Monday 11 September 2023

All the things..... Mostly(& Starfield)....


As for the last post with my waffle about the new Xbox app; It seems that replacing the game clip/screenshot feature is not on the upcoming cards. Discord streaming is...
A game with a beating heart, more than The Last Night it seems. At least in public. More updates abound. Like I've said it'll be nice to play one of the games sooner rather than later.


Fallout again....

I found Noah Caldwell-Gervais's video(here) interesting because I like Fallout 4 so much and he seems to 'not'. But then again I've not been into the rest of the Fallout Franchise whereas he is. 
The games all free via Epic but still unplayed. As much in the video as he is 'into' the franchise I am 'so' not, so no wonder we both get what we get from the games/franchise Bethesda or not.
I couldn't get into Fallout 3 so to get into New Vegas was seemingly pointless to me. Still is, even if there is some minor interest from me now(yet I've not installed it even when it's given away free on Epic). There's also the thoughts of getting so invested into a game of similar size and content. Hundreds of hours is a big investment on 'could' be good(for me).

And what have I been actually playing
Quantum Break....

The more I've played the game, the more I'm 'meh' about it.

There are still a lot of good aspects but the downers come from my expectations. Not being able to crouch in gunfights is a big one. Your character gets into cover himself so trying to stay in cover or stay crouched in attack is a no go in alternating. It's the little things.....

This is very much a game that incorporates shooting to it's mechanics rather than having it as a full alternative to game situations. Game about time wants player to use time abilities, shocker at 11. It just feels like it would have been more had there been more player controllable options. Yea yea I get the game is what it is and about what it's about but a bit more game generalization options would have been better! The gun play is good it could have been better.....

I do like the crossover of perspectives with game cuts in the story.

The game alternates and tries to add in the live action episodes(which don't work unless you've added them in for an extra 70 Gig, which I can live without. I'm not sure if the game will last installed after another play session or two.....
Darkest Dungeon....

Another quiet week of gameplay in the Darkest Dungeon but a good few weeks(turns) in game. Amassing items and currency while buying time before trying to do the third Darkest Dungeon. A map that will allow teams to return to the hamlet and back to the map in a stop/go kind of way but I'm not into taking it on just yet.

Eve Online....

Fanfest is approaching. There does seem to be a change from the more usual streamed events and whats attended this year. Which makes sense as players are paying to go to the thing. Still the steam that is being shown isn't all that exciting(imo).

For Friday, player data maybe interesting depending on the stats they share as well the context. The Keynote could be interesting again depending on context and whats shared.
As for Saturday; Be afraid of whatever is Redacted; With a slim interest of the closing ceremony.
I'm not so sure it's all going to be 'Redacted' wine and roses. I'd be surprised if it's more than 'meh' for the year ahead in Eve. At least for a casual carebear like me. I'm sure attendees will share what direction Eve is going in... I'm not so sure CCP knows beyond 'profit'. So yeah this 'fanfest'.... Happy 20th "Whatever" I guess.
Yea I'm being massively harsh. Fanfest from the information this year seems very specific to some fans. Some fans will see X and some will go to Y and some who can't make it will watch what they can online. But as an event for the playerbase. A worldwide playerbase. Even with the 20th anniversary... It all seems so "meh". Maybe I'm too 'bitter veteran' in my outlook.

Odds in my book are that the 'redacted' is something Eve Online related(shocking I know); Small enough to not have fanfare but large enough to warrant that panel for discussion. A small thing rather than being about the new Dust 514 or whatever new soon to crash and burn highly invested third party run game application based on the Eve Online universe 'thing' they come up with next, right? I'm being very caustic now. Am I being too snarky? Sarcastic? Mean? Expecting too much? Yeah CCP is CCP. As infuriating as ever by their inconsistencies. Players getting narky with them for changing long standing ways that things have always been done? Of course! They'll just point you to a week old twitter post "didn' you see". I'm being narky about the Caldari Union Day "freebies". At least the free ship skins were transferable and not 'bind on pickup'. I would have been more happy about that if I wasn't so narky about the 20 million other things they are consistently inconsistent about. I've lost so much more interest in playing the game. Besides the Union day freebies are not really worth the effort of claiming(imho); At least for a 'player' like me. Too little too late CCP.....

Strange that they (CCP) have changed the freebies to be claimable on the in game store. CCP is CCP indeed. Of all the things to learn form Star Trek Online(free claimables from the in game store). At least for Star Trek Online they do actually give away ACTUAL items of use(such as (which has)). No wonder I play so much Star Trek Online..... 
Almost as infuriating as trying to figure out if buying plex with cash from CCP for game time is better than to get shafted by paying cash for game-time from them instead.
Star Trek Online....

Still playing both versions. PC and Xbox. Habit as much as fun.
Again more on Xbox this last week where the recent update I 'made' me notice improvements. It may be me but the latest update (6thsept) seems to have both upped the load speeds and graphical quality... It just looks better than it has. I've not read anything to confirm that so it's prob just me....

Most of my time has been going through my KDF character, progress, progress, progress. Not all necessary for gameplay but as a 'somewhat' completionist; Some things just need to be done. 
Like getting the 2500 melee kills. Much button mashing in the Partisans arena was done. 
Lots done but still lots to do. Random TFO's and decloak attacks are far from done.

As well as three final episodes to complete, Solanae, Delta and Iconian(Deleta prob be next).

So while the mood was there to do more I may as well do the specifics. So lots to progress overall.
The three Dela recruits have also seen attention. It turns out that I've done a lot more with them than I thought. Which is a good thing(even if I've forgotten it's been so long). They may actually be done before the KDF character gets the 150 random queues done!

The news that there will be a second tier to the -X upgrades had me worried but in seeing the news and how they will be acquired I'm not so much so now. For the most part.

CasualSAB and MC Stu both had good videos on the subject here and here.
The upgrades are again (along with the advanced consoles) another 'thing' that will separate the casual form the elite player. The gap is so large that I can't help but feel 'concerned'. I'm a casual player(Both PC and Xbox) and all of my characters have at least 1 -X upgrade. My main is the only one with Advanced consoles. The only saving grace for the -X 2 upgrades is that account bound ships should see that upgrade shared free on alts reclaiming already upgraded ships.... So if my main upgrades an event ship to X2 that X2 is free on alts that also claim the ships.... Riiiiiiight???????
That's how the -X1 worked or am I missing something on the -X2? 
The post only says T6 ships so I have doubts about some other ships with lots of upgradced options post -X1 never mind -X2... All will be more clear when this change 'hits'.

As for Star Trek Day, I completely avoided it due to the pre-promotion content being so cringe. Taking the proverbial píss out of your own franchise is not fun nor funny(to me). THEBURNETTWORK spoke about it best in his #886 show.

Speaking of the Xbox version, the new Xbox app has allowed an easier to see overall player stats. So with it the achievement and player stats grew in interest to me(again). 
These were way more than I expected, but it has been 6 years of casual gameplay(over 1,300 hours of gameplay).
I know STO was out on XBox since 2016; And as a free to play game the stats need a lot of interpretation, but that 'only' 30% of players have completed the tutorial....Just seems so low. Too low. Do that many players download the game and in the first 10 seconds say 'naaaaah'. Seems extreme.

The rest of the stats are interesting.... Skewed by free mass access, but interesting all the same. 
Given the more I do/play and complete along with the low % of what is completed by players overall I guess I could interpret it (as casual as I am with the game); That I'm one of the top % of player...... Ahhhhh stats! Go me!!!!!! :-D


Dave the Diver....
No surprise as the game has a(pun intended) hook in me. When a game clicks it clicks and this game really has for me.  At the moment I'm in what could be described as a middle-ish sweet spot; That allows me to obtain items without progressing the storylines too much.
It took a few reloads but I finally got it done. Fish was hard given some crossover with sharks, terrain and random areas being too random. But it's done.
Done just in time for the dev's to change a few things that would have helped lol!
But business is business, upgrades have been done and Dave is still a dinin'.
The next challenge is due but time for curry next.....

Unless I'm missing out on a timer I know nothing about I'm not doing anything with the Sea People at the moment..... I hope that does not come back to bite me(literally)!

Nope I don't own the game. In fact I've placed it at the end of my Steam Wish-list. The place for deep deep sale games. Even at that I doubt I'll buy it. Xbox ultimate use to the rescue for a look at the game. I've only played a few hours and to be brutally honest I've no real need to play the game some more never mind finish it. As a player that's put in over a thousand hours into games like Fallout 4, never mind hundreds more into other Bethesda games I do "like their stuff" for the most part; But as much as I should like Starfield, it's just not clicking with me.

In just under 24 hours of the game being released the first two achievements that a player trips over go from 70% completion to 45%, that's a lot of players not getting both. Says a lot me about launch day.

Overall before I even played the game I think I was already tired out from the pre-hyped content on the Youtubez; 20 best this, 10 best that, best talents to choose, best companions to pick. Not that I watched much of it but dámn was it everywhere(still is). 'Content creators' reviewing balanced or not, on what the game is or could be to most players. Check out these other video's; Like. Share. Comment and Subscribe! Have you seen the merch! Intense one-up-manship competition can get be so very off-putting.

In playing Starfield the first time I felt pressured. I wanted to dip my toe into the games start but in doing so the start was, or at least felt like it was interminably long(up to meeting with constellation). I felt I didn't want to play on.
In playing Dave the Diver the first time I felt I wanted to play on, so I played that to bits for hours. The first time!
Starfield felt like too much hassle, too much BS to endure to get to the 'fun'. I felt no fun with it. I've been doing it to do it and for no other reason than to do it. 
It's a Bethesda game so all the Bethesda game things are there, but they're in space interpretations and not new. Like the Adoring fan. I guess I just expected more from the game. There sure was no 'wow' or 'awe' factor with it.
In person the game to me is not that impressive. It's new and it's the 'in' thing but I've already played so much Bethesda, how many more hours they steal on me depends on the game.... And in actually playing the start of this it's not doing too much for me. I think that comes down to having done too much in their games previously; So this time I'm weary of it. Weary to get into it, weary to put the time in it and weary of another multi-hundred(s) of hours of game collecting stuff.....
Even on Ultra settings the game looks good (with hints of Bethesda everywhere); But it's not knocking my socks off. Dare I say there are better looking games out there.... Or at least there are games out there that do many things better; It's Starfield that's may bring it all together in the one place. But in my honest opinion it's far from perfect. Which brings up a constant thought due to thinking like that. What does make an impression is that this game has set the bar for what it is, a one stop shop for space, trading, stealing. For sci-fi ground and space combat... So much so that both Star Citizens open universe and Squadron 42 now have a practical mark to meet. Everything that Squad 42 and the 'persistent universe' does will be compared to everything out there not just Starfield; But Starfield has such a broad, unavoidable similarity in game mechanics in so many ways, well, Roberts Space Industries need to REALLY up their 'game' a LOT for it not to get absolutely smacked down HARD. The clock really is ticking hard and fast. Chris Roberts should be sweating bullets with no hubris and really pull a carrier out of his derriere. Maybe the heat is felt already (patching patches).

But it's such a good game I hear them cry.... Good then, I'll look forward to picking it up in 5 years when it's €5 with all it's extras. Get a streamlined playthrough of it with all the old Starfield nostalgic veterans wondering how Star Citizen is doing(too soon?). 

The UI isn't intuitive but I get where a lot of it comes from due to the ground/space/combat complexities of multi systems controls. But I've been frustrated by not landing where I want to land and navigating the space navigation and 'quest' stuff. Yea it's down to 'getting used' to it's systems but to be kind it's not helping itself.

The first time to New Atlantis was a disappointment. There was no 'wow' factor to seeing it or it's crowds. Not the size of the city and not it's textures. As numerous as the city NPC's are they are not as good as the 'main' NPC's which shows extra when both kinds of NPC are side by side. Companion v crowds....
There were enough small niggles with the game that it's put me off getting used to it never mind playing it. Good thing I wasn't hyped for the game. I guess I could say I'm just not in the right mood to objectively play it. But at the moment it seems to be a game where there are better choices to get lost in elsewhere. At least I get access to it for 'free'..... Time will tell for me.

If you feel like trying it then buy a month of Xbox Ultimate and try it out; It'll be cheaper than buying it outright. Then if you like it buy it on your platform of choice......

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