Sunday 24 December 2023

Happy Christmas....

It seems that Stadia users have been given an extra breather to convert their controllers to Bluetooth. So users have until the end of December, 2024. Official site for more info.conversion etc... 
Has me wondering if it's worth getting one cheap, just because.
Tiny Combat Simulator is getting better and better with each patch. I may be a broken record on this subject but it's really great to see it's ongoing improvements.
This year Eve Online has done an email stats notification rather than a personalized video. Once again the stats are open to interpretation. Apparently I've spent 90 hours in game on my main. 43 hours with my second main and 46 hours with an alt. All very high, unbelievably high. While I'm sure there's a lot of crossover in shared time between them(two mains on main PC and alt on the side at the same time); It's still a lot more time than I'd have guessed. Which makes me in the top 15% of players spending time in the game. So much open to interpretation. There must be so many Alpha accounts skewing those stats as well. I wonder if being logged in but left on the character select screen also counts as 'time'.
Isk generation is also questionable given my mains 'industry' is in Planetary interaction at a basic level. With my second main transferring isk to my main main. That said my main is in the top 12% of income earners, top 16% of player expenditures and net difference in the top 4%. As the saying goes lies, dámn lies and statistics. If my main is in the top 4% of earners making a profit then the stats are skewed and the top 3% are a colossal number of players earning astronomical sums(life of the 1%).
My main is in the top 65% of systems visited(12) but in the top 23% of gate jumps taken(399), visiting 13 stations putting me in the top 32% of players.
Strangest of all imho, despite all the other stats are the % given to my main for mining and industry. Top 25% of miners with only (just under) 500000 units of ore mined. Top 19% of industry jobs started.with only 31 jobs. If I wasn't helping my friend out on that score I'd have none listed so swings and roundabouts. The majority of eve's industry really is held by an elite top % running it all. Monopoly of monopoly. I'm sure the exponential increase in profits going up the percentages chain would really be extreme to see.

Away from stats I'm really not doing much in the game. Passive income is passive with PI and some minor gameplay in my preferred PvE lifestyle (mission/abyssal running) but not much else at all. I'd not even mention mining; But would mention ship spinning and asset managment. Guess I'm playing more of the game than I thought and every little adds up. 
On Eve related news I saw a tweet about a 6 month roadmap for Vanguard's development/testing.
As is and for the foreseeable the game, it's systems and it's 'gameplay' are of no real interest to me. Ship Skins or plex etc are not doing it for me either be they tiered participation/leader-board rewards. I see those as I see sales being a trap to buy when you didn't want to buy anything. I want an FPS but this FPS is all about CCP and Eve entailment rather than it being an FPS for FPS players. None of the first 5 months listed hold any interest. June's listing of Additional activities and objectives are the small glimmer of hope for something worthwhile being added. Otherwise this big show is not for me. This game is gonna be way more niche than it needs to be. I really miss Dust 514. Given this is a game essentially in early access there should be 'hope' for big changes to develop in 6 months; But those listings in the roadmap are all the same, balance, participation rewards, balance.... And then June gets the 10 seconds of quick talking terms and conditions to cover all the bases and draw out the hopium. Rubs me all the wrong way. They have the game they want to bring and noting is gonna alter their course. Again I won't be diving back in; I'll keep an eye out for good news and see that summer brings. I've said it before but the feeling I get is that this is going to be developed and released without too much more 'big' changes. I'm sure it's gonna be wonderful for a (small?) crowd of sycophants and a few onlooking Eve players golf clapping from the sidelines. Best of luck to all of them.

Speaking of stats, Steam has given it's own yearly player stats update for me.

Given I use the Arc launcher to use Star Trek Online; The appearance of STO on the Steam list never mind as a top entry is a bit puzzling. Maybe I used the Steam version of the game but memory on that is more than a bit fuzzy; I vaguely recall that there may have been an issue with the Arc Launcher not working early last year, so maybe that was it.

The extra stats are interesting; Other than the sheer number of games played it all seems to make sense. Especially with regard to Dave the Diver and Darkest Dungeon.

Speaking of Star Trek Online, life there has been ongoing as usual. The daily, on both PC and Xbox is being done on my Breen themed characters. With other characters returned to their own places after the initial event start shuffle. Mainly Fed to ESD, Jem'Hadar to DSN and Klingons to the shipyard over Qo'noS. Yea I'm as fickle with characters in STO as I am in Eve Online. Characters/placement/ships/factional theme etc etc.... So it's no wonder that my Xbox STO is following the PC version footprint(for the most part).

The overall game events besides the Winter Wonderland have popped with sales and in game happenings. Best of which for me and one I've been waiting for on my Xbox Breen, the Phoenix Prize Pack Event started. Unfortunately the gods of random numbers have not granted my efforts with an Epic token reward. Just in case it mattered I gathered all Dil from all characters and reclaimed it on my main who then got more than her fare share of II tokens, but no Epic. This shíz happens. Can't help but feel a little disappointed. I'd really have liked to get the Breen Plesh Tral Heavy Raider; I've used it on my PC Breen from when the ship was a Winter event reward back in the day. 
Gonna have to pause my Xbox Breen's setup/gear and return to getting Dil together for the next PPP event... That at least will 'make' have me playing more of the game in the new year. Using real world cash is not going to happen; Even on PC I've only ever bought the lifetime sub(and one or two charity packs), can't see myself ever getting a lifetime sub on Xbox! My moaning about player interactions(or lack of) aside, I do play the game for enjoyment, so I'm gonna do that.

Posting this on the 24th the rewards ship has been claimed and tested on an alt; I have to say I really like it. A ship with a lot of maneuverability, which I like. I really do enjoy the power-sliding ships. I know a lot don't.
A ship I fitted out with whatever was handy on the alt and it's a mashup of fun; I'll be playing more with it.

Testing the ship is also the first time I'm getting to really see the last event reward the Maelstrom Triflouride Torpedo. A real 'omg', 'wtf' moment... This torp is amazing! Why havn't I refit all ships on all characters to have it!!!!! Something to do in the new year!

Of the STO news I'm a fan of the following for information.

He also did an interesting vid on the coming anniversary event 14th Anniversary Info & Predictions

After my time Splurge on doing the Winter Event on ETS 2; I've been taking it slower on ATS. The event is an easy way to make decent income with the added bonus of a bit more fun than usual. My  ATS setup is so very very starter. While I don't want to get as involved as I am with ETS 2, the urge take advantage of the event is strong.


On Xbox I've been really getting more into Mad Max; My time in game seem to evaporation. Safe to say I'm really into it. It's a game that is undervalued; It's in game systems are basic but with depth. You may only X on a controller to punch but the options you open up with the increase of several leveling systems make for alternative moves and counter moves. All of which 'feel' good in an enjoyable empowerment of your car/character.


The world isn't as big as other games, but it really makes up for it with character and theme. Not a perfect game but very forgivable. I was a big fan of fury road and this game makes me live it and enjoy it. A much as I'm into it I'm taking my time and doing it slowly. Seems I'm being very methodical and it's proving to be a game where I'm doing/collecting/upgrading all the things!

Chumbucket is one of the best sidekicks I've seen in a game. His little speeches and one liners are one of the ways the game shines and really put him up there on the sidekick list.

Happy Christmas.... Enjoy a good one as much as you can!  

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