Thursday 14 May 2015

Ongoing gaming....

General gaming first...

My Wow account is still inactive, although I have logged in a few times to help my wife on a few upkeeping jobs on her account. Such as "take a look at my garrison and collect the herbs and ore"; And I do seem to have done a little bit more on one of her hunters (yes she has multiples of things, the less I say about that the better as the mage situation is well over the crazy cliff). A few times I've been boosting lower level charecters....
So I suppose I haven't really given up wow if I'm living it through her account the odd time.
Wow light it is. I can live with that for now....

Star Trek Online over the last while has seen me log in to check on the daily assignments. These are essentially the same as wow's missions for minions. Get your people off working for you. The STO version missions have multiple rewards and most all rewards are very useful, even if there is "just" currency. It's fun because I've levelled up my main character about 6 levels without undocking a ship. He is now level 51.
I did go back to a level 25 mission that was causing me problems at the time and sadly the mission scales with the character so I got my ship handed to me in a thousand pieces a few times before I docked back up. 
Maybe I do need to find a fleet to join and see how that goes. But that would require me getting back into a game for a longer period than I really want to do right now. The itch in me to play it more is growing but it's not something I need to scratch just yet.


Blizzards hearthstone has made a recent comeback for me and not just to get a wow reward but to play as enjoyment of the game. It's simpler than the likes of magic the gathering (at least to me), turn based which I really love, and fun not to mention that it's free.
Even the missus is playing this as well. (anything from stopping her level another mage).
It's a game that has the just one more go, 15 tries later.

Star Citizen is progressing well but over the last two big releases/patches there has been two annoying bugs that have gotten to me, both related to each other in my experience of the hanger.
They happen when I go to get into my hanger's little buggy (no pun intended), the greycat, my character runs up to the buggy bumps into it and then the buggy starts to jitter and slide across the floor. That's not good. 

Then once my character is in the buggy his left hand is twisted back on itself in a very alarming manner.

Hows that supposed to help my driving.

Star Cit seems hell bent on moving forward with ever increasing goals and getting more done but the little things seem to be left behind.
Maybe it's not something worth fixing at the moment or its part of something much bigger that's all being worked on...
To me its the small things that are putting me off and annoying me about the game. Not that it's much of a game at the moment. I know it's still early day's and this game has so (soooooooo!) much expectation heaped on it.
I found this very good playthrough of the newly released tutorial on youtube. Well worth a watch and it stops me from droning on.

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