Sunday 31 December 2023

Happy New Year....

Happy New Year!

Of late I've been trying to keep up with the more Indy-ish and early access games I've got.

Plan B Terraform has been a game in early access but with a plan, a stream of steady updates. No wonder I bought it and 'bought' into it. A game I should play more but the more updates the better.
Astrox Imperium, another game with a plan and more improvements. Really looking forward to the next video update.
Open Imperium Galactica(Open IG), a java based remake of the original(still on GoG) has seen some updates that really do make it so much more of a 'modern' game to play. Interesting to see this alternative version in action. 

Splattercatgaming did a video about an in development game Heat Death: Survival Train, that seems to be 'interesting'. That said I've not had a chance to try it's demo with the season/real life and 'what not's'; Least I've installed it.
Of the games coming in 2024 via gameranx, Top 10 NEW Games of January 2024War Hospital looks the most interesting to me; Even if that's interest classified on the more mild side. One to watch but not to 'really' keep an eye on if you know what I mean.
With the Steam winter sale still ongoing I picked up En Garde! So a bit of fun with that in the new year should be had. At least it's a smaller/shorter game that's on my to-do list, more doable than others.
The last week my gaming has seen a lot more Mad Max on Xbox. It's open world but not big enough to be waht some would say 'Assassins Creed' intimidating; Especially if you do only as much as is needed for the story line. I've been double downing on a completionist behaviors to clear each map zone; While ignoring other aspects. Not in any perfect way but enough to make sense building up each Stronghold and then moving on to the next. So a game that is open to a variety of playstyles. Mad Max, yeah I'm into it.


The gameplay loop of kill/collect/clear/progress that's on some terms 'simple'; But complex enough to be enjoyable. Very very doable when mixed with upgrades for Max and the car that make it compelling. At least for me.
Upgrades to Max and the car are all impactful. All upgrades make a difference to gameplay that 'feel good'; Unlike other games where upgrades are more a name/number than an effect. A game where I've no problem getting mobbed by loads of enemies knowing I've a chance to get out alive in style(of a sort). Gameplay as much style as substance.
Some of the sights in the wasteland are interesting, it's not all noticeable cookie cutter elements(besides tyre-armchair toilets).

Speaking of Xbox, Battlefront II's single players campaign is one I've been taking another look at. I enjoyed it on PC so seeing it on Xbox is as I seem to always say, the same but different. 
Space combat is a pain but the ground FPS gameplay is fun. Very Star Wars fun. I may not play it more than a few missions but enjoyment all the same. Pity the multiplayer is all but dead; In the time it takes to get a proper 'big' match I'd have played some single player and moved on.

Given the amount of Xbox games I've been playing it's no wonder that a PC game or two should take a 'bit' of a hit to their time. ETS 2 and ATS have been that tradeoff. That said ATS and ETS 2 have seen some minor improvements and gameplay across the board and with the event.  ATS more with the income and player experience leveling due to it.

ETS 2 has been much the same. Nice to see the new winter rewards with the old, lots to mix and match with.

The wear and tear on parts is definitely a new thing to get used to. Sim is sim after all. Not a real cost concern in ETS 2 as it's very end game
But ATS is so starter that wear and tear costs on tyres alone is very much a concern("me profits!").
Dave the Diver has seen some more play due to the crossover. That said I guess I'm in the 'meh' post honeymoon of that newness. It's not profitable enough to skip normal play to get to it. The event isn't nearly often enough to be worth it. I'm thinking to stay the course with normal end game content to earn more profits. 
When the fog happens and the event is on there's time to collect aberrations for the collection.... So there's that angle.

Star Trek Online has seen more of the same gameplay. Dailies and Dil. Dailies for dil and dil for the phoenix prize packs. Keeping a stock of it's tokens for any future store buy's there; With the rest used to get the upgrade tokens. It's all surplus and I'm all about that future proofing. Take advantage now to make whatever tomorrow brings smoother. 
After so much free prize packs, dil conversion to prize packs I'm all out of luck on the xbox version for getting my Breen a Breen Ship. It's just not happening. Luck springs eternal but that RNG has been harsh to me(then again maybe it's not me). 
Instead I've been having my Breen play around with the event ship. Which has continued to be 'fun'.
On PC I've been playing with it as well. But it's proving to be more fun with the pre winter event's reward. The Maelstrom torpedo is a joy to use. So much extra DPS it makes me giggle. Even when using a ship fit slapped together from parts.

I'm looking forward to the event coming to Xbox in the new year so my Breen can slap that torp on his event ship. All just for fun.

While I'm not usually a multi torp fit player the Maelstrom has opened my eye's; Makes me wonder if two is better than one(two is the max for the Maelstrom?)

20 Plex is 20 Plex after all; That said 20 x 5 Million isn't gonna buy a lot of use in this modern market of inflation. But nice to see in the wallet all the same(multiply by number of accounts). Yea my mind is still in a time when T1 Battleships weren't over 200 Million.
Needless to say I've been playing Eve Online. Pottering about as usual. Main's, alts, ship fits and ship spinning.

Doing industry with/for my friend is still proving interesting even if I like to be the silent partner/investor. Part of which has been to use a player run refinery or two. Which all brings me to my real point. The newer type of station internals. I'm not a fan of them. To me they are claustrophobic and cluttered. Unclear in viewing the one thing I cam to see.... My ship. Never mind not being able to ship spin......

I do like the ship change animation.... See, I don't hate everything!


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