Tuesday 6 February 2024

Week in, week out....

Yea, yea, the more things change the more they stay the same. This last week+ has seen the newest bank holiday, so with a long weekend comes delay and off-putting of the usual. So like an inconsistent blogger who blogs inconsistency; Who has also been very 'meh' about it this week. If I was a reader I'd be annoyed by the inconsistency alone(and the grammar?); but then again I'm waffling and barely a spec on these here inter-webs, so 'meh'?

After a month sub of WoW I decided to pay for 3 more months. A long-term WoW player and real life friend has come back to the game; We've joined a guild my wife was favorable towards. So fingers crossed in these latter days of the expansion things will 'be good' for all of us.
The one part of WoW that I dislike is the way gearing up is a constant 'need'. Hard work and effort, so many bosses with no drops only to get something that is then replaced with the next new RNG dependent thing. A catch 22 to keep players active. With luck that will be eased in the next few expansions. At least for me the thoughts of WoW classic with a level 60 and all the best gear with nothing else to get or level is appealing; But I'm passed that. I'm into the fun but the thought of redoing content to get the perfect best in slot is to off-putting to me.
Given that the games development team now realizes the same thing it seem I'm not the only player like that. I'm looking forward to the next phase of WoW. A 3 expansion arc; The Worldsoul Saga. Of the next expansion and first of the arc's 3, the feature that brings the most promise and 'hope' of greater gameplay is that of the Warbands feature. Among which are transferable gear and account wide progression. Talk about quality of life updates. New end-game content in the forms of Delves is also very interesting.
After the month of game-time ran-out I was logged on with a bunch of inactive characters; Which lead to checking out older lower level characters that were still active. On an Alliance character on a realm far away, many, many years ago I created a Draenei. No funny story, just saying..... So many characters, so much solo faffing about. I guess WoW for me is now a phase that 'needs' the MMO in the WoW MMO. Player interaction, what next back to serious PvP!!?
Steams current NEXT FEST has seen a playable demo of Breachway released. A game I've had on my wish-list for a while and waffled here about. This new demo sees a lot of development and advancement in gameplay mechanics. Combat feels a lot more impactful, as does the general gameplay with some narrative. I've been playing and enjoying it's more in depth and slightly slower thoughtful pace. 
The only thing I miss from the previous demo are the dudes in spacesuits that used to be bobbing around the hanger when you'd be parked up. Talk about the little things.

Darkest Dungeon has been a case of maintenance mode. Clearing up hero issues from stress/afflictions/quirks etc. With the Baron dead the roster was gifted heroes the removal of the crimson curse. Couldn't have come at a better time. Things in that regard were out of control bordering on very problematic. Thankfully all was managed and no hero was 'starved' and lost.
During the end fight I was thankful that the game seemed to recall it was radiant mode. About time! At least in completing the 'easy mode' last it's started to 'feel' like it. For the fun. Yea, fun, honest. I may still not be near the completionist end of this 3rd and final difficulty playthrough but at least there was a breath of  'easy mode'.
One boss down, 2 to go and 1 to farm after that. After those maybe back to the farm? How trinket complete do "I" need this run to be? Time will tell. As for the end boss of the farm, that's too far down the track to consider. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Eve is still as Eve does, for me. Level 4 PvE, R&D/Industry, P.I. & Low level abyssal's. Fun is fun and each to their own.
My Eve r.l. friend is still having issues with getting into the game despite having done all the 'support'. Nothing like being given help right up to that support deciding your issues must be out of their control. Especially as their changes are the only thing that's altered with said players client/setup.
My own issues seem to be 80% less than they were. Only randomly does my alt tabbed/minimized account go black screen unresponsive and needs to be process terminated.
An alt's skill que showed me something new; Not that I've done much R&D in the recent past but I don't recall seeing the skill queue info bubble after skills showing unlocked BPO's. Nice to have.

While I didn't play the last test for Vanguard(I did the previous test), I re-confirmed my e-mail/interest. I'm sure the test won't show anything 'new' but I do have that ever so slight interest that there will be a surprise, like fun gameplay.
Maybe I'm too cynical but even those talking balanced or slightly positive takes about the games development have me shaking my head. CCP was burnt by giving to much info too fast and not delivering in the past but they have gone in reverse far too much with this project. Turtle pace with no information and no real plans. Talk about turtling up. The roadmap as I've said before is 'nothing new' till the end of that roadmap. Whats to get excited about! I hope when there is a game that CCP don't have it hidden behind a paywall..... Paying for Eve to play it will not make it anything past a neiche Eve element with limited interest. Certainly not a draw from other FPS players or FPS players only.
CCP is like google, they have a graveyard of apps/programs that have been 'discontinued'. 
EVE Valkyrie anyone!
Something something Mystery code something something. Yea I'm still bitter.
8:30 PM on a Friday night,
95527 in game - Call of Duty MWIII/MZ/MW2
93199 in game - Team Fortress 2
6550 in game - Halo Infinite Multiplayer, 
20127 in game - Overwatch 2
1295 in game - Planetside 2
Of that list does a new Sci-Fi based, intricate mechanics, pay based model FPS look to be 'needed'. CCP milking Eve for 'reasons'.
A new FPS from CCP integrated in Eve is niche and will either be null or faction warfare based. Null is unlikely as your playerbase will be null armies and will have no reason to play other than domination gaming of the game. Removing any real emergent gameplay. Faction warfare would live or die on how good the game mechanics/systems are(are they worth doing never mind being fun). Too many open questions. CCP will do as CCP does. Time will tell.  


Star Trek Online is ongoing. The more I play the more I get out of the game. The amount of free from the game is huge. I know I go on about it but if you play the game or want to and someone says it's all pay to win; They don't know what they are talking about. 
The amount of times I've wanted to say "nice ship, pity you can't use it" is unreal. Their money to waste.

With the free anniversary T6 ship token I picked up the Terran Hydra Intel Destroyer. Using it to replace my Wrath of Khan Temporal operative Alt. He was due an upgrade. What a ship in action. One of those fast ships that I actually like playing

In upgrading that ship on that alt I've been taking a lot more time to go to each character in turn and rework the characters and their ships. Slow but sure on PC. Trying to keep it one ship each character. There are exception of course; But still trying to keep it simple enough.
The Xbox event reward for the Maelstrom Torpedo is good to get. A game changer on PC and now a game changer on Xbox. So with it I've decided to go through my Xbox characters and do the same as on PC, check ships/characters and gear etc. All work in progress.
My Xbox main is a Temporal recruit and has a lot of everything(more or less) a main main. So have updated her two main ships.
None of these fits/changes or uses are perfect and I'm not trying to be; Just the best they can be in my style/preferences. Fun as much as functional.
My Jem'Hadar recruit....
My KDF recruit....
And for now my second Jem'Hadar come Breen cosplayer; Until he gets a Breen ship from 'the next' Phoenix event......

I still have a lot of gear at the bottom of his inventory, ready to go on that new Breen ship 'when' he gets it.....
My three Delta recruits while never really used after completing their Delta specific recruit tasks... Well they needed some love as well. Torpedoes for all in a faction ship to suit them!

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