Tuesday 24 May 2022

Darkest Dungeon....

The ebb and flow of gaming goes on....Darkest Dungeon, I'm back at it. The mood and motivation was there last weekend. A dungeon run or two later and I felt like I'd never left(in a good way). I started to reassess where I'd left off and what needed to be done. While my last two posts(here and here) from last year do detail a lot there's noting like being in the game to see for myself. That said my last paragraph of the last post is correct.

If(When) I do defeat The Sleeper I'll consider the save complete. That'll be two saves and two full runs completed, 'normal'(Stygian) and 'hard'(NG+, Bloodmoon; NG+ is technically completed). After that there's just easy mode.... 'Radiant'. That is along way off.... I see a break if I get back to the game and a further longer break before I do return for Radiant.... Trying not to apply pressure to gameplay.... Fun in accomplishment from a long journey needs to be savored.

Getting back to the game now and having looked at the remaining Ancestors trinkets (from the long campaign dungeon rewards), there were 3 left to 'complete' the collection. Thankfully in doing them the second run had a drop from a mini boss of one of the trinkets so on completion I got 2 for the price of one on that dungeon run.

I'd more trinkets from the Crimson Court than I'd thought so only needed about 4 runs of the garden guardian to get the rest. Which all left me with no other unique or sets of trinkets to chase down. My last (subconscious?) stalling tactic, trinkets, was gone!

The last few days have really seen me tidy up the NG+ save. No better position to go on from.

So back to the plan....The only boss that needs to be 'cleared' is The Sleeper from The Color of Madness DLC. That Farm grind next on the agenda will be no easy feat(least not for me). I still have some minor apprehension at the thought of what RNG could hammer my progress but not in a no-play debilitating way. I'll have to wait for the RNG hammer blows to actually hit for that to set in.

All the remaining Trinkets from that DLC are on the cards as a self imposed objective. Not that I 'need' them but for completions sake(seeing as I have all the rest). As well as the  DLC's 4 town buildings. All in due course.

One boss, 3 buildings, 15 trinkets and a shed load of DLC currencies. It can be done with luck.

So in other words I need to 'do' the DLC; There's nowhere else to hide.

What could go wrong! 

At least the heroes that fall there are refracted and not dead. So a degree of roster and filler dungeon flexibility may need to be added to the grind till they 'normalize'....

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