Tuesday 30 July 2024

Here we are again....

Over the past while I've been going back over some vids of my Battlefield 1 matches, PC and Xbox. Or at least what I consider my better edited vids. Not perfect by any means, some disjointed('good kills' based more on the music than any single match journey. That said some are 'better' in match and as an 'end product' posted. It all has me wanting to both play more and post another video.....



Assassin's Creed Shadows is staying in the news due to the 'apology'.

Just Some Guy also did a video on the subject, worth a watch. Ubisoft Apologizes for Assassin's Creed Shadow

Hitman III's new iteration 'Wold of Assassination" has a sale.... I'd be excited about the €2.99 price if it included the content that's still at a hefty, hefty price(you know, the actual gameplay content of the 'game'). Some of which I've bought at least twice already..... In Hitman 1 to again in Hitman 2 to Hitman 3 where it was all the last straw. Same previous content carry over with no carry over in what matters like rewards, unlocks, actual recognition etc....  etc.....

The World of Warcraft is in Pre patch/expansion mode and I'm still no into the game. My wifes account has lapsed and as my account still has time on it she's been doing things on my lower/disused 60's and 70's. I thought I'd have more hype for the first of the saga expansions but its all much of a sameness for me. Just can't get excited about it. Taliesin & Evitel latest vid as entertaining with the WoW news as ever.

The more I dive into Door Kickers the more I'm starting to grind. Fun till it's frustrating. But I'm still plugging away....

The new 1.51 update to ATS / ETS 2 title screen will be another nice addition and update

I've missed out on doing anything in the last two weeks of the last event. Too many games not enough time. That said I've been pottering about every now and again when the mood takes. ATS so much less so than ETS 2.

Star Trek online is again one of my main go-to games, on PC and Xbox.

In a Steam by CasualSAB he mentioned VGER . Maybe I missed it completely, or forgot about it's existence. But it's good to have a visual method to lookup. Visual Gglossary for Easy Recognition.

In an old post I seem to remember sticking in some text.... Casual play seem to be more pro DPS..... Stuff in game seems to do more... Or is it me just going gaga...... Both platforms have been doing the current events, both on both. Events are think and fast this summer. More than usual.

This last week, on Xbox,  I finally got both my Jem'Hadar cos playing Breen and my new Fed Alien Female/PC clone into their respective thematic ships.
So the Epic token used bot the Breen ship. Getting to but on the gear I'd been hoarding for the occasion. Which has been working out really well. He now has 2 ships to rip through space in. Choices, choices!

Some slight tweaks and upgrades since the screenshot for the Breen ship....

On the other character the Eisenberg ship didn't have any gear waiting for it, so it got the best of the rest on the character. New as she was, it's all just for fun. And it is fun. 

I've more upgraded gear/items on the ship she was using so I may go back to that once the fun has waned. But for now.....

As much as I love the STO game and can 'take' 'nu' trek content more readily than the actual new/current franchise installments..... But 'what he said':

Eve Online is ever ongoing, less so on alts since the daily login rewards have been removed. Mains are still mains but I've been doing a bit more here and there, with a little less over and beyond.... All a case if it's not one ting it's another, faffing about just because when the main reasons are 'done', or 'done for now'. The game is a time sink. Each choice is a black hole that pulls you in one direction; The problem happens when you have 4 or 5 choices on the go......

Part of the faffing, character hopping process has made some rewards pop for me on characters.
Omega accounts have some monthly free SP in the store.... No doubts to draw players to the store to notice items to buy with plex to buy plex with cash etc.....

As for recent times of updates etc. CCP is CCP but getting worse or is that maybe more insidious, insidious to a players wallet and maybe health but....either way, "what he says":  

 It's been a while since I've seen vids from LevelCapGaming, but I noticed he'd done a video on Vanguard. Nice to see his take on the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0-nQVl0nkc
I miss Dust 514.
On a side note of a side note I've been enjoying some Minecraft on Xbox. Away from my PC empire to the small holding of the game on Xbox. It's enjoyable to potter about with.

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