Friday 8 February 2019


A few day's ago I completed the 9th anniversary event and claimed the reward ship on my characters.
I've also claimed the other Q rewards, emotes, party horn etc. The daily isn't really worth doing just for the Dilithium. Nothing came from the two mystery box's I took, always a bad option to take but worth it for the "what if" moment/feeling. As for the ship, I was right to think of it as an admiralty ship for all but one of my characters. My science character, one of my class "mains". 
In checking out the new ship I noticed how closely in layout it matches a previous reward ship (the 6th anniversary reward ship) The Krenim science vessel.

*ignore the modules fitted, I was faffing about with a lot.

So with the module layouts 99% the same the fit decision comes down to if an extra device slot on the Krenim ship is better to have. 
Outside the module considerations the big factors to look at are the stats and the mastery unlocks. Still looking at this from the science character perspective. Stats on both ships are fairly close. Both T6, Krenim +7K Hull at level 65 but Vulcan can move and turn faster. Both have bridge officers positions that allow for a wide range of abilities. But those  also depend on the officers you have available. Enough to make me think that both are equal in that area even if the Vulcan ship does "seem" to have better viability for officer abilities. But what do I know. This science class is voodoo magic.

The mastery for both is also close. Both look great on paper. But from a science characters perspective I'd have to lean on the Krenim ship for it's level 3 mastery.

The way I look at this Vulcan ship is that it's a science characters ship used as if it was for a tactical character. It can use cannons after all. The very definition of the scout ship is just that, a sci vessel used as a raider. That's the biggest difference here. The Vulcan ship isn't a "true" science ship like the Krenim vessel. This blend should work well for my inner tactical joy. But it doesn't sit well with me when everything about it says it should. I'm digging to deep here. If your still reading this and interested, the choice between the ships is between healing shield/hull and healing shield/hull while doing more DPS. It's all down to play-styles and group roles.

Either ship doesn't matter to my science character as she is still using the store bought (with free zen) T6 Temporal Multi-Mission Science Vessel. Neither of the ships replaces that.

Event ships are good, they allow players the ability to catch-up. To bridge the T5/T5-upgrade and T6 ship gaps. What I realise now more than ever is that even a c-store ship needs fleet modules to be really effective and competitive. Getting that fit is a whole other level of expertise I need education in.

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