Tuesday 27 June 2017

Planetbase.... The Malnutrition shuffle....

Malnutrition..... The biggest PITA when dealing with the fine balances of growing a colony in Planetbase. I've talked about it before but damn it, it's frustrating to fix. The game is a challenge overall.

If one of your colonists eats 10 basic meals in a row they are then classed as malnourished.
When they have that condition it is as debilitating to them in the same way as a broken leg. Unlike a broken leg colonist, the malnourished do not seek help in the med bay to 'fix' their condition. 
They dont' work and they end up roaming your colony looking for a nourishing meal. This malnutrition shuffle is something  my colony gets at around 250 colonists. 250 then drops to 40 in the space of 20 minutes.

There is veg and meat being made but they are so malnourished they dont' work to move it to the canteens. There are about 30 robots to help carry materials but they dont' seem to help solve the problem.

Which all means reloading a saved game from 'before' things gets noticeable. This isn't a perfect way to try and fix it as you tweak one thing and 5 others things change. Not that there is one thing to change to fix this. At least with reloading older saves you can try and head off problems challenges early.

What is making me persist is the game achievement of reaching 300 colonists, getting near that mark and then being hit with a wave of starvation deaths makes me expletive filled.

There doesn't seem to be any quick fix or defined strategy to follow to resolve it. Any advice that is officially given is very vague along the lines of "streamline your colonists movement". An easy thing to say but when you've grown your base to a sprawling size it's hard to do.
Maybe I need more medics to help solve the problem?

Planetbase essentials: FAQ

The most common problems in Planetbase

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