Thursday 19 March 2015

Democracy 3....

I came across this game, as I do with many, by accident.

Democracy 3 peeked my interest as an offline, micromanagement nirvana. But dont' let my description put you off. Like most games I get I check up on them before I buy, in this case the game can be summed up by one very good youtube video review:

Well worth checking out the "WTF IS" channel for more like it.

I went and go the game on steam with 3 addon's for less then €30 on steam.

I don't think that it's a game I'd blog about but there's a "one more try" addiction to the game.
My first two UK game terms were marred by bad fiscal management and a lack of zeal for reelection, the third in the US ended with my and my cabinets bloody assassination.

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