Monday 25 December 2017

Aven Colony....

Having a browse of the current Steam sale brought me around to seeing some game suggestions due to other games I own. Guilt by association showed a game I'd not heard of before Aven Colony. The two games that caused it to show up were Planetbase and Banished. That's really what peeked my interest. That and the -40% sale price didn't' hurt.

Seeing Aven Colony I did my usual game research/reviews searching which also lead me onto the two futuristic Anno games (2070/2205). I've no idea why I previously ignored them, they seem the type of game I'd have gone for, maybe in my mind the Anno name is associated with the 1500's esque games. As good as the deals for them were, the down sides were piling up fast. Which all brought me back around to Aven Colony which had a lot more up sides for they type of gameplay I wanted. The true mix of Planetbase/Banished showed that Aven had that style in spades. One quick purchase later and it only took the first tutorial to hook me into the non buyers remorse section.
The Style of Aven Colony also reminds me a lot of another game I liked, Endless Space. Both in look and sound, specifically the music.

So far Aven is proving to be the game I wanted it to be, that crossing of previous games, complex yet not dumbfounding, with true ease of play is relaxing. I can see I'll be happily dipping in and out of this game for some time to come, probably spending what feels like an hour but turns out to be four hours later.

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