Monday 6 April 2015

My New Eden Update....

My game time in Dust of late has been revolving around further "suit spinning", not quite like the Eve version but setting up suits/fits and testing them out, it has it's fun.
Since the last major patch the number of "better" items that are salvaged after fights has seen my asset count soar. Not that I can use half the suits or items I have but it's nice to see what other options there are.
I've used some of the reward suit that allow more slots to be used as they give more power and cpu usage. Although I have scaled back on this, I want to keep the "better" gear for when I can better use it.... somewhere down the line. The best thing I did recently was to buy a few of the pre-fitted suits for my race/faction and use them. I got the militia, standard and advances suits. The militia was not pre-fitted but I used the standard suit as it's template. Oddly enough the standard suit/fit was way better than the militia. lol. I began with 200 standard suits, and another 100 since. Best fun in using them. They allow the skills I have to be used more effectively.  The militia suits/fits (250 of them) are going to be left in the hanger till I sell or scrap them. Or use them inmatches where I don't care about the loss's. I need about 250k SP to finish off skills needed to be able to use the pre-fit advanced suits so I'm only buying/using enough standard suits as I go.
This has lead me into refitting my own Templar gear/mods/fittings, experimenting with new items and modules and to adjust and learn. Getting the "hang" of the market to find the prefit suits is all spawned from my starting a new alt, my first Dust alt. As part of the starting gear there was not just faction specific fitted starter suits but cross faction fits listed. Needless to say I tried them out and after consideration I have to say that the Minmatar seems like the most fun and powerful to play (for my low sp alt anyway) Amarr comes second mainly due to the scrambler rifle with Galente and Caldari being last. Caldari being very last. My new alt has none of the free perks that the main has but it is still a lot of fun to play. I like the way that the alt is treated as a character in it's own right getting it's own set of daily missions to try and it's own daily logon bonus.
It may not have any active SP time but SP is being built up by the matches and bonus's completed. That's a nice thing without taking away form the real time sp tick on the main.

The daily mission rewards are continuing to be a great motivator. They add a one more kill/game/capture element to my game time. I'm looking froward to the next event that will add some spice.
I've not looked back using the mouse and keyboard either, it really is the only way to play!
There is so much potential with this game. So many people could still be attracted to play. I was glad to hear that CCP is making a profit form Dust, very welcome news. I hope that CCP can see that there could be a lot more done for the game and in turn CCP, if there are a few more resources used to help it along....


Good trailers/promos, pity there are no new ones.

There has been a lot of talk on Eve blogs about what players consider to me their main character. People have been sharing their perspectives. The first blog I read on this was Evehermit's Who are you, who am I? entry, that then lead me onto the others he listed.
It's something that's been on my mind for a long while. I have main's and alts and I consider them to be my own perspective on the game. But I dont' really do anything with them that would pigeon hole them into one category. I consider both of my accounts to have a main. Both mains have the most SP per account and are along the same lines (mission runner, pve, hi-sec carebear jacks of all trades). Albeit one is 30 million sp lower than the other. I've talked about these and my alts before and I've talked about getting them into different activities, maybe not like a specific alt doing only one thing but a pack of alts of all trades. Maybe I need to pigeon hole each one more.
The main problem when I do start to look into getting them specialised is the time needed. I recently gave an example of my main alt(yes it's a term), looking into joining a WH corp. The time and activity level needed to join the corp at the level I wanted was so much that it would outstrip the way I currently play the game and take up way more time than I currently spend between all my characters.
The only success I've had is with my null alt, I was very lucky with him to be in the corp he is in mainly because I'm left alone to do my own thing, no mandatory fleet ops etc. Interact when I want to. I've extended his game time by 6 more month's.
The game time on my Amarr alt has run out but there is still another 160+ day's of training to do.
My Minmatar alt has about 60 day's of training left and will need about another month on the end of that.
I've stopped paying for my wow subscription and that's how I justified my null alt's extension of time. I still feel the need to train my Minm and Amarr alts but at the same time I'm conflicted. Why train them if I'm not going to use them more. Training for the sake of training is a time and RL money sink. I need to use my characters more. And for better reasons than to micromanage what I've already invested in.
At the moment besides my null alt all my characters can pretty much be considered to be solo play in the hi-sec sandbox, that is less of a taboo now than it was in the past.
It takes so much time and effort to try and get a good corp with good people you can interact with. Despite the RL friends I've played with in Eve there are only a handful or other corps that I can say I've been part of in all my Eve time.

Having waffled away far too much I can say that in game I've started to streamline what my characters can use and should keep. selling off the rest or transferring it to my main on my first account (my main main, yes it's a term ;-p) to be held only by him or sold off. The previous redistribution has only made the assets become a clutter over a larger area.  I can see myself clearing and stripping away a lot more or this clutter to bring more streamlined meaning to what my characters use and should use more. Just because a character can fly every ship doesn't mean that character needs to own every ship.... 

The news about changes to Brave is continuing to evolve. Interesting to see.

The new vid for the TV areal.... Sorry Jackdaw Caldari T3 Destroyer:

I liked the o7 show's Report:

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