Thursday 7 February 2019

Apex Legends....

I've never really gotten into battle royal games, never gotten into shooters that feature hero class's. Maybe that's why I'm still into Battlefield 1. But Apex Legends looked interesting not to mention free, so why not give it a go. And a go I gave it. 

Starting in any game but especially in online multiplayer matches, the first few tiny baby steps, the first moments and minutes in a new game are the most daunting. How do I do this, what does that do, where is everything! What am I supposed to be doing..... Where are all the weapons.... etc. etc. etc. 

My (clueless) first match, first kill, first death:

Like I said I'm not into battle royal games, or hero shooters(Quake Champs is an exception for some reason....), Apex is good, feels good, looks good and handles well for the most part. Running in the game feels like walking because the game is skewed towards players always sliding around. But after playing I'm not feeling "it" for the game. I don't have a draw pulling me back in. Was worth a try.

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