This last 'while' has seen me enjoying the same games over and over. Fun is fun; Challenge is challenge(with acceptable(?) annoyances).
Games that are installed but on my more long-term 'to be played list' are still there, in no particular order they are:
Tiny Combat Simulator
Astrox Imperium
Astrox Hostile Space Excavation
Horizon Zero Dawn
The Witcher 3(yea it's still there....)
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Plan B Terraform
When will these 'have their big day', I really don't know; But I'm not short of games to play(old and new).
also been looking up and reevaluating Boundary. While there's a lot to
like about it. Some aspects against it really keep nagging at me. The snap reflex nature
of the game's gameplay(I ain't getting any younger), also
compounded by ping/lag(hard to 'get good') frustrations of such games. As well as the plague of cheaters to compound frustrations. All a massive turn off. The ultra competitiveness of it all is a
turn off as well given it's other flaws. I may have been into instagib
matches back in the day in the likes of online Unreal Tournament but seeing it as the
meta in this game is just off-putting. So I've removed it from my Steam Wishlist....
Maybe it's no wonder that BattleBit has gained more attention from me of late...
Sociable Soccer. Another game I've been keeping an eye on(long-term); One which has been through a lot of up's, down's, twists and turns seems to be getting an actual PC release date(again, again, again); Sooner rather than later this time. As I said last year my hope for this game springs eternal.
Star Trek Online....
The last week has been a quiet one on the STO front; Both PC and Xbox. Both platforms have seen my mains do the dailies and endevours and not much else.
Usually using Dil to buy endevour tokens to re-roll those tasks to more favourable ones; Usually space based damage dealing or enemy destruction. That said on PC pickings are getting slim as the more is done the less there is to do ahead. Never through I'd see the day when the endevour choices were so whittled down(5 left to max out); Yet here I am.
My Xbox characters have seen some slight use to better get to the final parts of some recruit specific tasks. My gamma and KDF recruit have had more duty officer assignments worked on. With the KDF getting to do some actual content(missions). Content helped by the Admiralty Bonus Week!
Thankfully on Xbox(console) there's now only the summer event daily. With the Flagships event coming(soon).
I noticed WoW has promoted something they have had for some time; Which I wish the STO had. Charecter select screen click and drag. Be it micromanagement, OCD or being pedantic but I wish it was a feature in STO.
Seeing some STO content on the ol' Youtubez, a comment was made about the usefulness of the old console Console - Tactical - Automated Defense Turret; From way back in the day. Which was interesting to see talked about regarding early leveling characters(that it can be of actually use even in some late game situations).
For me it was part of the deluxe edition I bought in 2010, getting the game first. A console I've long since ignored but happy to be reminded it can be of use still, even for a level of two. I should keep it in mind.
Also reminds me of the Chromodynamic Armor but with less nostalgia(for the armour and the graphics)! Then again I've never upgraded it at any stage.... I don't think I ever need to.
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He got rerolled.... |
Eve Online....
I've a long history with this game; It's hard to not have a personal bias or feeling of investment. I'd no intention of doing a post on Eve Online this week; Till I saw this tweet.
I'd have expected more of a reward.... To more players. A few skins to one player is unbalanced. I'd say cheap but they can give more than one to one player.... Given that these SKINS are software that has essentially no cost to the company, yea CCP are I'd say in the vernacular, 'scabby'(stingy) in ways that are baffling.
However 15 replies, 14 of which were screenshots, after 19 hours says more than any waffle I can do.
Then again maybe everyone went to Threads.
As for game-play I logged my main in, saw there was no mention of the Liberation day, then logged off.
Apparently the Liberation day games have been on since the 7th of July(ending 19th). No mention on the daily login screen. No mention on the daily activities. Or any mention of how to interact with the games, so I couldn't be bothered.
No mention on the agency either. Or other in game information systems that I could see... Was it literally a one day thing? I expected more than that. At least in previous years there were accessible activities and freebies on login(caps/t-shirts/fireworks).
The only mention of Liberation day is on the launcher with 2 mentions of a Liberation pack for sale in the in-game store(typical cash grab style).
Guess there really is no reason to even check the launcher any more(never mind login).
The last week has also seen two survey questionnaires hit my inbox from CCP. As with these types of questions there is a very healthy subjective element. It's easy to tell what they are after, what answers they want as much by what they ask as what they do not. When the multiple choice answers are none of the answers I'd give it's skewed towards what they 'want' to know(as opposed to what they need/should know).
The first question. Am I currently playing Eve Online? Yes and No are obvious reposes but are not telling. The question is redundant! Eve is a free to play game(every install is playable, once a month or every day can be playing the game). Besides I could never log into the game and only collect(the old) login rewards! That 'could' be considered a persons 'game-play'. So sure.... Click Yes.... I'm 'playing'.
Am I really being too harsh reading into all of this, maybe but it's kinda fun to waffle on this.
I had to laugh a few times at this other one.... Let me tick a lot of boxes.
There are many reasons 'I' won't be buying.... As the question goes it's not specific enough. As if each item didn't deserve it's own yes/no. Equating the art items to a 6" Fedo plushie...... I can see where they were going wrong with this 'box or items'.
On to the next!
Given the large array of professions within Eve and the perspectives of each player's views from their own personal perch/view of things; I think that a question like Eve's Economic balance is going to be so varied and wild it's not worth asking...... CCP knows so very little about 'me' and my 'gameplay' I doubt so very much any information would be of use(in changes that positively impact my game-play).
Am I aware of events?.... Even this is a question that has more nuance than just yes/no/maybe. Maybe eh.... They added 'maybe'. How very non specific of them(for a lot of reasons they won't get).
Given my earlier experience of Liberation day, yes I am aware but not from anything in the actual game..... Where do I put that nuanced response. Aware eh.
Yea I can see these questionnaires are going to lead 'CCP' in a loop of their own echo chamber(of sorts). It's a wonder this game is still going despite CCP.
As for this next shiz I've no idea where to start other than to say "talk about selling out your players". CCP are pimping out their customers. I know I won't be part of it by choice. This is so very not a selling point to join up to their subscription. I'd rather not pay to play Eve Online due to this.
This from the company that couldn't honour it's own players with the first collectors edition 'promise'.
This new deal may follow on from the likes of World of Tank/Wardships etc; It's optional to use but the fact it's tied to the sub I'd buy rubs me up the wrong way(never mind considering the data they are sharing already). They may value privacy but it's no wonder I got a fresh batch of spam calls last week! Talk about selling out and selling your customers out.
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Palia's development is coming along. As a PvE, casual carebear of a gamer I heartily approve; It should be an interesting 'MMO' to enjoy with the missus.
PowerWash Simulator.....
If it wasn't for the 'need' to get the achi I would've been done with the map a long time ago. It's still there, still a pain to do..... It's a mind numbing process even with a good video or two to watch. I've just not had the motivation(again, again) to really persevere with it.
Warhammer 40,000 Boltgun....
While I don't like the term 'boomer shooter', even affectionately; The more I play Boltgun the more it reminds me of the older 90's shooters in all the best ways.
Specifically in my last level of gameplay; The way the game points you in the right direction by a gamer using their brain. Specific key colouring in location with the same coloured lights etc... It's a wonder how some gamers can't let that be a valid form of map layout. Specifically that the entrances to these keys/key areas are all logically placed/spaced etc. I guess there is no pleasing some players.... Too much hand holding or not enough from a game and complaints will ensue etc....
The way the use of those keys opens up an area the same colour with goodies inside that you can see but not get to, allowing you to do a little pre-plan berserk mode when the next wave starts just 'feels good to act on. I've really liked that. The game is all about endurance as much as (weapon/ammo) logistics.
The game needs more credit. It's still a game of frustration at times; But I prefer a game like that which can be gotten through with a little forethought/evaluation in situations; Even if that's using a chain sword to the face of the enemies.
Darkest Dungeon....
There's been good and bad luck. Thankfully some of that bad luck has been used in my favour. Like getting the last hero out alive with the loot. Or finally sticking a torch into an orb and with a random crew in a random dungeon and getting out alive.
Other than doing lower level runs to pass time for better heroes to 'improve'; I've been doing quests for the cash and best trinket rewards. Slow enough and steady enough to be called progress.
No harsh pushes for progresses sake. So no real news to say about progress.
Gold has been gotten, higher level heroes trained, armoured and up-skilled. It's all good!
There is one more hero class to get to level 6. I did loose my previous Grave Robber in a run but picked up another the same level from the stage coach so it 'worked out'.
The only real bit of progress was a random encounter(not that it can be planned); At the start of a run. A torch used on the red orb...... Which went well. Luck turned for the better perhaps. The first ancestors trinket from the Shambler. One trinket down 4 to go from that 'mini' boss.
The Planet Crafter....
A patch for the patch is a worthy patch in it's own right. Nice to see a quick follow up with balance and new items. Well received by me.
The new tree was purchased for no other reason than it could. I usually 'want' at least one of everything.
Another blueprint, another habitat module from the trading. Again an item that is too much hassle to use; Old bases are well set and familiar. Besides I'd feel like I'd be taking away from my previous story of use on this journey of a planet; As much as game development.
is no longer tying blueprint purchase to asteroid box deposits. So they
are as random for me now as they have been for others.
Pulsar asteroids are also adding to the export items and a nice boost to allow my current system of automated gathering /production and export.
tried to add extra material generation/gathering to ease the
current bottlenecks but there's always more fine tuning to be done. Not all successful, but getting there.
now one rocket has cloth as a buffer to pulsar generation and the other
does the same with super food generation. Both rockets, depending on the
exported payload generates about 400 to 500 per launch. Roughly one launch 50% of the way through the export of the other.
With some good work on the export of items for 'cash' I'd all but the last Blueprint; Which was almost there on currency.
Which I got faster than I expected overall. Feels good to be on the excess end of the process. Not quiet a grind but definitely a time sink of management due to trying to be efficient via manual tasks. Mainly moving/filling materials. The drones and automation are good but still not super efficient; With a hint of being buggy. At least that's the way I'm seeing it.
With the last blueprint done I can aim at the 100k cash achievement. To help that happen I've also added in a circuit board farm. Which it turns out is as valuable for export as the pulsar crystals and easier to farm than the pulsar.
The circuit board farm is so much easier to 'farm' I think I may create a clone of it to double the processes for 'export'.
A game with so many systems you'd think it'd been too much to manage; But the fun makes it seem a lot easier. The day/night activities allow separation that bring it all together in ways that are surprising.
The amount of screen-shots I've taken to capture moments of change and enhancement don't seem to be much but looking back at those images makes me think the game just doesn't stop it's 'new' or enhancements'.
So I've been spending time in the game and enjoying it. Not nearly enough time that I want to but it's fun. An image tells a thousand words so enough waffle from me and a slew of the game screenshots(that and I'm running out of time to finish this post before family commitments).
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