Monday 12 August 2024

Gaming away....

Something, something, profound quote about time passing something, something.....

During the last week I came across some old links to an Indie game I recall being developed; Which then closed down.... Interesting to look back on.....
The main website is still up and running Limit Theory.  


Accursed Farms is still progressing the cause for gaming. Europeans can save gaming! (short version)
The even longer version with lots of details: Giant FAQ on The European Initiative to Stop Destroying Games!

Two videos also worth a share:
About subscriptions....  vlogbrothers - Why isn't This Illegal?
While I can't seem to convince my wife to level my WoW charecters, the 'pre patch' event seems to 'be good' now. I've still no hype for the expansion or it's saga......Yet?

Jason Plays has an interesting fresh start explainer to the game. I still want to retry from scratch but it still seems to be a game that's too much content to get into now... Eye of the beholder, it may happen yet. Starting New! No Man's Sky Worlds Beginners Guide Part 1
Doorkickers got some more game-time; But I think I've hit a bit of a wall with it(pun?). Campaign and single missions. The campaign is interesting but I get more form the single map missions. Even doing those there are ones that are doable, repeatable for improvement and ones that slam dumk my áss hard. 

PowerWash Simulator has been getting a lot of my time. Cleaning up the Bonus jobs.

Planet Crafter has some interesting content coming up. A teaser for a ground vehicle
The biggest request of fans; For me I'm 100% a Jetpack guy! Besides a 'car' on the planet with the amount of 'stuff' I have littered around.... Never mind the Jungles in the way... Not a thing for my solo main save. Speaking of jungles in the way... I noticed a cave to a wreck on the co-op map that I'd not seen on my solo map. Lucky with loot and asteroids in my short solo revisit. All fun.

Co-Op is still a thing, oddly I'm more into it than before but not as much as my wife.Space for a vehicle here!
Star Trek Online is still a goto, put of course! The main campaign rewards were claimable for me on PC so I did so. I'm sure a youtuber or two will be doing new 'best ship to pick' vids soon enough. So more ships to be gotten for free due to the rewards. Nice to get all the reward options!
The event reward which just ended is very much a (top end?) tanking console. Not of use to my characters as I'm nowhere near any of the elite content. Just not my thing. Least I have it for the future, never say never. 

Life on my PC characters is "same 'ol same 'ol"; Fun in the doing as I go. I'm holding off creating my thematic Mirror universe Terran character till there's a sale on slots/services. I've got the free Zen stipend built up to spend on new character slots but a sale would be better. Otherwise it's all time at the bank and exchange as usual.
MC Stu hasn't had any videos out of late so he must be busy.
On Xbox I've been as busy as ever with the game. Events, claiming rewards, more events. This last week has seen me go back to older characters, claiming ships and gaining mastery if the end trait was of use to the character. So it's been a process on top of everything else. Like newer characters still working on standard stuff like reputations and R&D etc.
Otherwise it's again a case of  "same 'ol same 'ol". Events done, rewards claimed, character gear/ships reassessed.

The smaller the bank room the more easily it becomes filled; Especially when a few other players have the same idea.

Eve is Eve, the launcher/client(game) is still a piece of work. Errors, hanging and general performance issues. Eve used to be a game you could run on a potato. Now it can't even run on a decent PC. Old as my one is, it's the only game to have issues. So whats really at fault here... The PC or the game.....
I just clicked it to start, this is the first start, there is no other client RUNNING!!!!!!!

 How many process's's's's's does this thing 'need' to run!


As I usually to a round of PI per character daily, the daily rewards for actions carried out has had a daily added to my list for them. Specifically to run a manufacturing job as I may not get around to do other content with those characters. So this way they get at least the one basic done. Which was to purchase an unresearched shuttle blueprint on characters where I also had ore/minerals; then remote do the job. Click to deliver, click to put on again, easy.

Otherwise it's a game for play and fun in it's doing. PI, mining, production, PvE content, missions/abyssal's's's etc......

OZ_Eve has his usual interesting market stream/vid but also had the quarterly for Pearl Abyss. Interesting if your into it. CCP really sold themselves. Pearl Abyss (CCP Games) Q2 2024 Earnings Analysis - EVE Online
Noclip Podcasts also did a CCP interview.... Meh.....

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