Wednesday 11 September 2024

Still gaming....

Gaming, it's a luxury, given real world considerations big and small, personal and not. Perspective.
Still gaming regardless of considerations and better options. Too deep?
Both myself and my wife are not back into WoW. We hear good things online but have no need or drive for it's gameplay. A friend who bought the expansion with a 3 month game-time deal, has over the last week gotten into the expansion to finish off the last month of his time and 'gain' value from it. 
The expansion he says is more like WoW back in the day but he can't see himself playing beyond the month he's already paid for.

Worth a look, just because: vlogbrothers  - How The Internet Is Rigged
@accursedfarms seems to be making progress!

Tetris Forever got an Official Announce Trailer; A trailer that brings back good memories old and new, The more modern in the form of the Tetris movie and the game Tetris Effect Connected. Great game!
During the week I saw EVE Vanguard had a Steam page. Guess CCP is still console averse, it's doomed so; I hope it doesn't take Eve Online with it. Too pessimistic? Well CCP made me that way. #Mysterycode. I may have mentioned that on this blog 'a bit'...
Nice to see Astroneer getting an update in an expansion Glitchwalkers. A game I bought, a game that should be all the things I need to play in such a game; But still a game I can not get into at all. Which I still find a pity, but can't do anything about. 

American Truck Simulator is getting it's 1.51 Update. Which is really great to see. I'm still to far into ETS 2 to splash cash on ,ore than the base ATS I have, but it's nice to keep informed.
Star Trucker is now in my inventory. I'm still a slight bit hesitant to get into it right away. From all I've seen online it still has too harsh a use rate on in game consumables. With luck that will be balanced out in the forthcoming patch/balance pass.
For that reason I've not gotten into the game properly. Which is no bad thing as I've a lot of games to use and abuse.

No Man's Sky's Aquarius update, is yet another game changer. Talk about going strength to strength. A game putting a lot of other games to shame that have bigger goals. NMS has really proven long-term commitment. Major kudos for not charging for any of it as well. Almost a game too big for me to get back into. So much has changed. So much added that I've no interest in. Not that I've to interact with it but that I've so many other games I've yet to play.... Maybe some day I'll restart from scratch and 'just' play it as if a new game...... Still pondering that years later....
I can't be the only one to think that NMS is really trolling and/or taking the pish out of other sci-fi games (Starfield, Star Citizen)... Am I? I mean fishing.... Hilarious.

PowerWash Simulator has an Official Shrek themed DLC coming. Which looks interesting.
I've even got some interest in the other DLC Alice's Adventured pack as well.... Seems the Back to the Future pack(below) has sparked(splashed) more of my interest....

SPACE MARINE 2 seems to be doing well in reviews. I've got the game on my wishlist but I think I'll be waiting for a sale next summer before I get it. Luetin09 had a good video on the main character Titus. Really worth watching(if your into lore).

Via Gamepass I took a quick look on PC at Dungeons 4. Another game I like but can't help but play it and think more of the original game. Nostalgia I guess with rose tinted glasses. Another on my wish list on Steam but for another time and another sale(even playing it a little with Gamepass).

For me gamepass games I play are more for the 'there and then' playing so not going to buy; Those on my Steam wishlist are as the saying goes 'keepers'. Each to their own perspectives and long-term 'value'.

Death Stranding has seen me return to it in the last week or so. Just a quick return to check on structures, collect likes and do a job or two for old times sake. 
Good to be back but it made me curious for the Xbox PC Ultimate version of the game. The version I first played; But as the game has been removed from gamepass there was no further checking I could do. Really glad to have bought the Director edition on Steam. Even more glad to have been in that mood to redo it all again at the time. Still if it ever comes back to gamepass for pc then I'll check it out there for old times sake. See how my old save is faring....

PowerWash Simulator has seen me complete the Back to the Future DLC/pack. Really enjoyable to see some of the later films locations.
Planet Crafter has seen a lot of gameplay. More Solo than co-op as a new patch was released.
Co-Op saw some more of the early to mid game gameplay as the process goes on. Lots of progress and fun had in it's doing.

Solo saw a lot more time as that patch brought some nice new additions and changes; As well as the announcement of the upcoming DLC. Another for the wish-list.

New content is new content and so the Rover update and the new areas were interesting. Even if I'm more pro Jetpack than rover.

That said the rover is a pack mule. It's also carry-able in a players inventory(immersion) so that you can fill it with loot and then drive it home. At least that was my take on it's use. That said back in the day I used to just carry around the mats for a transporter; Use that  and move all I needed to base then dismantle it. Swings and roundabouts. It's new and I've got 1 at each of my bases with a third (free of a garage) to 'mess' with in random locations. Till I'm tired of messing with it and park it somewhere....... 

Brace for screenshots!

With all the new 'discovered', built, checked, DNA'd, sorted and filed away; I went back to diving into portals.

Eve Online has seen the usual gameplay. Skills, R&D, Industry, Planetary Interactions, Dailies of both my own making and for rewards from the game. I'm still only doing coincidental tasks(like building a shuttle as the industry task if I'm in between my own needs. Which is a lot as I've now for more than shuttles per character than ever before. Co-Op industry with my far side of the world real world friend goes on and I'm sure I'll get ships..... SoonTM.
Otherwise it's all about doing what I want when I want for as long as I can.

After only mentioning the year long subscription with 2 times MCT and in my inbox I get a promo mail for such a thing.... Nice to see the clockwork, working.... I am indeed a sucker and will indeed be purchasing it.....Twice..... Sucker indeed. 

I saw a video worth sharing from Pirate Software. Interesting.

Star Trek Online is once again the ongoing MMO, again more on Xbox than on PC. So much so that I've difficulty transitioning the UI from Xbox to PC; Where's the rep tab again... etc.... Found it. 
So many alts, so much choice(Ships/Gear), real first world problems on PC. At least on Xbox it's half the number of characters with more streamlined focus on items.
PC has a Phoenix Prize Pack Event ongoing so I made use of that to gain some bits otherwise it's all been about the event(s).
I'm still waiting for the Store sale so that I can get a sale price on the slots and services. Get to make the most of my free Zen(am looking for more character slots).

As for news regarding it's 'managment change' there was a short but sweet announcement. Word has been needed and while not a long post it's one with hope and certainty(certain as can be) for the future.
The Xbox version saw me complete the campaign and gain the 3 rewards.
Using the premium ship for a D7 Carrier for my KDF main 
A Kara warbird for my Delta Reman
Otherwise my newest character has been seeing use, wandering the universe. I'm still of two minds on the ship to use with her. The Disco ship is thematic but the Mirror Lexington she has is the 'better' ship/fit.
 Playing with a controller, the ui makes the game 'easy to use', not so much easy to play but easy to use... It's handy to just pick up and play...... Couch..... Bed..... Next thing you know 2 hours has passed.
The previous event gave the console which does actually find use on the Cnidarian Defender. Almost every bit matters, but this seems to work.....
The anniversary day was just a quick visit with one character to get the achievement visiting the ship museum.



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