Friday 20 March 2015

Eve Online Update....

I've had this in draft's for a while now but I'm only getting to write it up and flesh it out now. With luck I'll finish this post and write up a decent view of what I'm doing in Eve with my characters tomorrow. It's late now so I'll see how much I get to waffle and what I get to remove from this.

CSM voting has been completed and I'm glad to say that I got to vote my selection with all my accounts. And the results given in the fanfest keynote presentation today were a win for my top pick.

The scope news spots are continuing and are great to watch.

I really, really enjoy them.

The latest video to carry the story forward is from fanfest and is a real teaser.

 Another major part of fanfest's presentations today was the Eve Valkyrie video.

Eve Valkyrie looks like it will be a big title on PC and PS4, I'll be very much staying with it on PC and will look forward to it.
Part of me can't help but think back to when video's like this were shown about Dust514 but I think that CCP had well learnt it's lesson. Indeed Dust 514 may not have had much "air" time or mention at all in the live feeds but Dust is listed on the Fanfest scedule. Listed along the lines of the playerbase and "learning" from the experience. There does not seem to be any current info on what they are doing with the game and where it's future is going.
Dust would have so much more and the community would be so much more forgiving if CCP was clearer on details, for fanfest I'd have expected more. Dust 514 is after all a product and CCP does employ a number of people in the Dust 514 team, why should merchandising and Eve Online models get more of a mention than a subsection of the playerbase that IS in the sandbox.
The current playerbase has already slated the lack of Dust 514 in the keynote and I think the video and comments in the forum best represents the overall generalised view Dust 514 players have about CCP. Maybe my comments are premature as fanfest is ongoing. Things can change. But I read this with interest and the response is also interesting.

For some reason the way CCP is going about their VR games very much reminds me about my love for the Splinter Cell games. I like Splinter Cell. I played it on the original xbox and on the 360, each release after the other. I knew about the Splinter Cell offshoots on phones and DS's etc, but I was never tempted to keep up with them even when those other "smaller" releases had free gifts and unlocked items for the main triple A releases on the main systems. That memory makes me wonder how much CCP will push each new slice of the Eve universe on every platform/system/device they can and how much they will want to swing off the Eve Online branch. Maybe I need a tinfoil hat.

Fanfest is worth watching (, the future year ahead of Eve is looking to be quiet a blast. And the Eve Valkyrie should be very interesting.

I'm not a fan of the new UI icon's I can see why they would want to do it but modernisation for modernisation sake is not always a good change.
Maybe it's just me but they new icon's, especially the drone identifiers look very space invader...

As for adding the plus sign on top of the NPC icon's again for me this looks completely naff and throws the icons off.

Overall I think the new icon's add a new form of hieroglyphics to the game that the spreadsheet fans will love bit that if you had to describe all these new icon's to a new starter to the game. really if a vet reading a dev blog is making faces then a noob has no chance. Thankfully they are tweaking these and with luck they will get good feedback and adjust things to be "better".

There is so much information from fanfest, form the keynotes/main presentations, that it will take time to look into in detail and as fanfest continues there is sure to be more information and further details. I have to say that I was surprised by the "stats" presentation, fro enjoying it and for the surprise that the last two years worth of data is available for each character.... I almost looked up one site that would present my characters data but I think I'll leave that till I have more time to really check it out.

Nullsec sov is a key point and as with every ting in Eve is related to so much more, there is no way even with all that's been said and argued about it that a proper conclusion can be seen as the future is hidden in NDA'd material, Even the info from Fanfest hinted at more structures that would truly change the face of what we know... time will tell, the other side of fanfest may be clearer.

Besides Watching Fanfests details I tried looking for more updates to the Eve 101 video's but It looks like CCP has taken over eve 101's spotlight on video's on eve. CCP are doing their Flight Academy well but I did like the 101 series.

There was a great article on mmo player behaviour from PC Gamer that is worth reading.

Evogenda had a good post here as well that seems to echo elements in my own game time in Eve.

I'll leave this post and waffle about my characters tomorrow. Apologies in advance for the spelling, a late night spelling check is no spelling check at all. o7

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