Monday 13 November 2023

Weekly Update #28....

Another week over and another week begun. Ups and downs. Gaming enjoyed, gaming to enjoy.

Information from the Epic v. Google court shenanigan is a case that keeps on giving.

Steam Deck....
An OLED version is good to see. While I'm a few years away(or a laptop's final detonation). Interesting to see.

While I'm not sure I've seen/heard of the game in it's development or on release I did see this video from Angory Tom. An interesting lil game.

Star Citizen....
The more I hear about the game, it's future and it's recent price increase, the more I'm having peeved feelings. The more it 'rubs me up the wrong way'. Both in what's being planned, how it's being announced. I may as well say every aspect.
I've been agreeing more with TheYamiks in appraising Star Citizen. He's had a good video recently about all space games and how they compare.

Cities Skylines II....

While I was and am a massive fan of the first game(flaws and all); That said I wasn't into all of it's DLC. A quick look shows I 'only' have 2 of the non free DLC's leaving 10 repurchased, so the bulk of them. So maybe that doesn't make me a massive fan after all even if I consider myself to be. Either way I was a little more than interested to see how the second game would turn out.
On it's release, like most new games I waited to see what the initial reactions were. While a good portion of the Youtubers who get new releases as freebies tend to lean to the shill side of 'reviewing', there were a few; And yet a few who were honest. LGR did a good review and confirmed what I had been seeing/hearing pre=release about the game. Which is a pity.

If it wasn't for the ability to play it via Xbox Ultimate for PC I wouldn't have touched it.

The Good - It feels like the first game but better, smoother and more responsive. It is more simulation than before.
The Bad - It's more simulation than before. It lets itself down with a lot of obvious rushed details that show it was released too early. It's not a game to pick up and play while feeling like a pro from the off., like the first game. Which is the main problem for me. Too simulationey; In the same way as comparing Two Point Hospital to Project Hospital. It lost it's fun factor in moving iterations. Like I said It's a pity.


For some reason I felt an urge to try Astroneer again.... I still can't do it. I hop in, I faff about and do/create some stuff; But it's then off-putting to me. A game that still screams that I want to play it yet when I do I don't. It is what it is.



Speaking of which, another game in the same, 'should be my thing' vein; Valheim, just can't keep be playing despite being a game that scrams 'play me' and I feel the need to! Again a game that get me in but can't keep me playing. After a year and a half since my last try and still being installed despite previous attempts I really have to question why I do it to myself.... Attempt/hope at getting gameplay enjoyment/fun? 
I tried hard to get into it this time round. Starter guides to see whats changed etc...

When is a game too much game....? But not like it felt too much like 'Work', even if it is can be at times.
I'd never played it with a controller, maybe I should have?
Just not in the stars, maybe next time?

Planet Crafter....

Still Crafting, just because rather than having an end goal. Exports are gaining currency. Existing and doing processes, like a man stuck on a planet.

No Mans Sky....

Speaking of retrying older games. This time I was 'into' it. Back in the day. I've posted a lot about it over the years. It's been a journey. Which was in a patch taken from me. It was too much of a jarring shunt to keep me playing. All that aside I do and have had an need to try and return to it. Usually not to stay and this time was no different. Nice to get back and see/take a look around; But not to stay.

Darkest Dungeon....
The journey goes on. In the Crimson Court this Radiant run actually has started to feel like it's as easy as it's supposed to be(finally). I've enjoyed the game in it's hardest modes and now Radiant as a completionist, to say I did it, so it's been a surprise in a lot of ways. For now the process of taking down the Crimson Court goes on. The Farm still needs attention but its all getting there.

Maybe I spoke too soon?

Dave the Diver....

Some slight return gameplay, just to dip my toe back in, just because. Finalizing some slight leftovers again....

Star Trek Online....

The last week has seem me play more on Xbox than on PC. Mainly (again) to do my KDF recruits transponder. Completion on that is near.

Ambush kills is done.

The real 'grind' of random TFO's is getting there.... slowly.

With the creation of a new Jem'Hadar(that recruit event is now over), my plan to have a Breen character is really getting there. 

Head Covering - Breen 2 - S5 / T2 / A4 (also back/neck/wrist to match)
Upper - Breen - T18 / S2 / T5
Hands - Breen - T5 / S7
Chest Gear - Breen Straps - S3 / T2
Shoulder Pad Left/Right - Breen 2 - S3 / S24
Feet - Breen 1 - S4 / S3 / T1
Lower - Breen - T18 / S2 / T5
Belt - Breen - S3 / T2
While I've gone with the traditional green for my officers 'eye', I made my characters one while. 
Like on PC, what is set in costume designer 'may' not be the end result you get in game. So it's trial and error. What I really dislike is that I have to do all the officers manually as there does not seem to be a way to save/copy outfits. PC wins that hand down. It's been a journey for sure; Still it should be good when all done.

I've spent Lobi to get the Breen Outfit as well as spent holiday tokens for the holiday store space set. I've yet to sort out his officers and space traits/abilities(from the holiday store). So lots to do yet least of which is to get a Breen ship. So any time the next phoenix prize event want to com back would be good; I'll be crossing my fingers and using all Dil to buy it's box/tokens in the hope of getting one. If all else fails the buzz is that the Winter event ship is a 'good one'. So time will tell.
The Breen space set from the missions was also gained; As well as two Andorian dual phaser banks(cos colours) via the reclaim after having previously gotten the Andorian T5 some time ago.  So lots collected in advance to 'make' things work when I can.

I presume with the latest expansion there is also a new freebie via the Xbox store. Free is free so will always get a claim from me(claim on the Xbox store, then claim in the in game store). I've no real use for the weapon so I might wait and see what character to claim it on(thematic if nothing else). The captain token will be of real use.

Eve Online....

Life in Eve has been simple and not at all interested in the Meta never mind the newest of new content (or 'rel world' stuffz). That said the patch notes are of interest(here); With the new launcher of ever more interest given the forthcoming FPS 'game'.
Casual PvE carebear that I am it's all bee same'ol same'ol. PvE missions and Mining. Industry for profits etc.
The last few day has seen me fleet up with more than just my alts; And that friend on the far side of the world has actually had time for us to both be on at the same time! Wonders never cease.

It doesn't take much of doing anything in game to leave a trail of assets and loot behind. I sometimes think I sped more time tidying up than 'playing' the game. That and I'm 'kind of' ánál about how my characters have assets and locations setup; Never mind traded between alts let alone real players/friends. My own worst enemy. Fun is fun, right?


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