A gamer blog, enjoying a casual carebear gaming experience with a grain of salt.
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Dual Universe....
This game looks like it's a cross between a simulation and a sandbox free roaming mmo with a dash of Kerbal space program.
The voxel graphics look out of place, they seem clunky in an old school kind of way.
The same kind of gameplay is done better in other games. Even if this game has the same features and gamplay as No Man's Sky. I'd go for No Man's Sky due to it's more vibrant graphics.
This is a game that dips it's toe in a lot of ponds but from what I've seen of it so far it doest have the looks to make me care about it.
It's a long way off release and a long way off having it's Alpha being put out but with time and polish it could be a contender.
The voxel graphics look out of place, they seem clunky in an old school kind of way.
The same kind of gameplay is done better in other games. Even if this game has the same features and gamplay as No Man's Sky. I'd go for No Man's Sky due to it's more vibrant graphics.
This is a game that dips it's toe in a lot of ponds but from what I've seen of it so far it doest have the looks to make me care about it.
It's a long way off release and a long way off having it's Alpha being put out but with time and polish it could be a contender.
Free games from Ubisoft....

Ubisoft are giving away 7 games for their 30th anniversary.
I recall getting Prince of Persia The Sands of Time when it came out originally. It definitely brings back a lot of memories and holds up well enough today.
I've not used the Ubisoft game software since Far Cry 3 needed it to run from steam ... then it didnt' need it and I had to redownload it today. Free is free and the software doesn't have any nagging adds that I've seen.
I wonder what the other free games will be.
My Eve Online gameplay update....
I'm still playing Eve Online. I've had this post in drafts for a long time and while I could have divided it up into smaller sections and posted sooner. I think I'll cut a lot out and waffle a bit on the points that matter more so like my gamplay, this post is going to be a little all over the place.
With my main accounts game time expiring recently I was a little perplexed at what to do. To let it expire or renew and go on. I left it to the 11th hour to mull the what ifs in my head.
What had I done with it, what can I do and what would I do.
Overall I decided that it was worth putting more time into the game but to play it for what I wanted rather than what is "expected" as normal play. Even if that is doing nothing but hi-sec missions as unbelievable or inconceivable as that is to some people. ( Worth a look https://evehermit.wordpress.com/2016/05/18/where-the-praise-falls/ )
Evehermit has another good post that integrates a lot from around the web about playing a game long term. I dont' wholeheartedly disagree nor totally agree with all that's listed and talked about. It's a person to person thing and even at that its very situational. The post is here: https://evehermit.wordpress.com/2016/05/16/breaking/
For me I'd be more into Eve's microtransactions if they had only delivered on the full potential of the mystery code instead of CCP running off with that cash grab. I've whinged and moaned about that before so won't go on much further here.But dang I mentioned the mystery code...... blood boiling......
Rixx Javix has posted two books that are well worth downloading:
Both books are top quality.
The daily opportunities have hit the servers and are well integrated into my daily login routine. I've completed a lot of lower end skills with the 4 extra hours of SP per day. I've not been min.maxing the routine but at least once a day I get to run two characters, blast an npc and spend the SP on a skill(s).
Time will tell how this develops.
I'm not sure how I feel about the new events system. It seems to be pushing into the opportunities, dailies system in my view. I'm sure it will all "work out". It really depends on the rewards and the effort needed to get them. If it's not an easy or casual thing then I'll be ignoring it.
Full details and forum links are here:
With my main accounts game time expiring recently I was a little perplexed at what to do. To let it expire or renew and go on. I left it to the 11th hour to mull the what ifs in my head.
What had I done with it, what can I do and what would I do.
Overall I decided that it was worth putting more time into the game but to play it for what I wanted rather than what is "expected" as normal play. Even if that is doing nothing but hi-sec missions as unbelievable or inconceivable as that is to some people. ( Worth a look https://evehermit.wordpress.com/2016/05/18/where-the-praise-falls/ )
Evehermit has another good post that integrates a lot from around the web about playing a game long term. I dont' wholeheartedly disagree nor totally agree with all that's listed and talked about. It's a person to person thing and even at that its very situational. The post is here: https://evehermit.wordpress.com/2016/05/16/breaking/
For me I'd be more into Eve's microtransactions if they had only delivered on the full potential of the mystery code instead of CCP running off with that cash grab. I've whinged and moaned about that before so won't go on much further here.But dang I mentioned the mystery code...... blood boiling......
Rixx Javix has posted two books that are well worth downloading:
Both books are top quality.
The daily opportunities have hit the servers and are well integrated into my daily login routine. I've completed a lot of lower end skills with the 4 extra hours of SP per day. I've not been min.maxing the routine but at least once a day I get to run two characters, blast an npc and spend the SP on a skill(s).
Time will tell how this develops.
I'm not sure how I feel about the new events system. It seems to be pushing into the opportunities, dailies system in my view. I'm sure it will all "work out". It really depends on the rewards and the effort needed to get them. If it's not an easy or casual thing then I'll be ignoring it.
Full details and forum links are here:
A good few weeks ago I finally finished off training my Gallente "alt". The new skills bring him to a level where I considered him “done”.While that sounds
good and precise it really isn’t. There are still a lot of skills to be trained.
Skills that I would like to have done but I refuse to pay for the account he is
on any more. So with the training “done” I spent €20 and transferred
that character to my main account. I now pay for two accounts and not three.
With the introduction of PLEX I no longer need the third account for training up alt characters. And with two accounts already I didn't need an active third to log in at the same time.
I'm not in any way shape or form gonna use that third account for farming sp and buying Aurum for skill extractors / selling injectors.
I'm very conflicted about Eve. There is such a draw to the game but such off putting crap as well. I think I'll have to ignore a lot more of the "meta" to enjoy the game for what I do in it.
Maybe it's just that Eve feels more "unfinished" than ever before. The next few updates coming in are changing a lot as well.... I hope things will "settle down" sooner rather than later.
With the introduction of PLEX I no longer need the third account for training up alt characters. And with two accounts already I didn't need an active third to log in at the same time.
I'm not in any way shape or form gonna use that third account for farming sp and buying Aurum for skill extractors / selling injectors.
I'm very conflicted about Eve. There is such a draw to the game but such off putting crap as well. I think I'll have to ignore a lot more of the "meta" to enjoy the game for what I do in it.
Maybe it's just that Eve feels more "unfinished" than ever before. The next few updates coming in are changing a lot as well.... I hope things will "settle down" sooner rather than later.
Anyway this alt started off as a Caldari character so already had a
lot of Caldari ships and weapon systems trained. The bulk of skills he had were already what were needed for
the Gallente angle. So my "need" to have a Gallente
specific character and the need to not waste the skills he had made the move to Gallente ships and weapons easy.
I like cross training. It really opens up a lot of options.
I like cross training. It really opens up a lot of options.
A while ago I took that character out of null to concentrate on the pve/hi-sec side of the characters setup. Like all my other characters he developed a lot of items in various stations based around the agent or activity involved in that system, mission running / PI / scanning/sites / mining etc. I'd completed the faction epic arc and spent a lot of time grinding SOE missions to get an Astero or two.... or three.
In anticipation of a return to null I had a Hauler flown
into a station just outside of the main null entry and in it had all I needed
to get things back up and running (Caracal/Procurer, the fits for both and
BPC's, some spare modules and ammo). The only things I had left in null were a
few produced Epital ships that were too much hassle to move out.
All was good. Training done and a setup ready to go the time was right to scratch that null sec itch again. So I went.
All was good. Training done and a setup ready to go the time was right to scratch that null sec itch again. So I went.
In the return to null I was surprised at how little it had
taken to get reestablished. Produce backup ships just in case and setup a lot
of ships to pvp with. I had a lot and then the alliance changed it's holdings and removed both easy access to hi-sec via sov and jump bridges they moving deeper into the next region.
I am thankful that I kept my hi-sec PI as was. Thankfully from the logistics side alone even if the cost in selling items is a little lower.
I've spent the last few month's back in null no questions asked. the corp is good that way.
I've mined a lot of ice, ore as well as a bit of ratting. Production and market seeding both helping the alliance and aided my own profiteering.I am thankful that I kept my hi-sec PI as was. Thankfully from the logistics side alone even if the cost in selling items is a little lower.
I've spent the last few month's back in null no questions asked. the corp is good that way.
With an ever increasing red count in alliance space I've taken time to remove all my assets not on the market out of null. Again. This stint of null is a lot shorter than I've done previously. It was profitable but was marked by a lot of aggravation. Not being able to do things due to reds in the area. Not being able to get items in or out easily etc.
So the last few weeks have seen me back in hi-sec. I'd like to get back to mission running but maybe with a hi-sec carebear corp. Decisions decisions.
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
1.10 Very understated....
The latest patch for minecraft brings it to 1.10, the inclusion of the line "Many bug fixes" is very understated. Not a big patch but it does lay the groundwork for the inclusion of features already present in other versions of the game : http://mcupdate.tumblr.com/post/145610638294/minecraft-110-the-frostburn-update
Polar bears..... Polar bears......
Polar bears..... Polar bears......
BdoubleO100 talks about the features and the other versions in his latest video:
Sea of Thieves still looking good....
Their site has been updated with the latest info:
I'm looking forward to this game.
The new cinematic:
And the gamplay:
I'm looking forward to this game.
The new cinematic:
And the gamplay:
Monday, 13 June 2016
Fallout 4 new DLC announced....

Very exciting things coming in the next bunch of DLC for Fallout 4.
I'm still ploughing my way through content on multiple characters. If I could stop playing it I might start talking about what I've done in it on different characters.
At least I did a bit about the one character I have the least gamplay on.
With E3 on and announcements coming left, right and centre this wekk. The Bethesda information has been very interesting. I'll say again that it's looking good for Fallout 4 and the incoming DLC.
While I wont' waffle on about it here the best bits are better said straight from the horses mouth in the video below.
The Best bits:
The full E3 show:
Star Trek online, incoming changes and summer event.....
I'm liking the proposed changes to the Star Trek UI. I think it will take a slight learning curve to get used to where things are but muscle memory will play a big part of that.
I'm excited to see how the game will work on multiple platforms and I hope all players linked into the same servers as the PC players.
The summer event has also kicked off and unlike World of Tanks the free ship for STO participants only takes 5 to 10 minutes a day for the completion of one mission. Doing that mission will give you 40 tokens and after you have 1000 tokens you can claim a new ship. I've got 80 after two day's so only another 23 day's of this "daily". Sounds like a grind, and it is bit it's very doable. the event is fun and not at all like a "real" grind.
Full details here: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/10001583
Brent Justice did a playthrough and talks about the event and the rewards:
I'm excited to see how the game will work on multiple platforms and I hope all players linked into the same servers as the PC players.
The summer event has also kicked off and unlike World of Tanks the free ship for STO participants only takes 5 to 10 minutes a day for the completion of one mission. Doing that mission will give you 40 tokens and after you have 1000 tokens you can claim a new ship. I've got 80 after two day's so only another 23 day's of this "daily". Sounds like a grind, and it is bit it's very doable. the event is fun and not at all like a "real" grind.
Full details here: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/10001583
Brent Justice did a playthrough and talks about the event and the rewards:
my quick Star Citizen 2.4 Patch login....
Another new re-download/patch of Star Citizen has been put out. It is a huge update and lists a lot of changes for almost every aspect of the game. Full details on their site.
After a small bit of gameplay I was disappointed with the glitchy graphics.
Yes I know it's all pre release, non final, in development stuff. And yes I can forgive it for that.
Indeed the new modular snap your hangar items in place works well after an initial "getting used" to it. That new system is also worked into the ships and vehicles for changing weapons and paint jobs etc.
But still the Greycat vehicle does it's own thing if you bump into it. Not forgiven.
As the saying goes.... The more things change the more they stay the same.
After seeing the sliding Greycat I logged off. I'll log back in after the next patch.
After a small bit of gameplay I was disappointed with the glitchy graphics.
Yes I know it's all pre release, non final, in development stuff. And yes I can forgive it for that.
Indeed the new modular snap your hangar items in place works well after an initial "getting used" to it. That new system is also worked into the ships and vehicles for changing weapons and paint jobs etc.
But still the Greycat vehicle does it's own thing if you bump into it. Not forgiven.
As the saying goes.... The more things change the more they stay the same.
After seeing the sliding Greycat I logged off. I'll log back in after the next patch.
Friday, 10 June 2016
Wednesday, 8 June 2016
Homeworld's remastered 2.0....
I'm really glad to see that the Homeworld remastered edition has had it's latest all encompassing "patch". It's more like a further development and refinement of the remastered games. No complaints about that here.
Thankfully the patch still recognises campaign progress even if the save for the current mission is no longer valid.
Full details here: https://gearboxsoftware.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205281840-Homeworld-Remastered-Collection-Update-Information
Original Trailer:
Thankfully the patch still recognises campaign progress even if the save for the current mission is no longer valid.
Full details here: https://gearboxsoftware.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205281840-Homeworld-Remastered-Collection-Update-Information
Original Trailer:
Fallout 4.... The Director
With clearing through the DLC on 2 of my characters I thought the fastest character to complete Far Harbour with would be my Institute character. I was right. So in describing this character there will be spoilers of the game if you've never played it.
I know I've waffled on about my characters in various posts but I've been happy with how easy it is to avoid a lot of things in the game and still get so much done.
My main character is a completionist, middle of the road jack of all trades. That I've spend most of my time on.
The second character was my BOS playthrough with a keep sense of duty. Not as all out caring as my main but not as totally abandoning of all he crosses as my third character is.
That third character is the main reason I'm posting this time round. The Institute Director.
The end of the main game campaign does alter the npc idle chat which is nice and doesn't always happen. So being recognised as the new director and being given congratulations on that as well as sorrow for my loss at the end of the main storyline is immersive.
Having skipped so much in the main game and with taking the most direct route through the DLC has lessened my character's additional stats. Even being a level 33 character (1 day, 6 hours ), a lack of bobbleheads is a clear indicator of this
I went with this character having a bigger sense of urgency in getting her son back and acted accordingly. Blunt and straight to the point with a clear avoidance of side quests. For Far Harbour and Automotron I kept on the side of the Institute and as it's director I took the superior moral high ground. This was more apparent in Far Harbour by ignoring the Harbour people, detonated the Children of Atom threat and reclaimed all the synth's of Acadia.
Weapons have been whittled down to what works well in multiple situations. The newest DLC has had a massive positive impact on this end of the character.
As well as the weapons, Far Harbour has changed my character's armour.
Unlike my other character's that are more solo play and carry a fair bit of gear and weapons for situations that arise. My Institute character has remained with the overall streamlined setup. Sticking with X6-88 as a companion.
It's not a final setup as the armour (mainly the legs) need to be upgraded but requires my character to be level 39 for armourer 4 and level 41 for science 4. Both still some time away.
Besides the combat gear the "speech" gear is not fantastic with fashionable glasses, formal hat and the dress below (or the Tux).
From the beginning of the game I did use Codsworth as a companion but later sent him back to Sanctuary. Instead I took X6-88 from the institute to fit in better on the characterisation.
I did put the fashionable glasses and a pompadour wig on for fun but in far harbour it felt better and more fun with an old fisherman's hat.
I've left any companions I've come across where they were unless I had no choice. In which case they were just sent to Sanctuary. Not that Sanctuary is updated. It is still as messy and as much a shambles as the day I first saw it. I did build myself a small bunker there though.
Home sweet home:
I know I've waffled on about my characters in various posts but I've been happy with how easy it is to avoid a lot of things in the game and still get so much done.
My main character is a completionist, middle of the road jack of all trades. That I've spend most of my time on.
The second character was my BOS playthrough with a keep sense of duty. Not as all out caring as my main but not as totally abandoning of all he crosses as my third character is.
That third character is the main reason I'm posting this time round. The Institute Director.
The end of the main game campaign does alter the npc idle chat which is nice and doesn't always happen. So being recognised as the new director and being given congratulations on that as well as sorrow for my loss at the end of the main storyline is immersive.
Having skipped so much in the main game and with taking the most direct route through the DLC has lessened my character's additional stats. Even being a level 33 character (1 day, 6 hours ), a lack of bobbleheads is a clear indicator of this
I went with this character having a bigger sense of urgency in getting her son back and acted accordingly. Blunt and straight to the point with a clear avoidance of side quests. For Far Harbour and Automotron I kept on the side of the Institute and as it's director I took the superior moral high ground. This was more apparent in Far Harbour by ignoring the Harbour people, detonated the Children of Atom threat and reclaimed all the synth's of Acadia.
Weapons have been whittled down to what works well in multiple situations. The newest DLC has had a massive positive impact on this end of the character.
As well as the weapons, Far Harbour has changed my character's armour.
Unlike my other character's that are more solo play and carry a fair bit of gear and weapons for situations that arise. My Institute character has remained with the overall streamlined setup. Sticking with X6-88 as a companion.
It's not a final setup as the armour (mainly the legs) need to be upgraded but requires my character to be level 39 for armourer 4 and level 41 for science 4. Both still some time away.
Besides the combat gear the "speech" gear is not fantastic with fashionable glasses, formal hat and the dress below (or the Tux).
From the beginning of the game I did use Codsworth as a companion but later sent him back to Sanctuary. Instead I took X6-88 from the institute to fit in better on the characterisation.
I did put the fashionable glasses and a pompadour wig on for fun but in far harbour it felt better and more fun with an old fisherman's hat.
I've left any companions I've come across where they were unless I had no choice. In which case they were just sent to Sanctuary. Not that Sanctuary is updated. It is still as messy and as much a shambles as the day I first saw it. I did build myself a small bunker there though.
Home sweet home:
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
Xbox live free games....
Two recent games from Xbox Live's monthly freebies have been getting a bit of my game time. Both are fun and both are non committal so are great to just pick up and play for a few minutes.
The first one is Peggle and the other is Super Meat Boy. I'd never heard of Peggle before but I had heard of Super Meat Boy and although it never peaked my interest on it's initial debut I have to say getting it as a freebie is a treat.
The Classic Gaming Room does a fun review of Peggle even if it's from 2009:
And IGN have a quick video of Super Meat boy:
The first one is Peggle and the other is Super Meat Boy. I'd never heard of Peggle before but I had heard of Super Meat Boy and although it never peaked my interest on it's initial debut I have to say getting it as a freebie is a treat.
The Classic Gaming Room does a fun review of Peggle even if it's from 2009:
And IGN have a quick video of Super Meat boy:
With the new "Motherland" event for World of Tanks I've been playing it more.
The event for me has turned from excitement to grind. The event is a mission that upgrades once completed.
The first was to get 10,000 points. The second to get 20,000 and now I've been hit with the 3rd of 30,000 points. I'll be seeing how the next few day's of it go but it is a real grind.
The new tank does look cool:
But I'm just after seeing this video detailing the full events needs.....
That's a lot of work to play "casually". Sod it. Engage fist shaking mode!
Darkest Dungeon....
I'm still hugely enjoying Darkest Dungeon. So much so my wife became interested in the game due to my constant game commentary. She tried it for about an hour and had purchased it for her own steam account the next day.
I've levelled up a few groups of characters to level 6 with a few more characters on the way just to be a completions. The later dungeons are harsh. The loot you take form the game is about enough to cover a few upgrades if your lucky after having treated/cured and destress the group you just took out.
It's harsh and there is no doubt that the random number generation factor can be a pain but it gives such a high when it all goes your way.
The first brigand attack on my town was bad. I was not going to take a retreat "win". The dual stun from a tag team of Hellions was key in winning.
I've levelled up a few groups of characters to level 6 with a few more characters on the way just to be a completions. The later dungeons are harsh. The loot you take form the game is about enough to cover a few upgrades if your lucky after having treated/cured and destress the group you just took out.
It's harsh and there is no doubt that the random number generation factor can be a pain but it gives such a high when it all goes your way.
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Nice.... |
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Here Vvulfy Vvulfy |
Cities skylines....
No matter how the game develops and moves on in regard to
the new problems a bigger population brings. Adding in the reliability and
knowledge that that brings for fore planning those problems. The one thing that
still brings my cities down no matter what I try is the traffic.
Traffic has
such a fine line between perfect balance and gridlocked hell is it it's own
A flyover here a bypass there and a extra link road over there.... The traffic must floooooooooow.
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Bad junction.... very bad junction.... |
I'm a fan of BdoubleO100 and one of his latest Minecraft video's was special. A tour of his main world's "towns". But in the description he linked a zipped version of his save for that world so you can wander around and tour it yourself. Fantastic and a big thank you to him for that!
Minecraft Building w/ BdoubleO :: World Tour & Download! :: ep 379
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