Monday 10 June 2024

Off the Wish-list/Watch-list....

The more things change the more they stay the same; But plenty of that next week.

Too many games and not enough time is a thing.

Whether it's due to genre crossover, known knowledge that's unappealing in story, game mechanics or other factors(not worth it even on sale); These games have been removed from my too large Wish-list, which is really as much a watch list. Games in a first culling as easy low hanging fruit go first.

Under The Waves has been on my list since before it's release; Billed as a new underwater adventure  leaning towards the more simulation end. A real world ocean environment, character driven narrative. It's not like I've not played/experienced games like that before( Firewatch, Unpacking, the list is long). 
It reminded me a lot of Beyond Blue
So why ditch this game from my list. I'm not fully sure but it's a combination of things that don't make me 'feel it'. So if it's not been bought by now, is a sale really gonna make the game 'worth it'?
The games mechanics and graphics all look good; But I've seen a playthrough and it still didn't want me to play the game myself. Even watching it at double speed I was skipping ahead in parts. Busy work that would feel like busy work(to me) would describe what I'm thinking. A short enough game that would feel longer. 
Ultimately there would need to be a lot of other games out of the way for me to want to play Under the Waves no matter how good it is.

Stellar Settlers: Space Base Builder has all the elements that should click with me (pun intended); After the demo(steam demo fest I think) I'd still had interest but waiting for a sale. Cheap as it's normal price is again I was reminded of games I could be playing instead; All of which I wanted more than this game. Not the games fault but it's not drawing me in; Other games demanding time in a first world problem way.

Sociable Soccer 24 has had a journey in creation for years. Bit like me following it. I've waffled about it on this blog a good bit(on and off). The last time was last year and the game was due out(again) on Steam. Since then it's been a mixed bag of player reactions. Not enough pro's to the con's and a sale price hasn't helped to make me get it. So why keep it there now.....

Street Fighter 6 Had my interest with a demo early on and went on the list to 'see how it went'. After a year on the wishlist I think it sat lower and lower in the rankings till it sat there waiting for sale news that I've since ignored. If I'd real enthusiasm for it, it would have been higher on the list or been bought.  While I liked the new/old fighting mechanic options, I'm unsure about the 'story' side of the game so yea more cons than pros for me. Time to remove it.

The original Cities Skylines was a game I've put a lot of time into; So I had some excitement for the second game. Till the second game came out and proved it was the lesser sequel. Which was a disappointment. In the time since it's not proved to be improved enough to reconsider(imho). The OG game is so much the better game. The patches the second has been getting have not done anything to alter that. Time to go.

Company of Heroes 3. A game that players and franchise fans were really excited about till it came out and players got their hands on it. Yea it's launch was a disaster. It was hampered by the in game store getting more attention than patches to fix the gameplay. That all said the game has since gotten a lot of updates to fix most of what ails it. The campaign is said to be good and fun. Not that I'd be into the Multiplayer but that too is said to be 'better'. But it's not been drawing me in since it's launch etc. I've been adding more games that surpass my need for this genre of game. The lack of any sales hampers it's consideration...... But time is time....
Starfield promised a lot but on release was a let down in a lot of ways for lots of different reasons; For lots of players. I posted last year about it(down this post); It's been on the list to 'keep an eye on' but never sparked a reason to get it. Patches and changes all seem good but first impressions matter in the eye of the beholder for good or bad; I can usually give a lot of leeway with a lot of things. Long-term it's not floating my boat, plain and simple.
I like the smaller development of some games. Underspace ticks that box. The demo I've played wasn't as good as others thought. I've read reviews and players like it's Freelancer take and spirit but ultimately I wanted it to be 'more' than it is. Could it do with polish etc, sure. For me I've already got the likes of Astrox Imperium, which does 'do' it for me. There's only so many games in a genre that spark that 'something' of active interest. That said I admit I'm conflicted about this one; Maybe it'll return to my 'watch list' but for now it's off.

Another Crab's Treasure has been on the list for a little bit as I'd interest in it as an entry level souls-like game. The game is that and more. It's cute, it's fun and it can be as tough as you want. It's got so many options for altering how to play the game it swings from too tough to play in a souls way to blink and you've killed everything(gun shell). Ultimately the proof is in the pudding and I played the game via gamepass. The short of it is that I played the game and never went back to it... So the reason for it on a wish-list is non existent.

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