Saturday 5 March 2016

More Eve news....

Speak of the devil. I thought I'd get away without specifically blogging about Eve Online and CCP go and unleash the internet. Why do they always do that late on a Friday.... So they can let the internet wear itself out or boil over maybe. Either way it sounds like a lot of work to sift through on a Monday morning.

There is a good article here about the in's and out's of "what are Citadels". Worth a read to get some info.

CCP released a massive statistic filled dev blog which by the title seems to be a monthly thing....
Monthly Economic Report - February 2016

The new launcher will be mandatory from June 30th this year, and they are no longer supporting older operating systems, the details are here.

The Eve lore goes on: SOE Confirms Research into Drifters and Discusses Preliminary Findings.

And the big news..... [Citadels] Changing NPC taxes

For me the tax changes and jump clone price hikes are of concern. I really don't want to see Hi-sec changes that much, both those changes would affect my gameplay. "Little" changes build on little changes like those and I can see myself leaving the game. Rather than waffle on too much I will link some forum replies here that sum up my feelings as well:



Time will tell what gets a Dev reply or clarification or adjusted due to the feedback.

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