Tuesday 12 July 2016

Just thinking...

With the summer steam sale I picked up the Unreal bundle. I may have only wanted some of the games but cheap games in a bundle with a lot of nostalgia.... 

With the latest shooters like Overwatch and Doom I've been thinking back to what online shooters I've played. They really break down into two groups. PC shooters I played and then console shooters. PC with the likes of Unreal Tourney in the 90's and early 2000's and on console with Call of Duty and battlefield from the xbox 360 to today.
What this is all leading to is that in my steam summer sale nostalgia I am remembering how much more fun I had in skill based shooter's rather than class based. Maybe not 100% of the time. But I can still remember a great solo battle from a quake 2 multiplayer game. An encounter that's stuck with my brain. Maybe it's a pc v console thing. Maybe I'm over thinking things way too much  

That Quake II moment was at the start of a match. I grabbed the first gun I ran across, the machine gun. High rate of fire but inaccurate at distance with a lot of recoil.

Running down a corridor I ran smack into a player with a rocket launcher. That was an oh-shit moment.

I started to fire to at least get some damage on him for killing me.
He fired and I sidestepped; But then I realized I was still alive and sidestepped the second shot. I should have been gibbs on the floor. What happened next was over in seconds

I continued to fired, peppering that player to death as I sidestepped more rockets coming at me. It felt good.

If our roles were reversed and I'd seen that player dodge my first rocket I'd have started to aim lower and try to have him at least step into splash damage. But I survived that solo battle. The thrill of survival and victory in a match that I don't recall otherwise. What else makes PvP the rush of PvP matches.

I don't remember any other kind of game where I faced off against another player like that in a more modern era of CoD or Battlefield.


*2023 Update; One of my PvP match moments from Battlefield 1's Xbox iteration was similar:

Maybe I need to check out Overwatch and Doom after all..... or maybe Battlefield 1 will be a "slower" paced, less twitchy shooter....  either way no matter what I choose if any I think I'll have to return to the pc versions.

And now for something random....

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