Tuesday 19 December 2017

Eve Online....

It seems that this year CCP wants players to work for Eve Online's usually free winter gifts. Turning a festival into working overtime. It was nice to log in and get the free festive launcher and fireworks to play with. Now you need to mine 100k ore (or go a combat site). The upper end of rewards for the work is the usual cerebral accelerator reward just renamed for 'Yoiul'. No thanks.

At least Star Trek Online has a story and an event area that's worth participating in.
Eve moving items from free to 'work for it' is in some ways iconic of the company. They are so inconsistent (Eve Now hasn't been updated in 5 months). Why do they have the need to always fuck with what works. Fuck that shit. Disappointment does not do my mood justice.
Whats next a 'Yoiul' pack in the store..... Wait a sec; They fucking did it! CCP! NO.... FUCKING.... WAY....!!!!!!!!!!!!

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