Tuesday 8 October 2024

1 week, 2 week, 3 week, more....

Gaming, life, life and gaming.... The hobby goes on despite that pesky 'life' stuff getting in the way; Just like life to be all fits and starts. Really has been three weeks since I last waffled here, time flies. 
The gaming news never seems to stop with one thing or another. Kind of makes me miss the slower or seemingly slower days of buying a monthly magazine to catch up on 'the news'. Guess it's time to curate my own intake of 'content'..... Ignore a lot and choose what not to watch even if it would 'seem' interesting.

There was an interesting tweet about the Art of Star Trek Online which linked the artist regarding an old article he shared. Worth a look if interested in such. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2B9x8v
Speaking of Star Trek Online I'm only ever so slightly aware that there is/was an animated Starfleet Badge character..... The animated series may have found it's legs an be worth a catch up with. Now that I know more via Star Trek Online I'm way more interested in finding out more about the series. The freebies on PC were good to get, as most freebies are. I went and used some of the free Lobi from the event campaign rewards and bought some for a few characters. The combat badgey I'd seen in videos online as being 'hard' to get was not for me.... Opening 4 or 5 of 10 got me 2 of that version. Fun to see in action even if it is 'just for show'.
There was also a Zen sale with an in game store sale. I took advantage of the in game sale to buy on PC extra character slots (4slots) and on Console to buy the lobi sale items once that sale had hit(badgey). It's been a bit of a whirlwind in the sales/new items and extra events regards. I'm sure I got something else on console in a sale but I can't remember.... But I do wish on console I'd gotten the extra account bank slots. Missed out there. But they'll be a sale back round 'soon' enough. The blur between the PC version and console it super blurry for me. Made worse by my console characters pretty closely matched with my PC versions.....

LGR is having a time of it given the recent storm and his tweet; Before that he had a video out on the Sims 4 regarding no Sims 5 which was interesting. The article he mentioned was this one:
And his video is here:
Looks like there will be no end of  DLC from packs to 'expansions'; The Sims 4: Life & Death Expansion Pack just hit. Found the trailer for it more interesting in that they got a band to do a simlish version of their song....
Planet Crafter, has seen some minor gameplay from me but noting much; That said the DLC/expansion is announced to be coming Oct 9th. Just in time for me to post this and be somewhat timely.

Seeing the trailer for Red Dead Redemption for PC is a good thing to behold! Now if only my old Xbox 360 saves could be used......
Pirate Software had an interesting video on Space Marine and PC Gamer's review of it.

Luetin09 had another great video on 40k for those Space Marine II curious about the franchise.

The retro connect everything monitor with a built in MiSTer hardware is of interest.
Nostalgia Nerd has an introductory video on the hardware. Worth a watch and worth keeping an eye on the hardware.  

Accursed Farms had an update on the 'Dead Game' situation. Both from the new law in California and the campaign in the EU.

Euro Truck Sim 2 is getting driving academy! I'm sure I'll fail, old dog newish tricks etc..... 1.52 Update: Driving Academyhttps://blog.scssoft.com/2024/09/152-update-driving-academy.html )

The other news was from American Truck Sim with trailer showing a swamp with a Jurassic Park jingle. Soooo that's a thing...

Star Trucker hasn't seen any time from me. With real life and 'just' gaming for fun it's not gotten a look in, yet. But it's nice to see the patches and update notes.

Mechwarrior 5 Clans looks to be very interesting to me. It should be 'better' than the base 5 game. I'm more pro clan at heart so the trailer raised my hopes.
ACG did a goodpreview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phfsqcm6VMw That trailer had me listening back a lot to the New Dawn remix of the Mech 2 classic tracks(as well as the OG soundtrack).
Not clan based but Mech 4 Mercs was a great game, it's main menu track really brings the nostalgia.
Hmmmm my Battletech senses are tingling. Could be time to sink some hours into it.

Assassins Creed Shadows announcement wasn't a surprise.....
Just Some Guy did a good video on it and player reactions.... 

I was surprised that the AC games will be back on Steam, that's a change. A good one in my view.
Jake Baldino also had more info/chat on it and Ubisoft in general.

Starfield got it's DLC; No surprise on the player reactions. TheYamiks had a good video on it. It's no wonder players are worried about the next Scrolls game.

For my own gameplay I got back into Don't Sink for a little bit. I like it but in playing it I keep wanting to play Sid Meier's Pirates! But fun in the genre verity was needed and this game did that. Good to be back to it.
Two Point Hospital has seen me back into it in a bigger way than the last few years ever has. While I've been enjoying it; I'm finding myself back into the cycle of doing maps while farming currency on other maps while claiming the result in the 'current' working map. So for now the enjoyment is overpowering the 'grind'.


Star Trek Online has been the usual, not much to mention but to mention all I've been doing on PC and console the last few weeks I'd not have enough time to write it all out.
As usual across both platforms for me(XBOX and PC)events large and small have come and gone. Gameplay is gameplay and for the most part enjoyable(group PUGs, I could complain etc).  
The Badgeies were a surprise and a welcome one. Again it's opened me up to viewing the show for sure.  

My New character on console was well leveled, gained his lobi outfits; And I used a spare free T6 token to buy the Equinox Pilot Scout Ship. A ship I've liked since seeing it in Voyager way(waaaaay) back when. So I've been having fun blasting around in it. I'm not sure if now really need this type of character on my PC account. That may change if there's a recruit event of some sort.....


Ashterothi has some good Eve Online content; He recently spoke about Eve Frontier. I'm not into it or it's 'thing'.... But his vid on it is worth a watch for information. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcWnm7l3sOw
 It's CSM election time again so he's also started the promo drums for a few players but I've not done anything regarding that. Not sure I will. More on my Eve gameplay later in the post.
Otherwise gameplay there has been 'more of the same'. Mainly solo PvE content of my own whims. 
Industry(R&D, Invention), Mining, P.I. Missions(look and salvage) with the daily rewards all mixed in.
The current seasonal event is on and it's gank central if your hauling anything remote interesting. With the 90% drop rates for the month it's a time to stockpile and move later. Which I've been doing since the event started. 

Given the event etc and some spare time with my need to play the game, I ended up on a character I'd not been on in a good while. An alt with little to write home about but one I could shuffle stuff on and 'make' better. Part of which made the decision to but on a 3 day 'weekend' pack. 
Good to get back to basics and rejig a character to some form of usability. A character I've mentioned before but not really had much to do with. Initially being a push to PvP it's all come to noting really. 
Getting back to clearing up his items there was a lot of P.I. which I seld for more than a penny so got that all worked out which was a nice bonus. That's the other thing about this character. I'd wanted him to be self sufficient. Noting given to him form any alt never mind a main. Which has worked out and made it a different experience at the least any time I get back to him. That said the 50 plex that came with the pack did go to my main and was not a bonanza for this alt. It's a harsh world! This alt is her to giveth and not taketh.
I keep floating joining corp's but when going down that road the old meme's are only scratching the surface these days.  The paranoia is super real; Even for the smallest of hi-sec corps. It's off-putting.

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