Tuesday 17 September 2024

Weeks out, Week in....

Another week, I'm like a broken record..... Time flies. So much so I'm late in doing a post I should have done on Sunday night.....Again.... Ebb and flo. Well a hobby about hobbying, I can be consistently inconsistent as I like.....
Brief gaming sessions happened the last week or so when I could on some old favorites; Battlefield 1, Planet Crafter, PowerWash Simulator. But no great(shakes) gameplay, just pottering. Noting screenshot worthy. Real life is much the same; Some days disappear in a blink, next thing it's the weekend again and the cycle rinses and repeats.

TheYamiks had an interesting vid worth a watch on 1 year on since Starfield's release: Starfield : A Year Later
Euro Truck Simulator 2 is getting it's 1.51 Update. Really nice to see. Blink and it'll be the Halloween event and then the new winter iteration.... Should be good.

Both Star Trek Online and Eve Online have both been my 'main games' in the last week; Mainly solo in these MMO's....... As ever. Which I guess makes me part of the vast minority in Eve and 'just' normal in STO. Then again I do play it on both PC and Xbox so back to minority....

Star Trek Online Events done, events started and more on the way. There is an element of burnout but the game is forgiving in it's event progress that the fomo is manageable. 
Maybe it's me and maybe I've had too many back to back events but some of the random players in TFO's induce frustration. Either by being a.f.k. (hanger pets out and nothing else); Or actively clueless by ignorance or to be kind a lack of intelligence. Like killing all the ships they can or/want but don't close portals to progress the TFO despite the constant announcements to "close the portals" from the in TFO NPC announcements... I've waffled on that stuff before. It's just frustrating as it's so wide spread and constant. I'm in awe at some players sometimes.... To see those players get frustrated at the TFO 'comment' at the other TFO members in an unkind way and then leave. It's become more WoW-like in that regard. Even worse to see they have bought a ship with cash. More money than sense as the saying goes. Thanks for paying for the game I play I guess. Too harsh?

Anyway it's all go in STO.... Maybe too much as a constant. Naaaaaaaaah.
Not the only thing grinding my gears. Yea with a new character I've seen many many random fleet invites. Fleets have all gone on the make, no community at all. Way worse than I've seen before. If your not already connected to players in a fleet or know friends of friends it's a harsh environment. But some fleets are just so blatant; Talk about being made to work for the work they need.

Progress on PC is as usual checking ships fits and updating characters. Events, rewards, rinse and repeat. Still I'm looking forward to both Halloween and the Winter Wonderland.

Xbox has seen more STO gameplay than PC. But more or less the same kind of gameplay. Character updates, reward ships and fit tweaking etc. Granted there is more tidy up of characters than on PC so it's 'just' time consuming. Add to that, that I've created another character to satiate my 'need' for a thematic Terran/Mirror universe character. Science based with a Mirror universe ship leaning on 'just' using a Nova class ship(but maybe not, time will tell). So it's as good a reason to have a character as any. After a few days I'm halfway leveled with Nimbus done and 90% account bound items claimed. That journey will go on(lobi uniform, Boff's theme etc).



After saying pretty much that I'm worn on events, it seems the next event will have a reward ship that is well worth the effort.

Eve Online is another much the same, doing to do and being to be in the game. Same'ol same'ol. 
With the 12 month + times 2 MCT purchased for both my accounts. Another year to grind the grist of the Eve existence to see what happens. Weep for me.

It's a very perspective based form of gameplay(this solo/semi-solo lark). Each to their own corner. If I wasn't so interested in the game via online news/reports and commentary I'd be in my own oblivious world for sure. In some ways I am.

My activities in my world of mains, main alts, alts, and alts of alts goes on. Part of which has been an asset/inventory audit of items, ships and fits... Each character has their tasks but over decades it's all piled up with the skill points to meld a lot into a lot more. Lists two months in the making but not always to the forefront of being made let alone acted on. Part of which was an in game mail to my self on an alt, a mail I'd forgotten about..... Till I recently reread it. Apparently amongst the todo list I told myself to buy a T1 hauler(fit linked) to bring 18 types of modules, ammo and drones(listing the items to go on which ships to update the fits..... Or where to place items (like ammo)), across 8 stations in close enough proximity(relatively). I must have checked what was needed then felt like 'meh' I'll do it another time. Well it's still not done no matter the prep work etc and it's been months. It's the price of not being active on that alt.... It's not in any immediate need or hurry; just my own game-play need to be somewhat 'orderly'(anal?). Still that need may need those items/ships setup sooner rather than later, so I should do it....... At least doing it is getting closer, I have the hauler and the items.... I 'just' need the time to enact 'the plan'.
On a side note the ship fit changes are all mainly mining related; So either need modules removed or added depending on the buff or nerf those had received(slot gained, lost or redo of the fit). Of those both Ore and Ice fits needed to be 'altered' to bring them up to speed in a current climate. Ice fits more expensive than Ore, but no surprise there(drones). Last but not least the mail told myself the route to take and order of stations bringing that new but now somewhat used(dusty is a kind of used) hauler back to the start and leave it there. At least it's a plan..... Yep it's a plan.....

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