt for less then 2 mill, which was odd as the other contracts were all going for 25 mill or higher.  I could have made a nice profit on a resale of the items but I kept them all. A lot of players would consider that a waste of isk. Isk that could be used to explode or be exploded. We all have our corner of the universe, welcome to my corner of the sandbox. In saying that I still have a need to get characters involved in other Eve experiences.

The added Chimbo gift of 20 day's alt training made the biggest impact.
I had a recheck of all my characters skill plans, did attribute remaps and bought new implants to help speed things up. I think I went into detail about this last time so I won't go on about it here.

Extra training per alt has yielded more skill points into planetary interaction and has doubled the amount of isk for this semi passive profession. Not a bad thing.

I spent the remaining Aurum (2000) on skip skins that I liked but had not bought yet and also got some more avatar items. Despite the killer looks you'd get from some players for even mentioning an avatar I do like the "characters" and look froward the a new era of WiS or at leas the next step, pun intended.

My mains POS finished with a week of fuel to spare. As part of the reshuffling of assets I was happy to sell on some bpc's for a little extra isk.

My nullsec alt has been acting as a main for some time.
I've found that gaming on that character is restricted due to a lot of roaming reds in alliance space with cloaked hotdroppers being the main cause for concern. This stops mining, ratting and movement in general. Multiple war decs have halted hi-sec activities as being ganked in hi-sec is not a pleasant thing. It's all "content". Even with all that I've still been able to do a lot. I've managed to move all null assets that were not needed including a few ships like a noctis out to hi-sec. Till the null hangers get bloated again...

The expansion changes have all been good, I really like the new visual clutter for asteroid fields.
I've been reading the daily minutes from the winter summit. Makes me wonder why they never did it this way from the start. I'm sure if was a long process but seems like one of those "duh" moments.
The minutes are here.

Of all the things over the summit minutes the thing to strike me most was the Tengu changes coming.
I truly do hope that is it a T3 re-balance rather than the nerf bad they say they will avoid. As for the CSM there I thought it was interesting to see how much venom was spat out from one member to another when there was a mention of some of the avatar items/issues. Interesting reading. 
Eve Hermit has some interesting posts on the minutes that are worth a read. 

The ancient gaming noob's blog had a good post I came across that gives a good perspective on the greedy goblin blog that I found interesting.

I am really stretching for anything to write about and share that would be of any interest.

I had a chance over the last while to create an another trail alt and engage in some antics but mainly ended up as a hi-sec killer of lost MTU's with a side of wormhole peekaboo on the side. This doent' bode well for something to do with a 60 Day pass... Maybe I need to think "bigger".

A friend recently got an Eos and my main splurged on a Mac. We haven't gotten to do much with them of late. Still nice to get something shiny every now and then.

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