Tuesday 25 June 2024

Fun in 'just' doing.....

wowcrendor content has been interesting with the WoW pre patch imminent.
Cubold Gaming had a bit of an interesting(for non list based reasons) list of Top 10 Best Free Open-World Games on Steam; But I'm not sure I'd have put Eve Online at No.1   Top 10 Best Free Open-World Games on Steam
Razbuten had an good video on game Rewards Are Weird
A busy yet not so busy week with a lot of chill no pressure 'meh' gaming; That and melting in the heat of the current weather.... So not a lot done.
The most of which was in Star Trek Online and Eve Online. 

Star Trek Online has seen all the usual, again more on Xbox than on PC; And all the same kinds of gamplay. Endeavours, events, quick character by character maintenance etc...
The xbox expansion freebie was claimed on my Delta Fed human, another to add to her growing collection.
The red alert rewards were good additions but I saw an additional token of a Captain upgrade in my account bank(as you do) so I applied that to my Breen character. I must have missed it before....

After finally claiming the free Phoenix token on all my PC characters I went into my Ferengi alt and saw he already had the Nandi.... I'm not surprised but I really, really thought he'd not got it.... Confusing him with my main on Xbox(who got it free). Which means I've no use for the free token on any character on PC...... I'm not unappreciative but it is what it is. On Xbox that will be a different story!
Seems I had to search my own blog to find a post from 2021 where I'd said I'd used the Nandi on my Ferengi alt before putting him in a Marauder... Oops!
As I'd not been back to the Ferengi character in a long while I took a look at the Nandi fit and reworked it with my current understanding of items and gameplay. Still a fun ship to fly.

While I don't often bítch and moan about the game, this blog has seen me do so about players. In general.This last week was a bit of an overload on that front. A boiling point of frustration which boiled over. Which I'll vent here. Not that it's really been all that much in the grand scheme. As examples I'll give one instance on PC and another on Xbox that are indicative of 'things' that have been 'grinding my gears'.

Xbox, like on PC has many players with shiny ships(paid for one way or another) who have no idea how to play the game. Who make me want to say 'nice ship, pity you can't use it'. My frustration in both the way they 'play' the game; Their expectation and their frustration at ássploding/respawn times 20 is not my concern(they can do as they wish) but in itself is my frustration. What's worse and more frustrating for me is their attitude. The reality of their actions and explosion is the flip opposite of what they 'think' they are doing(i.e. winning). Then they stay dead 50% through the TFO and do nothing else. So yea 'nice ship, pity you can't use it'...
PC as on Xbox the paid for(real world or in game) shiny ship players attitude is so much stronger. Like a repugnant pungent stench. Case in point, player in a Kelvin timeline dread, straight off as the tfo intro counts down, he mouths off that the group and the ships they/'we' are in. (as in we are not going to get the TFO done and better ships needed). Bla bla bla. Surprise he's the one that ássploded more. And yes the group did struggle but nothing teamwork could overcome, which it was. I'm all for the team work. There's noting more enjoyable than a struggle and victory as underdog ships/players complete something together. Anyway, during the TFO we did struggle, players helped each other at points to defend and progress. I arrived at a point where a struggling player had just died and so did said Mr Superiority complex. He had a problem with me getting there as 'wasn't it obvious he was more than enough'. How do I know, well he did the passive aggressive thing of stopping combat and flying straight to my ship. So ok I get it.... I flew on to the next point. Yet behind me I could see him get swarmed and killed. I laughed to myself but whatever. What a knob! etc etc etc. So he stayed dead for the rest of the TFO.... I'm not one to name and shame but he had a full written up bio, lots of accolade points and titles; He was a player who has 'playing' the game!!!! One I'd say still didn't know a gód damn thing! This was an event TFO........ He was this bad and had such an attitude ... in an event TFO! How much his high end elite 'friends' must carry him.....?

Venting aside, all I'm saying is that as much information is online, as good as groups are in game; Talk about 'lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink'..... Never mind know what H2O is.....

So I guess waffle/rant over.....

CasualSAB had an interesting news update. I don't watch all his content but his news ones are good.

Eve Online.... Has seen me get back into the game in a bigger way(for general gamplay). In using my alt to help my friend do his industry I started to 'get back into' some of my old PvE casual carebear ways. Missions(many, many), mining, P.I. Abyssal's, hauling, tweaking fits and reworking setup's etc. Fun in 'just' doing.`

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Waffle de Waffle....

Some interesting content worth sharing....

Of which Ghost Keeper looks too Sims 4 than Ghost Master which is more my thing. Time will tell.


Browsing the interwebs in many a search that dives deeper from one thing to another but mainly spurred on from that noclip doc on Wipeout music; I found myself recalling the game Breed and in turn two tracks form it's music. Comp04 and Comp07........... Which in turn makes me think of the game Chrome.....

Just as a palate cleanser...

With the demo-fest on Steam I've been able to tryout 2 games, One game stayed on the wish list, the other did not.....
Boat Crew stayed.

Stunt Xpress has been removed from the list. It's a good game but it's one I've felt pushed to feel enjoyment in. It's maybe that it's too fast paced/twitch reaction based.

Another game that's been on the wish-list, but not in doubt is Star Trucker. It's current Demo both looks and play's really well. It's good to see a lot of refinement in ui and controls etc since the last time I saw it..

A lot more enjoyable this time round so looking forward to it.

Star Trek Resurgence in a second playthrough is proving to be divisive.. In forcing myself to take options I'd not normally take, the game is immediately 'making' the choice I did take conform to the narrative. So for now choice feels like no choice this time round. Which in turn makes me not want to get further in the game to see other choices turn out the same way.... That have no real meaning. Maybe I should watch some play-throughs rather than do it myself. Not that I hate the game, the first time through was immersive and enjoyable. But..... That But........ So I'm not sure about going on...... It may take me some time if I do.... All replayability has been zapped form me for it. I may have to go 'story only' mode to speed up seeing choices/story arcs....

Planet Crafter has been getting time played by me clearing, resorting and adjusting items... Player that I am it's all got to be 'sorted'.... And so it has been. Add in some wreck exploration and portal/planet discovery. Which has completed the final stage of my 'need' to play the game. I've done so on my main save and 2 lesser early stage saves leaving me happy as they are. So up next is co-op? An actual 'want' to do so..... I did say just that to herself...... Time will tell....

After the last patches patch I noticed that the rock/mountain that had swallowed my invisible rocket, from the base I had to deconstruct.... A wreck is buried there. Which was a nice surprise all considered. Almost an homage to my old base and it's unrecoverable rocket placement.... So clearing it and making off with the loot was more fun given my previous time/space there... Rocket to wreck loot, I'll take it!


Darkest Dungeon saw game time. Nothing major, just some time in game for loot and roster care..... And to 'get back' into the flow of the game. As they say the last 10% is the hardest.


Unsurprisingly Star Trek Online has seen a lot of gameplay; Again more on Xbox than on PC. Events, endevours and general faffage!
The Phoenix 'event' has come and gone on Xbox but I'd no real need for it, but claiming the free voucher each day was good, every little helps.

MC Stu had some good videos to help improve a player: 

     BEST Universal Consoles Star Trek Online

Well worth a listed/watch.
The PC event rewards have been claimed and I've got the tier 1 epic phoenix token unlock per character.... Which I've done noting on PC with.... I really need to go on each character and do the claims.... At least on Xbox I'll have that for my Breen theme character. On Pc I'm more into checking my Fed Ferengi character with the Ferengi Warship..... Ferengi Nandi Warship
A ship on Xbox that was the first ship I could claim as a freebie(which on PC I didn't have). I think it was a promo or reward for playing/joining the game on Xbox...... With the new reward token maybe after sorting my Breen I need to also do a Ferengi with a Nandi..... Hmmmmm 
Then maybe actually have a need to buy Zen to get more character slots..... An actual cash purchase! 
A cash purchase for no 'need' other than my wanting more character slots. Or IO can wait and see....
I've not abandoned the PC version just a lot more 'done', done and done 6 more times there. The Xbox version is an iteration of the game that's the same but different so had my attention more; For now.

The Red Alerts are still on for the next day or two. Then onto the next event.... Which I'm thinking is the end of June, being the summer event? So a break after the red alerts?

And my Xbox's second KDF recruit has completed the last of the transponder levels under the endevour section; Just for completeness sake.

Which has 'completed' my main characters there.... So much so I've found myself returning to the 3 Delta recruits. Completing a lot on them that wasn't needed but might as well do now(Rep, admiralty, ship/ship gear).

Otherwise I've been continue to mull over a new Fed alien akin to my PC version, a Discovery character for no other reason than I've none of 'that type'; Plus I have the event Eisenberg Ship..... And I'm all about being thematic..... I've not many tactical characters on Xbox so maybe for this create one.....

I've no love for 'Disco' etc. But Sto does do Trek much better in a more acceptable. Besides maybe in the future there'll be a transponder for this type of 'class'. First world problems. So many options for new characters on Xbox....

Eve Online has seen an uptick in game-time; Across the board on activities. Hauling, asset management, abyssals, mission running, industry, PI, industry and a lil bit o mining.
So with all that plenty of screenshots. The new planet visuals/ game effects do look good. That's the upside to the expansion. The downside is the skinR cash grab as I do recall the Eve fanfest where it was to be a thing.... This realized version is typical of how CCP do things.... monetized in weird ways. I've no interest in it. Thanks to all the players who fund CCP with real world cash via this new process. But what do I know I'm still bitter about the Mystery Code #search this blog for Mystery Code 'bitterness'.

The unexpected server outage was inconvenient but on logging back in a few hours after it was back up gave only 1 oddity.... Wings. In a weird reverse t3 destroyer(Hecate) mashup for one journey of a few jumps.....