Friday 27 March 2015

My Eve Update....

Not much has been happening for me within Eve at the moment. Not much that I can waffle on about anyway. I think I've been doing more in Dust with Eve open on the side rather than the other way round which I feel should be the way.

My Null alt has been checking his market orders and only done enough mining to update the items that are selling. These include some T1 weapons and modules, haulers, probes (scan and combat), and some items like large containers. It's been a massive scale back after the market "crash" a few weeks ago. But the income from it is ongoing. It is a more competitive market and has needed more attention of late. This lats PI is the best earner, at a guess it would be about 100 Million a week. If I was meticulous about the PI and the market I'm sure I would make a lot more.  I've not done the mining for ore to sell as ore and the ratting has been non existent but both are options should circumstances change.  A lot of war dec's has meant that there has been zero hi sec activities so no PVE or testing of my new Tengu that is really my old Tengu at this stage.
PVP with this character has also been on my mind but I'd like to get his current "batch" of training our of the way, that's more to do with my not wanting to "waste" training time rather than anything I'm looking to skill into or use.

Both of my Hi-sec carebear main's have been ship spinning, maintaining their PI/data-core farming and micromanaging hangers and ships.
In fact that has been the fate of my Hi-sec alt as well. I have been looking into getting into the WH site of things with him but everything I've been looking into corp wise has lead to a larger commitment than I could do as a casual gamer. All others that are looking for less commitment only give very flaky information and I've heard too many stories from friends about being awoxed especially when corps can choose to have friendly fire be illegal and don't. Maybe that's just my paranoia kicking in.

My Amarrian alt is still skilling up in an SP explosion that has seen that alt vary so far off course then just being a trader and hauler. She also just received a T1 Apoc battleship from my main main, the skills to fit it, mainly the T2 weapons are still to be trained into so that's six month's away. Again another thing that is "ongoing". 

A while ago I decided to stick with hauling and courier contracts using an Impel and a Prorator with this alt rather than get a Providence, but to quote a phrase, picking have been slim. so business has been bad.

Rounding up the alt list is my Minmatar alt. Again another hi-sec carebear but this time based around the minmatar faction. Not that I'm a role player but like my Amarrian alt, this alt is faction specific. Just because.
I decided to setup this alt to be able to farm datacores. To do this with a level 4 datacore agent I needed the faction/corp/agent standing for this alt to be at 5.0. Of those options (faction/corp/agent) the best standing was from faction. This allowed me to skip the level 1 and 2 agents and just straight to farming standing with level 3 agents for the corp that has the agent that will supply the datacores. So off I went with a Cyclone and started the grind. These level 3's are easy to do as they have none of the complexity of the level 4's, usually it's easy to warp into the mission, kill the mission objective while tanking the incoming dps, warp out and handin the mission. Easy stuff.

As a hi-sec carebear I'm adverse to loosing standings. Even if that faction is the enemy of my alts faction. So when I got a mission to go kill some Amarrian faction npc's I declined the mission. The next mission that the agent gave was The blockade. I remember this mission vaguely from doing it at level 4 levels. I kind of remembered it as being a high dps, lots of rats kind of vague mission that was harder to do then was worth. So all in all I decided that taking my alts Loki instead of the battlecruiser.  The Loki with this alt has been able to tank level 4's with all modules on and be cap stable. It's been a brick in level 4's.Accepting the mission, off I went to get ride of this mission and move on to get more standing.
My lack if remembering the level 4 version of this mission and my lack of looking things up should have been more of a warning to me.
By this time in reading you've probably guessed it but I lost the Loki... yeap, the ultimate carebear shame. I lost a Loki in a level 3.
I started off the mission and all was going well, I was killing the smallest ships first. The small ships were obviously the triggers as when I killed them more npc's would appear. No problem as I was killing and tanking it with no problem. About the 4th wave of reinforcements came but instead of being the same 80km away reinforcement this new wave landed 4kmn from me. DPS hit me hard. I was obviously at their optimal as the first of their volley's took my shields. I aligned to be on the safe side but before I could warp off I was siting in my pod. Ho-Lee-Cow. wtf.

I know the changes to the Loki and other T3's were done but I seemed to be tanking and acting normal in this mission... plus its "only" a level 3...... I took the loss in stride and warped out and got a battleship to over compensate and finished off the mission. That's not to say that I didnt' mull the thought to maybe submit a ticket to see if there was something that happened that could explain why it didnt' warp in time... but I didn't.... even writing this I'm rethinking should I....

After the mission handin I spent the alt's isk to replace the Loki into an updated and enhanced version of it. I've not done any more mission yet but I'll go back to the cyclone and see how things go. This alt is broke in the isk sense, gonna be a lot of PI and missions to make that isk back... Good thing I started the process already.

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