Tuesday 3 September 2024

VR again....

VR has waned as an 'in' thing this long while(for me since 2020)... It's all still doable now, if VR is your thing; But most of the best of VR content regarding games is still 80% the same as it was 'those' years ago. At least in my view.... For PC. Such as today's top games, they still include the likes of Beat Saber, Half Life Alyx, Minecraft, SuperhotVR and No Mans Sky..... Good games are still good but there's not been more done better to blow away the VR users longterm..... Never mind draw in more to VR on PC. It's as novel a thing now as it was then. Just very niche. 
Many gamers get the headset, play the games and before they know it a year has passed since the last time they used it... I'm no exception. I've had my headset packed away but still near my desk for the last couple of years; Yet have not needed, never mind missed it. Not really. I last posted about VR in 2022.

All that said I still have a pang to use it every so often. A 'need to get value' kind of urge. There's still no games that demand the use of VR above all else. The last time I got to gain some more value was to use it for my (non-tech savvy) mam with the Roller Coaster game. She enjoyed it. As for me I've maybe popped back to see updates and spend a few minutes with same games I've already used it with.......... 
All in all I've got 5 'real' games worth replaying that are 'fun' in VR, so are worth it. Just not an essential gaming existence to repeat often.
Over time two games happened to be great in VR if not specifically designed to be pure VR experiences. One I can play in VR and really get the experience House of the Dragon; And one I can not get into for gamplay, No Mans Sky. Good to see but not to stay(for me). Feel like I've said all that before... 
The other two games are specifically VR orientated. Both of which I've found to be very much my thing. Beat Saber and Gunjack

With one more entry out of (desperation?)a need to get something out of the tech and it's games....Shooty Skies Overdrive. Simple and cheap, bought in a sale way back when.....
So where to start. Maybe keep the best to last? 

Shooty Skies Overdrive
No Mans Sky
House of the Dragon Dying Sun
Beat Saber
What could go wrong.

Yea it started on the wrong foot; I've not used it in a long time, so software needed re-authorization/login Meta details checked and software downloaded/updated(Rift S).
Going through the initial tutorials for VR still has that 'magic' feeling to it. VR it seems is still an experience worth doing. I just wouldn't push a PC gamer in that direction. One thing that Playstations and PSVR 2 has in recommendation spades over PC. Maybe the one Playstation 'thing' I'd actually recommend. It's an all in integrated system/platform and software/games. Plus it's less hassle overall compared to PC.
Anyway onto the games....
Shooty Skies Overdrive is still a fun game to get a person moving, hop in blast away and hop out. quick fun. Just not one I'd spend a lot of time in. A game that reminds me of Flynn's arcade for some reason.

No Mans Sky is an epic VR experience. Just not a game in VR that I can play. So it's a look around and see kind of visit via VR. Not a game I'd like to get into combat situations in, not in VR mode. But still it's so good to be in it in VR. 
One niggle I'd say this time round trying it is that loading is longer and has a tenancy to be laggy. Age of my headset and PC showing perhaps?

House of the Dying Sun. As a normal game it's good but in VR it's elevated to such a level as to be called great. I'm biased I love it and seeing it today is as good as when I first played it in VR.
The patch notes list the batch file to launch the game for VR and while I've used that and played it in VR before; This time round I couldn't get it to work for me, smoothly. At first. The process would hang in the background 'launching'. But after a few cajoling attempts 'things' seem to smooth out and the shortcut listing the extra VR parameters worked without a problem (for any interested those parameters are (-force-d3d11 -vrmode openvr). I think it was more the order I did things in that worked out better. Launching Meta/Oculus software, then Steam VR, then the game shortcut with the parameters. Great to be in and one for that immersive combat experience. It's really enhanced by being in VR.

Gunjack. I've not come across another on rails shooter I prefer. It's a great game. It's a pity the second game never made it to Steam and now you can't even get Gunjack anymore.
Gunjack worked with no issues. A game I really enjoy, it was good to be back to it.

Given that it's no longer available as is Valkyrie, a much bigger more shouted about game.... Is Eve Online the only game that's 'maintained' long-term from CCP... Doesn't make me have faith in future games no matter the platform from them.. Poor Dust 514. 
CCP a bit like Google in that regard, they should share a software graveyard..... All those gamers that spent cash....

Beat Saber, the VR game to get. Lightsabers and beats; Whats not to like. The only game to bring me back long-term and has 'made' me keep the headset connected. Will see how long that lasts this time....

There were a few other titles I tried out just because the headset was attached. 
Rollercoaster(Epic Roller Coasters) & Race the sun, but only a few minutes in each.... Just because rather than to 'do' them.
Would the Meta Quest 3 or another 'current' headset be that much of a game changer?

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