Friday 13 March 2015

Dust 514 Update....

My time in dust 514 is ongoing. I like the new daily missions, although they seem like they are old hat now. It's always great to get a feature of a game that makes you wonder how it existed without it. I especially like the daily 1 battle win that grants an unlock key for an encryption box. I have far too many encryption box's, 600+, I wont' be spending money to buy Aurum to buy key's to unlock them but free key's are a bonus. There is still uncertainty on the future of Dust 514 and what Legion will be. And what will be transferred if Legion does exist.

The war barge is a nice addition as well and adds that incentive to build on something to increase yourisk/dps etc.... Wow Garrisons in space.

Despite the CPM elections I can't find anything outside the official forums from the CPM, it is a smaller community but it was much more vocal, 2013 must have been the height, last year at fanfest it was slaughtered at it's own red wedding and no wonder there is silence.
Despite Dust's young comparative age against Eve. I just wish there was more. You can't google anything on Eve Online without tripping over pages of posts.I guess each community will be it's own.
But I'd love to see a site dedicated to the fitting of dropsuits!

At least the devposts continue.

The last event held in the game, the 5 Million Clone challenge, was interesting. It definitely made more people play the game as matches were played with full teams on both sides. A drop in numbers was evident once the event was over. One match after it yesterday had 4 people per team, that's the worst I've seen even before the event. But the results as listed in this devblog was interesting! As were the rewards, very much appreciated.

Next up is Hotfix Echo, I look forward to seeing these changes in action.Tweaking for balance is always a good thing... most of the time!

Not my vid but one I came across, interesting and I like the first track of music played :)

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