Friday 20 February 2015

My latest Eve update....

The world of Eve Online is an exciting one, news, changes and updates are the order of the last few month's and looks to be the future. That's a good thing.
There is more info about the coming server verses server tournament in Eve on the last day of fanfest.
I hope the "world" server beats the Chinese server. Simply for the fact that if the "world" wins my active accounts will get a nice ship.
The official dev blog is here:

I came across the main "noob" guide to station trading that is over on the Greedy Goblin.

Worth a read for it's information but am glad I'm an Eve veteran when doing so. A vet of the game has a better view and I can poke holes in some of his assumptions and in general his attitude and tone of the piece. Pinch or bucket of salt on standby when reading that site in any case.

The new bits and bobs as well as the new condord shuttle are detailed in this dve blog
Another shiny to add to the hanger "keep" items box. I intended to vote on all my accounts and now I definitely will be doing so. Especially with the flare items once you've voted. More shinny's... yay.
Being the forecaster of all things statistical it's no surprise that Gevlon has done a post about the coming CSM X and it's candidates I doubt a bucket of salt would be enough for that post.... truck load maybe. Either way I'll be voting for the last candidate listed for sure. One or two others may get a vote as a primary. others as I do more research.
A much more balanced view is here -
And lots of info to make up your own mind here -   &    here -

There was a dev blog about the new player experience, rather than change whats there they have added more to it.You can read the dev blog here -
I can understand why they have gone this way, sandbox and all. But for me it looks to add more confusion for a noob that is already confused by the system in it's open and still confusing world. The new player experience needs to me more hand held, bull by the nose ring lead. With skip able and repeatable options. Not more open world maybe do x, y or z. Time will tell what it all develops into.I can see it now. Noob channel flooded with more question on how they should do things. as if it wasnt' flooded already, Tsunami alert!

All in all the news and future IS looking interesting. Long may it last.

My mains and alts all still do their usual "housekeeping". Such as PI for my mains and alts, ongoing as usual.

While on my main I bought a lot of aurum items that would fit in the shuttle I was flying but I decided with the number of gankings going on that a courier would be the best choice for moving my new shiny's. I'm glad I did as the courier got splattered on the Jita undock.  Thankfully the items I had bought equalled less than 80 Million and the collateral I asked for was 380 Million. so I got a windfall at the expense of the courier and my items. Which I bought again and couriered to my "HQ" with a healthy 300 Mill to spare! Nice profit.

So I decided to buy one of the new T3 destroyer's the only T3 available at the time. The confessor.
I took a fit from the Eve Hermit, Thank you. and only slightly changed it. removing the probe launcher.

The remaining "windfall" isk is still unspent, I'm thinking that it paid for the Mach I bought a while ago as well. So it's all even. At least for me that is.

Some things just need to be bought thought....

Late one night on my null alt I was sitting in HI--sec ship spinning when I thought sod it, I'll jump to a clean clone and take a T1 / T1 fitted frig and go and see what I can explode against. I was in the process when I passed a system that had a corpie in and he asked if I wanted to join a gate camp.
I said yes on the spur of the moment and enjoyed the next 2 and a half hours of killing things. Till I finally lost the frig against a large force that was countering our fleet. A lo was lost by the fleet as it was blapped to bits. It was a good venture. I hope to do this more in the future. But skill training first.

I've already been stock piling T1 hulls and mods to prepare for the pvp explosion that will be my null alt's future. Let the games begin.... in a moment.

His nullsec trading has taken a beating. There was been upheaval in the null markets due to a crusade to get all market prices equal to or lower than Jita prices. I think this is unrealistic considering the location of the main market stations in null. I'm all for a profit and even a healthy profit. And I'm all for ridding the markets of the scammers who but up orders that mimic normal orders but add on an extra zero to profit from someones haste. But with prices so scrutinised it's hard to even make a profit on any item or ship hull now. Some orders have been put up with high volume, lower prices on purpose by the alliance. I've had to resort to selling some T1 hulls at 50% of their Jita value just to stay competitive with the local markets. I have no way to move my large volume of items out of null to make a break even never mind a profit. I can see how the spotlight can force people to make things up and start the scams. If it keeps going this way I'll end up using more of my own stock for my own pvp. Least I have a use for them. I've seen other people reprocess the ships/mods they have made to change to minerals to make other items they need.
Harsh localised world. At least the roaming reds are getting their ganking replacement ships/gear at super low prices. NRDS has it's ups and down's.

I've been doing a lot of Hi-sec missioning of late as well.
The best chart I've come across for damage and resists is this one.

 It's a nice "cheat" sheet.

I've also gotten to fly a mates Dominix. It's a fit that makes you work for your isk. Constantly watching cap, boosting cap, watching drones getting damaged, repping drones, repping self, keeping track of the mission and trigger npc's. He likes to think that this is the way the game should be played. I think some things are hard enough so why make if more hassle for myself. Cruise fit Raven is fine. Nighthawk is better. Tengu is fast and non afk. There are better ways and each to their own.
 My Null alt is doing well. He finally got to sit in the Tengu he bought a while back. Only to find that the fit wasnt' "optimal" for him. Especially with a few not just one a few offline mods. So I replaced a subsystem with a CPU buff sub system to make some mod changes work.

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