Saturday 23 July 2016

That last week in Eve Online....

The last week in eve was a mash of activities.
Gathering and adjusting P.I. Trying to sell those P.I. products. Adjusting all market orders for sale.
My Amarr alt finally finished off her Amarr epic arc missions. That completed all my faction specific characters arc's. The reward implant was then sold for 250 million isk.
An alt survived a gank by a Talos while flying in T1 hauler carrying nothing. She got to warp off before a second volley and then sold the kill right.
Another alt got to look into the Serpentis event and cleared a Serpentis site for 100 "activity points" and in doing so got an escalation that once cleared as well dropped about 130 million in loot.
With that arc done and my characters marketing finished up (and ended by the last expansions huge changes to the market in general) I had finalised all I needed to do in the game. All other activities would be based around grinding missions and asteroids; And of course grinding passive SP. In saying that I do consider all my characters rounded out with having enough SP to do what they needed to do already. They already fly what they need to fly and fit those ships as they need to be fit.  So realistically the game was grinding for the sake of grinding in either passive SP or active in game activities that would boil down to isk. There needs to be more to the active gameplay than that.

It will take a lot of PVE changes in Eve to get me back playing. With Eve always changing I'm sure that things will improve. Time will tell if I rejoin that universe.

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