Tuesday 6 August 2024


Well I got confuddled with my last post(edited now(line removed)); My first line read about a bank holiday, I was a week out. Easy enough for me to do as I'd the time on my hands already.... Weeks with holidays and weekends with bank holidays.... They're all easy chill days that melt together; Too chill? It's all good. As if I wasn't skipping weeks and posting irregularly anyway, right...!
Noah Caldwell-Gervais Did another of his long form video essays. Worth a share: Returning to Elden Ring for Shadow of the Erdtree
While I'm mot into the 'special edition' controllers from Microsoft; Their latest peeked my interest. I'm kind of a sucker for the transparent style:  Sky Cipher Special Edition Controller

pdp did a line of controllers 'rock candy'(I've posted about those). Which all brings me to the 90's and in turn back further to childhgood with the likes of neon and florescent construx parts 
Accursed Farms had an update as Europeans can save gaming!
TheYamiks also did a video on the Accursed Farms  video worth a watch for entertainment value alone. Let's SAVE videogames from being KILLED!
UBOAT had it's full release. I admit that came out of the blue for me. So much so that I've not been back to the game. In a "is it really finished", kind of way. I'm hesitant for no other reasons than my own expectations..... UBOAT - Full Release Official Trailer
On the WoW front I've been watching Taliesin & Evitel to keep up to speed on the ongoing news. Both my my and my wife's game-time had ended. I've no intention to buy more or the expansion but I can say my wife will. I've no drive to get into the start of the Saga.... Maybe if it proves that long-term there's more meaning to doing an expansion... That may get me into it.....
PowerWash Simulator saw it's free summer update/maps. 

 I've gotten to start and finish off the new pool/cruise map. One down, one to go.

But it seems to have reset my completed Santa's workshop. Something else to do I guess... Or maybe it's a bug as the pool is now saying 0% done.... Odd and annoying.
Door Kickers is still kicking... Little by little.

Planet Crafter has seen some minor solo game time. Most has been recently been about Co-Op play on a fresh save with my wife. Seeing the new save without the back history of years of development is interesting. So much more unlocked or is nicer earlier; But at the same time feel like there's something missing. The game is still fun, I'm still into it. 

I've also been watching TheXPGamers, Co-Op vids. Fun to see a group of new(ish) players.
With Star Trek Online, I've been in a form of autopilot. Characters that need dailies done(reputations/R&D etc)... Events started, completed and ongoing. Still on both PC and Xbox. This will be a holding pastern till that bit of motivation kicks in and I 'want' to go through my characters, adjust settings etc... Still enjoying my time in it but not really doing anything beyond a kind of doing to, do it.....
My time in Eve Online has been much like STO, but it's been that way for a lot longer. With a lot more pottering about faffing. It is the joy and the curse. The game is the game.

The game these last few months has been a glitchy bit of a mess. Both the launcher and the in game experience. The same launcher problems since Vanguard was tested first. Files download and fail. Updates fail. Characters set to launch, launcher says it's launching but the game does not launch... It's annoying and frustrating. In game the glitchyness is the same. Having two Omega accounts open at the same time is a pain because if you alt tab the 'minimized' character black screens or shows no ui or hangs with the sound still working..... It's no wonder I've been on and off my mains so much not doing anything for long.... I've had more consistency with an Alpha alt doing low level stuff!!! Talk about not getting what I pay for as an Omega. How can I see all this and think Vanguard as a success. Eve will pay the price, I wonder how far CCP will go.... Or do they even see it as half off the rails. If it's one things  CCP do it's being consistently inconsistent.



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