Tuesday 10 May 2022

Assassin's Creed Origins....

I've dipped in and out of Origins very lightly over the last year or so. A game I got in 2018, and played in roughly 2 major or prolonged bouts, blogged about here and here. But in the last few days it's seen a return to my gameplay time. 

While the boss fights in Origins could be classed as 'lite' souls-esque encounters. I'm still rubbish at them and replaying a different save has me rethinking my inclination towards the Souls games. I'm more firmly in the like the idea of them if not the reality
That said I bought Valheim during the week before my 'position' altered(again), so who knows what will happen on that score. 
Anyway I've been back to Assassins Creed Origins because a friend has been back to it over the last two weeks. Given we talk frequently and are both gamers it's no wonder I went back to it myself.
More motivation in being back to the game some slight competitiveness in regard to Steam achievements. Achi's I've not gotten with all my experience and time in a game I like.... The mocking jibes are real and friendly fun is always good fun.

Getting back I've been clearing parts I'd missed or skipped before. One of which was the Izu Armour. The quest elements are done but I'm about 20 shards away from being able to do the final claim. That's where the 'grind' has become real, but the motivation is now as real..... I'll be pottering about with the game for a while yet.

It's still a great game in gameplay and visuals. I've fallen back into it like I never left. It's maybe not a tip-top in visuals compared to some 'newer' games but it still catches my eye.

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