Monday 4 September 2023


Typical! The week after I praise my being 'in' the Xbox/Microsoft ecosystems and they go and fup it up. The Xbox windows companion app has been fully replacement by the newer Xbox app on Windows... Which has less practical features on PC than before! It's annoying to use never mind useless.

My main gripe is that the new Xbox app is lacking anything to do with game-clip or screenshot download. From a players 'Xbox' upload to the 'Xbox Network', now only to not be viewable or downloadable in the 'Xbox app' on mobile! The old app on windows was so much more at ease to use...... Upload to xbox network, open app on PC, click on screenshot or clip and click 'download'. So what do I need to do now instead: Upload it to OneDrive and download it via the onedrive app on PC; But I don't want to pay for that now and all the older One-drive apps no longer work..... As for paying to use the new office 365 one drive they can take a running jump..... Not a good thing never mind the experience. Whats the alternative... The Xbox app on mobile! So now I have to upload from xbox to 'mobile'; then on my phone's xbox app download it there, connect my phone to my pc and then copy over the clip/screenshot's. There is now nothing easy about the process, it's longer and over-bloated.

Since the new app is now fully 'on', remote play has been abysmal in the new app. What was once an easy of use and painless connection is now very painful to use even on a home network with a PC beside the Xbox. It took many tries to register the Xbox to the app on PC and once it was it was 8 times out of 10 just not seeing the Xbox for remote play. It's the epitome of a clusterfk,

Considering Microsoft were testing this new app for well over a year it's a surprise(or is it) that it's all as it is on purpose(?). This is where I'd like to enhance my blogging with many, many, MANY, expletives and unkindly words with regard to this subject.

Volition closed down

Announced here and here. Volition's previous iteration was one of the first dev teams that I really noticed on PC due to the games I was playing at the time. Space shooters).

The first game I played from Volition Inc back in the day was the original Freespace. Still a great game today, even if I had to get it again via GoG. A remaster wouldn't go astray on my wishlist.

On a side note the late 90's had a lot of space shooter games which I was into, Wing Commander III,  IV, Prophecy, Privateer II the Darkening(I've waffled about those before like here). While those are not all his games it's interesting to see times when Chris Roberts actually developed, made and released space games(unlike now?)..... Then again I guess I'm more appreciative of games like Rebel Galaxy Outlaw now.

Another video essay from Noah Caldwell-Gervais, this time a reworking/updating of his older Fallout content/video(s). A Thorough Look at Fallout [Revised/Expanded/HD]; At nine and a half hours long it's perfect for a side screen.

Starfield is out on general release on the 6th. I've not gotten it yet nor do I plan to buy it any time soon. That said it's on my steam wish-list. I'll give it another while and a few patches, but probably in a sale(winter/new year?). That's all hype in consideration which I'm sure is over hyped. Players and a few weeks will bring more truth. The more I've gotten older the less and less I tend to 'jump' on something the second it's out. Also the more I'm also thinking if a games good it'll be good no matter if it's bought today, two weeks or 2 years from launch. 
I also find it more and more hilarious to see the Youtube  'content creators' proverbially killing each other for that little bit of an edge over each other. Early access code coverage to early release access to millisecond by millisecond OMG responses (good and bad) on every little detail. But hey I'm a casual gamer waffling on the internet on a BLOG.... So buyer beware I guess.

Dawn of Man is getting a further update. Patch 1.8.0 is on the development branch and I'm looking forward to it's release after it's testing. Not that it'll bring new gameplay but it will make sure the game is on the latest unity engine. So the game should look better than ever, even if it's in niche nuanced ways. Some games should be so lucky.

Islanders is also seeing some update love. A VR release is coming. Maybe it will be a game worth the mode. For me I know it's not a control method for me in such games. Kingdoms and Castles was the last game I had that had such a VR mode.... Good to see as a once off but not a way for me to play. I feel Islanders will be the same.

TMNT has new DLC out 'DIMENSION SHELLSHOCK' and as much as I was into the base game and liked it I wasn't hardcore into the game. I got what I got from one playthrough on one character and taht was fine for me. DLC as good as it may be is not floating my boat. Even with the free quality of life updates. For now anyway I don't see myself getting back into it.... But I get the 'cool' factors.

PowerWash Simulator is getting an update. Update 1.4 – The latest Muckingham Files chapter.

The next paid DLC is of much more interest to me. Back to the Future is coming.... I'm in no hurry for it so it'll be added to the wish list for some later sale.....

Death Stranding, a game that still has a hook in me(once in never out) two playthroughs later(many blog posts, like here). While I may never be back into the game for hours at a time; It's enjoyable to revisit for short periods and see if there is something that needs to be done. It's been a while so it's worthy to just mention. Been a while, good to be back and may not be back in another 'good' while.

Astrox Imperium isn't a game I've been playing much over the years but I do own it and it's sister game. That sister game is now by far a much lesser relic but still has the same spirit. A game I see now as a real stepping stone. Asterox Imperium is now so much more and so much the bigger sibling. I do enjoy seeing it's dev development blogs(DEVLOG 107 (8/30/23). I recreated a new character to poke my nose about again; Three things really hit me. First, that the game reminded me of when I started playing Eve Online(in space and stations). 
That feeling of being small in a very large universe. Second the sounds and music are very apt and atmospheric in the same way as when I first joined Eve Online. An essential part of the experience. Third is that the game isn't hand-holding, just the way Eve used to be(that's to say in good ways). That sense of discovery and exploration is so much there and I love it for it. No surprise that the dev wanted to created a type of offline Eve Online experience..... Asrtox Imperium is all of that but so much more. Single player being a key part to point out; But still a game you can get lost in for hours, just doing it. Hearing about the updates and the devblogs is always interesting and always so packed with changes, updates and additions, I don't know how he does it(like that fist track).

So what else have I been up to in 'actually' gaming....

Eve Online....
Again not a game I've technically played but kind of have done some very, very, very minor character login and tweaking.
There's some interesting lore/update to the new stargates. Nice to be uptodate...

60 Seconds(Xbox)....

Not a game I own on Xbox but I did see it as a demo on that platform; So I tried it and it plays the same as on PC. Played just for the heck of it; The game is fun, good to see it on console.

Darkest Dungeon....

All the town buildings are 100% upgraded, making the town as good as it can be(as well as having all building districts upgraded). I always get mixed up between upgrades and calling districts upgrades, but they're all done now. Which is a relief.
Heroes are starting to get proper armour, weapons, training and survival skills. Never mind treatments and recovery. Or at least getting the best of what can be gotten not just whats available.
That's not to say I've not kept up the fodder runs to gain everything else but to benefit the 'heroes' used.

Delving into the Darkest Dungeon part two has now been completed. Another team unwilling to re-enter. I'm starting to get paranoid about Dismas.

Battlefield 1(Xbox)....

While I've had a few matches here and there on PC; I been getting a lot more from the Xbox version of late. A game I was straight at home in again with a controller. It's such a good game, balanced etc. Despite the odd cheater on PC or alternative control users on Xbox, 90% of matches are good.

Planet Crafter....

The return on exported items has been substantial as I 'work' the ongoing of the system.

All part of the constant poking and improving, tweaking and letting it all just run.

Star Trek Online....

Between Xbox and two accounts on PC(more on that second PC account at some stage); I've been getting very muddled with characters and their needs/actions.
The last week(or soooooo) has seen a lot more Xbox than PC(again). With the event on PC over the Red Alerts have started and with them the phoenix prize pack event as well. With the event on Xbox over and red alerts started and the phoenix event there over, it's no wonder I'm muddled. 
At least with the phoenix prize over in Xbox  I can just use the PC version without to much befuddlement.... For now as I write.... Over on  Sept 7th....

The next expansion of STO is of interest, I hope it will be worthy content in practice... .Players will be players. Some are more wise than others given the choices available..

The update to the launcher is of interest. It's both good to see such work done but after so long with the old version I can't help but miss it(too used to it). At least the new can more streamline news shown; That they want to show(for the most part). I'm sure there will be updates to tweak it.

Star Trek franchise fans all have very subjective takes on both the franchise and the game(those that play). As purist as I can be I won't turn my nose up at good(perfect being the enemy of good etc) content(show or game). Yet while I can forgive and offer wide leniency to the game's take on things I can't go as far for the shows. The shows are more 'real' to the lore for me. They are the lore. I find it odd that the franchise shows now seem more to be chasing STO content and the game seems more franchise lore 'good'. Maybe that's also why I want to see less show in the game. I know that's not how it works but STO is doing a good job of not being 'shill' to every show idea/item/theme etc....
That's me trying to be tactful. Each to their own so I'm gonna be the same. So this is where I'm coming from. At least I'm overthinking it!
So I like more 'specificity' and consistency but am open to new lore as long as such lore does not cráp all over that which came before. It's all about respect as much as acceptance. Talk about complicated.  
The game is the game but the more the game changes due to the shows, it's like a feedback loop that I can't swallow(in both ways(shows and game) but one more than the other depending on the changes - shows eh).
Yea I'm wafflin...

So what have I been doing on The Xbox version.... Recruits and account unlocks. 
Changing up between KDF recruit and Delta's I've created; All helps to both relieve repetition monotony and make progress within these recruits. That said I've been making good mission(Quest) progress over them all. No wonder I'm getting things mixed up between characters an platforms(odd as that may sound). It's just a bit much to do the same long content like Kobali Prime on two characters in a row two days in a row....
The Kobali story recovering the Harry Kim lost to space and Kobali'ing him is as Star Trek a story as can be. A continuation of what was with respect for the story and the character. As with other characters.




I've taken the manual path on the KDF ground combat with about an hour of manual melee combat button mashing. There was an opportunity to make such brainless mashing worth while. Time will tell if this happens again. It's a pity the Xbox version can't be done as the PC is(auto target/auto target, afk) in the Partisans mission. Doing melee on ground missions so far has not yielded any real progress.

Even with the large number of ground combat melee kills needed with missing mission melee opportunity to be done.... Those that I've done already have proved to be less than rewarding Ground kills were not stacking up..... Mashing is the way.


Dave the Diver....

Dave the Diver is ongoing, it's a journey. Again I'll say the way the game flows is constantly changing; The more I play the more I want to play. So less waffle and a ton of screenshots.



Gaining that fish is proving a hassle for me....

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