Thursday 3 June 2021

Battlefield 1....

More often than not I get to play a few matches of whatever mode is the current 'theme of the week' each night. The last few nights I've 'enjoyed' (more or less) a return to 'Back to Basics'. An acquired taste for sure but one I'm into these days.

While I'd not call BF1 a dead game it's not in it's prime either. BFV being what it is has also helped BF1's longevity. Still getting a server with players can be a feast or a famine. I've found that I need to be online earlier (7PM-ish) or really late(1a.m.-ish) to get 'decent' EU servers. Still no guarantee there wont' be wall hack/cheaters etc.... These things happen and they usually get a torrent of abuse from both sides which can be entertaining in itself.

Anyway, I've had a lot of good matches. Recently I've tried a few times to do up a post and a video but like my blogging in general it's all been delayed, put aside and unfinished. Such is life. Drafts to get back to at some stage.... Some time.... Later......Maybe....

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