Waffle all the way down........
New week new me, dear god no, yet I does has a need to be doing the wafflage......
Last weekend reminded me of how I used to do weekends while my wife was in hospital some years ago. She was in for months. As my mam lives near(down the road literally) it made sense to stay there; To save on time traveling etc. I had the same internet woes back then; Mobile hotspot does not a hardline make. So I'd go home on a Sat, order dominoes, fill my face while I downloaded the larger/longer youtube vids to catch up on... Not to mention catch up on cloths washing etc. Then head back on Sunday. Data is valuable even in these unlimited but very much limited in all ways days. A harder task if it were to happen today due to "the cat" complication. Much harder due to his no F's given towards anyone else around never mind me.
That said there are some people he just immediately flops over for. Traitor! I joke I joke. Yet still can't help but feel a little hurt.... It's just a bit much to be bitten and clawed "with love" so often. That said he's a lot more chill these days. Cats, each as individual as a human, you just can't tell, till you get to 'know' them. By then it's 'too late', being fully responsible for the little lifeform an all. Just because he doesn't like to be held, stroked or looked at, by me.... Still wouldn't leave him despite being 'technically my wife's cat'. Which does help in certain situations... "Your cat is <insert action>".
Yea an exaggeration but kinda not. Cat before him was a looker, clueless, but a cute one. At least he chased a ball, would bring it back to me and go after it again.... Cat before that was 'back home' and a cats cat, set the bar so high I was spoiled in cat expectations. Ran his own crew over a large area. Pro to say the least.
So the week has been another week, works are still being done on my mams house, so I was back staying over. She's in the acceptance phase, so I'm just waiting for the return of the anger phase born of frustration when there are delays to the work...... Managing the information flow is critical, not to much, not too little.... What she don't know she don't 'need' to know etc.... Considering this is the easy job I'm glad she'll be 'vacationing' with my cat for the next one. I'll still be staying in my mams; But at least she realizes her presence during that time will need a self imposed removal from the situation. Should take half the time but will be double the hassle(internal works). .emote/roll eyes to heaven. Time will tell indeed. Onward to week three!!
As for the online games; Star Trek Online remains the more playable due to looking as normal or as close to normal as it can be, Older game, older graphics card. The only problem is the internet connection. Which is kinda needed.
The 15th anniversary for the game is on and the freebies are welcome! The event is ongoing as well. At least I can play the game. My wife is kindly doing my 'side' pc account as well as my Xbox daily.
Lag is bad when not even the in game store loads properly. Lag is not a thing I've had to deal with in some time. Lag ending in a disconnection, even longer. the last two weeks have made up for that lost time. Some times of the day are proving better than others for certain games and connectivity. STO is better all day over Eve Online and Eve is better left for later in the evening. So I guess it all works out. That said, Eve Online is not like a fine wine on older systems; and has a very bad taste due to inconsistency of the potato mode. I complain but it's an experience of my own making due to both laptop and internet limitations not of the games making. Or is it.... Pushing up the tech levels and requirements..... How dare I as a user try to use what I have. Still it's just about do-able with it's basic of basic options and the right time of day.
Random is random and it can all be up in the air when the wrong confluence of events, timings and happenstance combine to make things work or not. Things happen the way they happen. I'm persistenting because my dailies do need to be done. I am 'into' the game and getting the most out of it is 'making' the best of the situation. All very first world problems given the state of the U.S.(re Alex Massie on BBC Question time (and Pod Save America Here and here) and Gaza(re Canadian news UN rapporteur, where were all the news agencies covering this talk).
Back to gaming....
As for blogging it's 50/50 even uploading images to the blog post....... Time and idle hands make a waffling blog post...... But this internet......
Other gaming has been very limited due to current timings and circumstances. Much as I'm out of my normal routines it's hard to be in a place and time of shifting norms. The more things change the more they stay the same in familiar ways but are inconsistent in keeping things 'norms'. So yea gaming can be done and at times 'needs' to be done but the way that all happens, for how long and the level of enjoyment is all dependent on everything else happening. Waffle on a blog looks like work so when 3 lads are in the window plastering away it's not too bad but not a thing I'd sit and 'endure' if I'm trying to game, no matter the game. Other people may have no issue with being overlooked by others no matter what they are doing but not me. There are certain niceties and facades to be kept up. If I look like I'm actually busy then that means I'm less likely to be bothered unnecessarily. Not that I've been bothered by the workers this week. They have a routine as much as I have. The work goes on and I get to do my things in my ways. So I'm a gonna let the waffle and gaming be the sides of the occupado coin.....
On a side note it's already noticeable that the house is both warmer and keeping the warmth in. This morning was -2 degrees C and it was fine indoors with no added heating to 'warm the place'; Residual overnight heat was enough to be comfortable. So heat bleeding out is down. Worth the effort to drag my mam into the last century. Stubborn all her life, these elderly days are like a multiplication of that in the thousands. Best way to deal with things is to not bring friction but understanding. Not so easily done but time and patience just like connectivity and lag. Retry/Reconnect again with patience and see what happens.
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