Wednesday 15 April 2015

Gaming habit....

Good article.... about "Why habit formation is the key to long term retention".

Game Analytics for game developers 
I can see CCP moving in ways that will form more of this kind of loop. 
The last few years you can see they are making things "better"/"simpler" and giving appeal for a broader range of players. While still keeping the die-hard niche somewhat happy. 
Eve's pvp buzz is a heart pounding experience at first. 
Then you get used to it, you try to reclaim that first feeling by adding to the mix or taking a more expensive ship out to pvp in. You have the added bonus of fleet camaraderie that helps and replaces that rush with a hunter pack mentality. 
Even as a carebear in my early day's I'd be literally freaking out after loosing something/anything. Now I'm losing Loki's and just shrug my shoulders and pretty much say "meh".
It's a tough balancing act but wow is the real master of this art. Scary when you start thinking how long your subscribed to a game.... 
At least things in Eve are more "permanent". A frigate you fly in your first week can be more useful in your tenth year.

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