Thursday 30 October 2014

October 2014 update....

A lot of news and patches out for both Wow and Eve, I'll mix that into my goings on.
Brace, Brace. Brace! Eve, Wow and BF4 .... This is going to be a long one!

Eve has seen my usual P.I. and skill queue updates. This is soon to change as the unlimited skill queue is pushed out with the next Eve patch/expansion/update. That will cut my daily maintenance of my mains by 50%!
It's had me thinking about the P.I. I might extend them to a once a week rotation of update planets and sell items.
Both my mains have seen very little activity and overall I've been questioning what to do with them. I'm still mulling that over. It may take some time.

There was a new 101 video from Crossing Zebras, makes me wonder why CCP dont' do this type of thing themselves.  Blizzard have had and have updated their own WoW version for some time. But then again CCP does encourage a lot of player participation and endorses the "meta" game.

The Eve Vagas event brought lots of information.  The keynote speech was interesting.
T3 destroyers being the big thing for me, not that I can see myself really using one but to pick something new for the hanger would be nice. We'll see what they can do on release.... then pick one up cheaper later ;-p
The new tech and the new "Tug" ship coming are of great interest. I can see the tug being used instead of the Orca in hi-sec for moving ships.
The newest info about some of the sleeper tech being dangerous makes me want my story of sleeper tech to come true.
The event showed a lot of the long term Eve development and it's going to be very interesting.
It was a good event from what I have seen online and a good introduction the next Eve release, the info site is here. The main vid from that does go into more detail.
Very interesting times ahead indeed.

Eve Valkyrie was at the event. A good Eve Valkyrie writeup was done here.

The new music that they have released, the main menu music, is one of the best I've heard them release since the music used in the Inferno trailer ;)

The Vagas event also had a section about the new player experience, I found it very interesting, I hope they continue to work on it.

I was surprised that Dust 514 was not even mentioned and had Zero presence. The Dust forums have been awash with the anger since the fanfest fiasco and with CCP saying nothing at large events is even more of a snub and PR disaster.
Dust got it's biggest update since it came out, in my opinion. This patch does more to expand the game than the rest of the patches that band-aid the game. In saying that I've not been drawn any more to play the game other then to login, have a look around and log out. I might try a few matches here and there but I've had no long time palying it. BF4 is way better a multiplayer shooter. Dust's Eve link is the real draw for me. I will give it time in the future but not soon.

My Eve time has mainly been spent on my Null sec alt.


LOTS of mining
LOTS of P.I.
and a mix of some SOE missions


Wow has seen me doing a lot more in the last few weeks than I've done in the last 6 month's.

The new patch 6.02 and it's mini update 6.03 have brought big changes that I've taken too more than I thought I would have. I still miss fan of knives on my Rog and Mirror image on my Mage but overall I think the stat squish and redo of the classes is a good thing. It bodes well for the expansion.

I've been getting to go back and solo some content that needed a few 90's to do. So it's been achi time for me.
I've been getting to see places that I've not seen in a long time and some that offer great screenshots :)


Thankfully the addon community has been 100% efficient in getting the addons updated and uploaded.

The new patch was not without it's bad points. Characters not "being found" and "world server down" messages to name a few.

Once really annoying glitch was the dungeon kick that then reset the instance. Thankfully that has no longer been happening. It all in fact seems to have been smoothed out.

Despite the removal of all the Valor and Justice points it was good to get free gold :) 

The new expansion event around the dark portal is very "mini", that's not to say that my alts were not appreciative of the 515 ilevel gear as quest rewards. But it is a very short quest chain "event".

The best I had seen was the Wotlk pre expansion zombie apocalypse, now that was truly epic.

The quest blue 515 gear as well as the headless horseman new drops of 540 epic's is a great gearing method for my alts to replace their timeless isles gear. I've only 2 Characters that can attempt the new Blackrock dungeon and I've only run it once so far. All in all it's been great gearage wise.

I got to level my priest to 90, hop into the timeless gear, do the horseman dungeon and finish the iron invasion quests and be in a really good place to head to the expansion.

I've been a disc priest 100% on all my priests I've ever had on every realm. So for this patch that all changed and I've had to do shadow as it is now the only dps class of priest for dungeons. And I love it!!!!

I like the new addition of the toy box and it does allow all your characters to use all the toys. So it stop hunting for multiples... it does open up looking for others that I dot' have lol.

I got this for my Rog. I've been after it for a while and decided to just go and get it. Very easy to get and worth it as it brings attention from other rogs asking what the heck that buff is.

 I've not had much time to try the green fire again.... I really need to do this soon!

Most of the dungeons I've been doing is the horseman to try and get my Pala the horseman's helm!!!

I also got on a Transmog buzz one night and updated some gear now that they didnt' need justice of handin's to purchase...... I spent a fair amount of gold.... 



My BF4 saga goes on, F'ing and Blinding in some games and howling in victory in others. I really do enjoy it. I'm not a competitive person but it really does get the blood flowing.

I've made no changes to the assault class, the SAR-21, G18, Medbag and Defib with the RGO impact grenade cover all bases.

Like assault no real changes, P90,G18, Sraw or Stinger, Slam mine and RGO impact grenade seals the deal.

I've been enjoying the support class more in Deathmach games of late.
Main weapons have seen me mix things up a lot in DM games.
The main weapon I use on this class remains the QBB, I do love it.

But I find in Deathmatch games I change this weapon for a rotation of 3 others.

The RPK-12 for my need to have a high fire rate with a silencer

Soon with Laser attachment...
 The AWS for general purpose mayhem in medium engagements. 

The MG4 for sheer close to medium bullet hose building clearing fun.

Secondary weapon is the faithful G18
I use the Ammo box and have started to use the XM25 Airburst a lot more than the claymore I used to use. The RGO impact again rounds out the class.

This class sees me using the M98B rifle the most, sniper is as a sniper does.
The G18, Radio beacon, C4 or Claymore and M67 Frag finish this class off.

Carbines see me use the AKU-12 or Type-95B-1 the most.

Shotguns see me use the Saiga 12K and DAO-12 the most.
Both depend on situations and on the mood during game play :)
DMR's are the last weapon challenge and I'm not there to use them yet.


That's the bulk of my gaming fun.... hope it was interesting... Till next time o7

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