Wednesday 29 April 2015

Eve's new patch....

The latest patch called mosaic, didn't contain anything I was holding my breath over. Improvements are always good and building these up for the betterment of the game is great and leads on to bigger and better things that will interest me.
New effects look cool but at this time in my gaming I won't get to see many of them. The new V3 shader on structures etc is something I see and they do look much better for it. But the new damage control icon was the most visually "oh look at that" moment and that didnt' last more than a few seconds.

The new burner missions I'm sure will be tough and explode a large number of ships and people will rage and go back for more but I like a challenge and not a random 2 second áss kicking so I'll be avoiding and constantly declining those new missions. These seem to be aimed at the more hardcore percentage of pve theory crafters rather than the masses. That's all well and good but the masses need new angles as well.

Of all the things I wanted to check out, the T3 Destroyer changes, the null ore changes with my alt in null, the new ship skins and to see the new star map changes. The only thing that had me interested for most of my game time yesterday was the new opportunities system.

Ho-lee-hell it's the closes thing to an achievement list that Eve has gotten. I have characters that have done a lot and for some reason because this little opportunities list says that a character hadn't started a private convo, chatted in local of fitted a probe launcher, the *n*l micromanagement freak in me needed to have them checked off the list.

It is both an interesting system for new players and the worst system for players like me and I'd say it's future is bright. I'll curse it yet do it all the way.
How could CCP create this system and be blinded to the fact that it is much closer to an achievement system than a tutorial. Typical CCP maybe. My ire is mainly due to the lack of a retrospective filling in of it's blanks for my characters. If only they made the new system an option for older players, if it wasn't so in my face I probably wouldn't be half bothered with it.

I'm sure leaving the pilot epic journal entry for the old tutorial missions was another oversight. One I'm glad was not removed.

My main was left with a lot of T1 hulls after the "special" ships were converted to hull+skin. I'd say I would sell most but most are not worth selling. I'll probably just end up messing about with a fit for the Hyperion.
 Now that the new skins are in the game and can be learnt and changed at will it seems a little underwhelming to me, almost wondering what all the fuss was about. I'm glad it's in game and I will look forward to a more free from paint it yourself design if/when it comes.

The T3 Destroyers have been whacked with the nerf bat, their golden age is done I feel, but I'm probably exaggerating. I just hate it when you have to remove turrets from ships and start replacing high slots with utilities instead. and I'm just speaking from a pve view... I'm sure pvp'ers are hating the changes even if they "understand" why it had to happen.

My null alt is still in flux and I've not had a chance to check out the ore/mining situation. I may not have that alt in null for much longer. The alliance is "changing" to control new space and loose it's old systems which will ruin my PI setup. Can I still do PI if my alliance lets it's sov go in the system I am currently setup in.......hmmmmm. Anyway the "new" systems are a lot less viable in my opinion, not that I know much about sov and moon mining. But if there are roaming reds in our current space and the new systems are a main thoroughfare for red traffic I'd say it's less viable, pvpers rejoice maybe.

So all in all it's more a micromanagement, sort out my stuffs again patch, not the worst that's come along.

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