Friday 8 February 2019


While waffling about my time in game I thought I'd post again. One thing I really like in the game is the chance to find a time capsule. Containing an image, short message and some items from other players who have completed the game. Here are the ones I found.

Two of the best have been from my more recent game-time.

One had a cuddlefish egg for a good home(he/she/it got one!). And some siblings to play with.

The other had a drill arm from a Prawn suit that had been used to kill a Reaper. Nice.

I'd not yet gotten the blueprint for the arm(early playthrough) so was happy to use it, even just for ore's.

The other capsules all had items of use. A good mix at the time, I don't recall getting anything that I immediately ignored. Then again I'm a hoarder in games like this. ;)
Smallest of small chances that a player who did a time capsule sees it here and reads this, but just in case. Thanks!


So last up my own, I hope it was released to the game and someone found it useful.

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